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Posts posted by Kon

  1. There was speculation regarding it but in the end it was only a concept for a female version of Link. The name Linkle was a tentative name, likely used to distinguish the design from the male Link's.

    And that little bit of personality does not make him such a fleshed out character that he can't be changed into a female. Nevermind the fact that not even all of the Links are the same person.

  2. I've seen that art and imo, it doesn't look much different. And how can you say the player is meant to be Link, but not meant to be the Pokemon protagonist? That makes no sense. You name the protagonist in Pokemon and choose their gender. You choose more for them than you do Link.

    Except the different genders of the Pokemon protagonists often look very different, like I said. Look at Calem and Serena, hardly any similarities. Leaf looks pretty different from Red. Ethan looks quite different from Lyra and Kris. And so on. The only pair of Pokemon protagonists I find to be even a little similar to one another are Lucas and Dawn, and even then, they still have enough differences for me to be satisfied.

    Her outfit design looks different enough from Link to not be too "samey" at least, though she isn't meant to be a totally separate character so it's kind of irrelevant. As for the Pokémon protags, they are pretty superficial avatars, to the point that I have never once felt that they represent myself in any form. It's kind of annoying. They finally allowed customization in X and Y and it was the best decision they ever made, but now it seems like they're limiting it to Kalos only, and honestly that pisses me off more than anything. You finally give us customizable avatars, making us finally be able to really feel like we were part of the adventure, but then you decide you're only doing it for a single fucking region? Goddammit GameFreak.

    In the Legend of Zelda, Link is the one chosen by the Goddesses, the one who has the Spirit of the Hero, and no one else is capable of doing the things he does because they don't have that spirit that makes them the hero, You are Link, you're not Aryll or Ilia or anyone else. A female Link would be no different from the male, because she would still have the Spirit of the Hero and still be chosen by the Goddesses. She can't be someone else, because then she wouldn't be Link, and by extension wouldn't be the hero.

  3. I'm tired of all the leaks. Really tired. Honestly. It ruins the pleasure of seeing the surprise during the official reveal. And it also hurts the creators because they obviously wanted to be the ones to reveal this stuff and surprise the fans. Now they can't do that. This is also why we don't have an adventure mode in Smash anymore, because Sakurai didn't like the SSE's cutscenes getting leaked. I'm not saying this reasoning isn't silly, but we still have no adventure mode anymore which I always enjoyed.

    Next thing we know, Nintendo will refuse to do any Directs or E3 presentations anymore because everything will just get leaked anyway!

    I also don't even want to watch the Smash Bros. presentation tomorrow anymore. In addition to the disappointment that's Roy's return (I wanted him to stay cut), Ryu's reveal won't be as cool and whatever else there is I can just deal with learning after the fact.

    So yeah, thanks a lot, leakers.

    Calm yourself child. Japan released the videos early by mistake, no "filthy leakers" involved

  4. Ha, Luke just tried confessing his feelings to Zelda after being best friends for like ever

    Until TE interrupts and says that he is in love with Zelda!

    Unfortunately, Zelda turned him down ;p

    Although now I'm in a rather funny situation, since now Luke and Professor Layton are with princesses (Zelda and Peach respectively) xp

  5. Just like some people find the hair color attractive, I personally find it very unattractive.

    Red hair, extremely muscular men and very short hair on females are my no-nos.

    You must really hate me then :< (redhead with super short hair)

    On the subject of killing your family, I'd like to avoid it if I can. I don't outright hate any of the royals save for Garon the royal ass (hurr)

    I'm pretty conflicted though since I plan on doing Nohr first despite loving most of the Hoshidans more :<

  6. This is mainly why I DON'T want a female Link, see. A female Link would look so similar to the original male that it would feel redundant. At least the Pokemon protagonists actually have a lot of differences between their designs. Heck, sometimes hair color is even different between the boy and the girl!

    Now if Nintendo made a female Link look more different from her male counterpart and be given a different name and all just like in Pokemon, I'd be fine with it.

    Just look at the concept art from Hyrule Warriors. It's not that hard to make a female design for Link that looks different from the male Link. And unlike Pokémon you, the player, are meant to be Link, so making another character defeats the purpose.

    There shouldn't be choice. The next incarnation of Link should just be female. It's only fair.

    I'd so be down with that. Too bad Zelda U's Link is a dude so far as we know :x

  7. That's like making Paper Mario female. It wouldn't make sense.

    As much as there can't be a male Zelda, there can't be a female Link, they're both reincarnations of the first Hero and Zelda and gender-tied.

    And don't come at me with Link being "linked to the player" and an "avatar" or something, Link is an established character, eventhough he doesn't have an influence on the story in dialogues.

    Merely how you interprete his character is up to the player, which is why he's mute in all games.

    If anything, they should do it like the Witcher 3 did with Ciri, creating an entirely new character like for example Link's sister, which could lead to some interesting co-op gameplay.

    But you can't change the rules for the sake of calming some SJWs or something.

    I'm sorry the creator of the series disagrees with you? Shigeru Miyamoto has literally stated that Link is meant to be the player, which is why he never has dialogue and no real personality. Need me to dig up a quote for you?

    And calling bs on the "gender-tied" reincarnation. It's possible to reincarnate into a different gender, race, and sometimes even species.

    None of this has anything to do with SJWs, I just want to be able to play as myself for once in one of my favorite series. Is that too much to ask?

  8. There was no need to play devil's advocate though? And even if there were it would have helped your point if you actually pointed out that that was your intention in the first place, methinks.

    I don't think I've been uncivil in this discussion, though if I came off that way I apologize since it wasn't my intention. Although I'm pretty sure I never insinuated that you were a misogynist or anything like that.

    While I agree that having more female leads is always a good thing, it's not something I'm specifically looking for in LoZ. I'm meant to be the hero, and by extension Link, and making Link a girl so I can better immerse myself in the game does not eliminate what little character Link has, it only gives the player one more option beyond a name.

    You haven't offended me or anything of the sort, though I admit that I don't enjoy debating, especially not with a devil's advocate. I personally find debating to be a tiring and irritating task that I really don't care for, though often I'm too stubborn to leave even when I would much rather be doing something else. Not that it's anyone's fault, of course.

  9. Imagine this


    But with boobs

    That's literally all a female Link would be

    There's no need to drastically change Link's appearance to make him a girl, and it wouldn't somehow make Loz the most generic shit ever. Seriously you act as if making Link a girl as an option is the worst thing ever that would ruin the series when all it does is finally give players more of a choice of what gender they want to play as.

  10. That's still far more characterization than what Link has ever had. There's also the fact that, y'know, Link doesn't even speak.

    All of the Pokémon protagonists are still fairly unique despite never having any characterization in any of their games aside from Wes (Colosseum protag). And there's a lot of them.

    There's nothing wrong with Nintendo having a lot of games with avatars in them. Some of their most successful series have them (Pokémon, Animal Crossing, LoZ. etc) and no one has ever complained about there being too many avatars, so your making mountains out of molehills here ~o3o~

  11. Just because Link has been a male up for all of his appearances so far does not mean he can only be a male for now and ever. Just like having exclusively white protagonists in Pokémon until X and Y came out.

    Robin has a very distinct written personality in his game, so despite being meant to be a blank slate they are anything but.

    Link on the other hand is actually a blank slate. He was literally made to be an avatar for players to project themselves onto, as stated by Shigeru Miyamoto himself. The only "personality" he has is that he is supposedly nice and likes to help others, and none of that necessitates him being a male. A female Link would be just as nice and helpful as her male counterpart, and literally nothing about her relationships would change either, except in the case of like Zelda or something.

  12. Kind of missing the point there

    Link is meant to be the player avatar, the link between the player and the game and all that jazz. If I'm forced to play as his sister or something like that just to be able to immerse myself further into the game, that just tells me that I'm not allowed to be the hero because I'm a girl. How is that fair?

    And as a side note, the notion of Link having so much characterization that he is his own character is ridiculous, considering he has far less characterization than Robin, who's supposed to literally be you. :V

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