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Jingle Jangle

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Posts posted by Jingle Jangle

  1. Recently I have been playing EA Star Wars Battlefront 2. In its current state I'll give the game a 7/10. I like the post launch support the game has come with. Characters such as Yoda, Grevious, and Obi wan should have been in the game since launch. There are all kinds of planets from the Star Wars universe spanning over 100 years of lore. The general balancing have been solid for the most part. Clone Commandos and Droidekas in the game finally; sign me up.

    What holds it back for me is: Still wishing there was a map selector. For over 15 hours I never once been on Hoth, Crait, or Yavin 4; just the same 6 or or maps time and time again. New blaster, since the launch of the game there hasn't been any substantial changes to the main 4 classes the the focus when into the heroes and reinforcements. Which means the normal gameplay can be state after a while.  Hero balancing, I find it silly that all of the Heroes cost the same amount of battle points despite the vast gap in  performance between some of them. Darth Vader and Anakin under the right player can  solo the entire enemy team, Compared to some others can only be effective in picking off weakened players. The mode Capital Supremacy being treated as the golden child. It works best when there is a clear team that players better. It not then it becomes a three hour stalemate with no tie breakers. Unfortunately in most of the games I have been in it's a later. Even worst when majority of the development time it focused on more maps, ignoring the other 5+ modes. 

    Might seen to be overly critical about the game. But I want it to be the best it can be. 

  2. If Byleth wasn't the player character of the game; I would like if Sothis to be the story teller of Three Houses. Narrating is if she is talking to the player directly. knowing the important events that details yet to come. Any inconsistencies can be her remembering things differently each time or gaps in the memory. Plus I feel her being a mostly neutral 3rd party in a game helps out.

  3. Kingdom Hearts 3:


    Rewriting Master Xehanort into a misunderstood villain at the last moment. Despite all the years he has spent ruining people lives and hearts just to fuel his curiosity of what happens when the darkness wins. To be forgiven by Sora and company.

    Batman Beyond:


    Terry Mcginnis being Bruce Wayne's biological son. I feel it takes a lot of what Terry did as Batman to be written off as some grand plan to ensure that the future will have a Batman. Him having Batman genes in him cheapens a lot what made him unique earlier.  

    Star Wars Rebels:


    The World Between Worlds/time travel. It felt like a get out of jail free card for dealing with Ahsoka possible fate with Darth Vader. Just to be moved permanently on the sidelines never able to interact in the Original and sequel eras.  I'm weary with the idea of time travel in Star Wars, but that pushed it into do not want territory. 

    Mass Effect 3 and Naruto endings also get to me.

  4. 19 minutes ago, Nihilem said:

    Well I havent played the dlc until now, but that would bring a nice new component to the conflict. It brings a lot of backup for Edelgards claim that the manaketes are holding back humanity while on the other side beeing totally reasonable actions from Rheas Point of View. Just imagine beeing one of the few survivors of a nuclear holocaust, taking almost everything that was dear to you .... just to see humans developing the same technologies that brought destruction to the entire world once again... would you really let them do it? Knowing well that this time their is no genereous godess that can heal the wounds of the world when humanity f***s up at some point in the future.

    Also I feel that it can be argued that Edelgard is even more native about the true nature of the slithers actions. If they truly helped with the foundation of Faerghus Leicester in order to depower the church and the empire. And here Edelgard is making speeches about Rhea is causing instability in order to reinforce their own authority when she is collaborating with people that did the same. Sure  Edelgard and TWISTED want similar goals, but she's reaching a bit here. Does Byleth tell anyone this information? Hell no, just standing there while a blank face.

  5. 1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:

    Since I found out that you just need to be in Part II to access the Shadow Library's books, I compiled all the texts into this album. As far as I can tell it doesn't have any spoilers for Cindered Shadows, so its safe to view if you haven't finished it.

    I find it interesting how Rhea didn't want humanity to progress by banning various inventions. I wounder how ancient  is the 3h would if there has been several calendars in place. This just gives more questions about the world of Fódlan.

  6. http://ryokutya2089.com/archives/28596

    According to Google translate ( I know)

        Cindered Shadows is fairly difficult route. The developers guess it'll take about 8-10 hours to clear on Normal; since it's harder than  than the main game less cheese-able. Stuff will be unlocked after proceeding deeper and deeper. There are no plans for a golden route due to all the issues it will cause. Maddening was difficult to balance well.


    Happy to know that dlc would be rather lengthy, and a golden route will not be a thing.


    oooo A way to ensure end pairing. 


  7. Just now, AvatarofDiscord said:

    What’s the Camilla clause?

    From previous threads about cyl, the Camilla clause is an unofficial rule about Camilla by eclipse. Specifically complaining about how many alts she has, bring her into conversations about why a poster doesn't like her, and being salty about her winning the 3rd cyl. 

  8. Looks like a month were I can save up for merges later on. Hopefully I can get some decent freebies. Changes are that the AHR voting gauntlet is going to increase my sodium intake. Fore some reason I thought that the picnic banner was in February. 

  9. I going to say Tharja from two awful support between her and Noire and father support.  Where she is made out to be an abuser to her family in the present days well as in the future . Going to take careful writing in order to tattle matters of not bring a good mom. That wasn't in the game sadly.

    Next would be Leonie, due to a bad support with Byleth made even worse by being restricted after a major event. Just makes her out to be an insensitive fangirl that apologizes five years later.

    For Mary Sue arguments, personally I don't see that term use most of the time as a negative slur but as a point of observation.  A character can still be enjoyable while being the center of the universe. Take Commander Shepherd form the Mass Effect series, he does noting wrong and can win over almost everyone to his cause. Player characters in RPGs trend to be one imo.

  10. Going to be difficult to have an ending where everyone is holding hands singing Kumbaya. I can see tweaking some characters to make it fit the story. After all, certain individuals are altered to suit the needs of the writing in parts of the 4 routes but that's a discussion for another day. If there is going to be a golden ending, I' want the characters to fight for it. Both psychically and mentally. Edelgard needs to realize how much suffering she is causing. Dimitri must comes to terms with his past.  An idea I had was the TWISTED gets defeated but the status quo mostly remains hinting that there will be another Edelgard esque person in the future.

  11. The idea behind Feh Pass is decent I can see a subscription model working for Heroes. But launched in a poor matter. The aggressive push into the game turned me off both inn and out of the game. First appearing in an anniversary event is not reading the room. Even worse when divine codes is coming out next month yet this got into the game in a week.

      Perhaps early access to divine codes, or double hm gain can be an incentive to get more player on. Or non subscribers can choose one resplendent Heroes each month while Feh Pass can have all.

  12. 1 minute ago, Othin said:

    There's something weird going on. Between the new 4* focuses and the increasingly large pile of reruns to do, they could be planning some revisions to how they're handling special heroes revivals. Still, odd for them to hold off that long.

    As for the banner replacing the skill banner, that's most likely the New Power banner, with Morgan F, Barst, Jakob, and Laslow.

    I can see that happening. Especially with the divine codes coming out next month. Makes me hope that there are multiple pathways to unlock manuals. 

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