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Jingle Jangle

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Posts posted by Jingle Jangle

  1. Short answer is somewhat. Yes, these high schoolers have grown up to be young adults. But other than the some of the bios, there is little impact that five years went by, with the exception of Dimitri really. There are few stories of what happened between the two periods. People are continuing a conversation they had five years ago makes certain supports bizarre. Makes it seem it seen that were was one year of intense fighting, followed by four years of a stalemate until Byleth came along.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

    Did you try resetting the Base Convo pool? iirc, there can only be like three Base Convos at any given time so Kliff probably got the short end of the stick.

    Funny enough, he rarely appeared in bases after resets. Must be afraid from talking to Alm.

  3. Fallout New Vegas: In my play through I have encountered several buts that broke the script of important quests. In additions losing some of my mods making certain actions unresponsive  51 hours is not easy to gain back. 

    Persona 3 FES: I'm almost at the end of the game. Currently in the month of November; but what's stopping me is juggling a harem of women. At the point there I have 6 girlfriends and each day I risk of a social link being broken due to trying to please everyone at the same time. Everytime I play now, I have the make a new save each day in case something goes wrong. Too much micromanaging. 

  4. In 32 hours I completed Final Fantasy 7 Remake. What a game.
    Starting with what I liked. The combat system is a great improvement on top of 15, with every one have a unique roll. Avoiding problem of battles being a war of attrition with the ATB bar.The English dub really gives it all with lots of strong performances overall. My favorite being Barret. The effort that went into making a 8th gen version of Migard is quite a sight from the ghettos to service tunnels and all in between. The writers understanding the cast of 7 well enough as well as expanding on the lesser known characters such as the minor members of avalanche being more of a role. I loved all the remixes of the original tracks, never have I expected a club version of the chocobo theme.

    The so-so. I felt the game didn't fully elaborated on some the gameplay tips. I understand to experiment on things but for a while it left me feeling like I didn't get the game. For example some bosses goes into a cut scene after losing a certain amount of health canceling all player attacks. There is a good amount of babysitting to ensure that the ai doesn't to some stupid like run into enemy attacks.  The boss fight quality ranged from from fun and fast paced (first boss) to stall matches (hell house). The sound mixing/ quality makes some voices and effects, quieter than it needed to be.

    What I didn't like. I thought that the game could be 7 hours shorter and it would be for the better. In the original game Midgar was about 6-8 hours long. Here it's about 30 hours. What makes it longer is long walking sections, slow menus, cutscenes that could have been in game and dull side quests. The amount that was padded out could be used elsewhere. The game trying to be a remake/reboot/sequel to 7 all at the same time. I don't know who will a brand new person would react to some of the scenes without some context. It wants the Kingdom Hearts approach to telling it's story. That being cryptic hints of the future, consequences of death are not a thing, and the feeling that the game feeling small in the bigger picture.

    Overall I give the game a 7. I'll give it a 8 if it was a bit of polish here and there. No clue where will the remake timeline will go. On Nomura crazy train, anything is possible. As Berret puts it " There ain’t no getting of fa this train we on".

  5. I do like Sanaki's alt, she works well will black. Not enough to buy a feh pass but one step closer. Funny enough  only only one copy of her from my while time playing feh.

    According to IS there can't be a 4* demote for this year Fallen Heroes because of "game balance". Crazy thing to say considering how broken some of the newer units are.

  6. Interesting thing that happened on the Portugese version of Heroes is a leak or possible misspelling of the word Echoes in Brave Eilwood description. My money is on the former, but I'll be alarmed if that is the direction IS plans to take the series.



    UPDATE: Apparently it's an old typo that has yet to be corrected.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Blackstarskywalker said:

    PS: Edelgard does not eliminate religion, but religion is not going to get involved in state affairs and laws, which seems good to me.

    In Fire Emblem Heroes, Edelgard newest alt is her at the end of the CH route. Bio is:


    Emperor of the Adrestian Empire. Destroyer of the Church of Seiros and unifier of all Fodlan.

    There can be an argument made that she is targeting the institution and not the religion as a whole. Even stated in the support with Manuela. But that only goes so far. None of her endings have her address the idea of reforming the Church of Serios. Nor having much sympathy for those that live a different lifestyle than her. 

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