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Everything posted by Shrimpica

  1. Help Tentacles, why does it have to be tentacles
  2. My Mia was better than Ike for half the game in PoR :sip:
  3. Tfw high quality Trash Thanks Alchemyriddle kek
  4. Umm, Atelier experts, i need your Alchemy knowledge I am about to fill my Inventory, 4600/5000 atm What can i do lol Is there a way to increase inventory size, or do i need to start selling stuff...
  5. Tutturu.... XD I guess imma play some Atelier in a bit xD
  6. Tfw you take a nap until... *looks at clock* 00:30 Nice.... Delete poll -> Save Thread -> add poll again
  7. I honestly don't mind politics, but i can understand why some people would rather not, since it's can get pretty heated
  8. I was about to write something political as well, but out of respect for Castko, i shall leave it Have Ryza instead https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/76274014
  9. One day, one day, Social bondings and stuff like that will dissapear from games
  10. Np. I am honestly doing this for myself to forget Falcom for a while someone i know is playing Ayesha, he is enjoying it
  11. The problem with Corrin and Rean is that they both suffer from the Black Hole syndrome Everything must be about them. Everyone must follow them. Everyone must love them. Everything is just a Checklist for player instert/worship Their existence alone makes the rest of the cast much worse. anyway
  12. a revamped support system, but i doubt we will ever ditch the current one...
  13. same here since i usually can'T self-insert anyway lol hmm Res His ADF wasn't so hot iirc. I have same disgust towards both xD Good Morning btw!
  14. Apparently (according to some of bigshots in the community, they even have a spreadsheet with all the information and sources. Since i left the Falcom chat to take a break from Falcom, i can't link it to you atm) Former Falcom prez withdrew from some festival organized by chara-ani. Which was pretty big afaik. It lead to alot of the older Falcom sound team members leaving the team. It's right after this event where the quality of their ost declined in the eyes of many fans.
  15. It feels more like field/plains theme than a final boss theme. And an average field theme at that. Which made it so bad to listen to while fighting the already annoying and tanky af sponge of life of a final boss. Something happened a few years ago during a VGM festival.
  16. People have been riping and analyzing the Hajimari soundtrack the last few days.. It's actually pretty damn good... BUT The usage & placement in game is fucking atrocious, which leads to you hearing the bad tracks ( 🐔 ) most of the time, or the good tracks in the wrong places, hence people complaining. Anyway, here is one of the amazing tracks Witch a picture of the saviors of Hajimari
  17. this was the final boss track of Ys 8. Says enough really.
  18. If only Falcom wasn't blacklisted from the VGM industry...
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