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Everything posted by JimmyBeans

  1. The sad part is they put those mistakes and criticisms Alm gets behind game play factors like when Clive is upset at Alm because Matilda died before you could rescue her. It was a pretty decent moment for Alm and Clive as characters the sad part is that no one gets to see it unless they don't care about Matilda. Celica is hard to defend, and I probably won't take a wack at it. If you have never seen it Ghast has made video analyzing Celica and does a good job making her not as bad as she comes off to be. I recommend checking it out. See above, It's a shame you have to fail in game for Alm to fail. I agree that destiny stuff is cheap and i'm not a fan of it. I personaly don't think he is any worse or better than some previous protagonists, but after Corrin, Alm felt very refreshing. Especially because he knows you have to kill enemy soldiers to win a war. (and doesnt have the ability to knock out an entire platoon of soldiers without killing any of them, looking at you corrin)
  2. From what I've seen on the forums Alm's character had negative reception on his character for the most part. This includes criticism on his ability to conquer his problems with little to no experience (insert mary sue accusation), his ideal being the perfect and flawless one in a game where both paths were supposed to be of equal importance, and that is personality is just downright boring. With this being said i'm not 100% sure what the majority thinks of Alm so the poll above is for me to gather some more data on the subject before i start pointing fingers. Also this Post does contain major spoilers to the plot of SOV so keep that in mind. As for me personally I very much like Alm and found him very refreshing as a Lord given my negative reception on the last 2, and before the thought plagues you i have played all the previous US released fire emblem games and I know that Alm isn't the best writing wise. So in this post I will be defending him (my first idea for the title was "In defense of Alm" but I didn't want anyone to think that they were wrong for not liking him and that these are just my thoughts). Most of his criticisms I heavily disagree with and I'm going to start with the idea that his whole path is perfect and that Celica was wrong and Alm was right. My main problem with this is that saying Alm ideal is flawless is saying that personally putting your father and your cousin to the sword is not a detriment to his ideal at all. This war not only brought many consequences to the land and citizens, but had many personal consequences on Alm himself as the path he took is the sole reason he had to kill his remaining family (This personally makes me wonder what Berkut's parents are up too and how they would interact with Alm after the conflict of the game ends), When Alm learns the truth of his lineage and who the emperor was who he had just killed he shows a color very similar to Eliwood where he breaks down showing weakness but then is able to pull himself together to do what is needed, putting those feeling away and fulfilling his oath to Mycen he made all the way back in Zofia castle ( If you don't remember Mycen asked Alm if he was ready and that there would be no turning back no matter how painful it would become, to which Alm replied that he was ready, and stayed true to that all this time). This shows strength on his mental fortitude while the tragedy makes him more human, having these together may be cliche, but it is an effective way to make a character relatable and a strong leader/individual. Eliwood for example pulls this off well and it makes an excellent difference between him and Hector, as Hector is the strong one who was not only devastated his fathers death, but that devastation affected for a much longer time, you have to remember that he even for a while cut all ties with Oswin. And while Eliwood was physically weaker his mental fortitude was superior to Hectors. While it's no surprise that Eliwood with that difference pull it off better than Alm does making him in my opinion a great character and one of the best lords, it salvages Alm a ton as well in my opinion especially because of the emphasis Mycen put on him early about tragedies that will happen giving moments the player get to see that will help him move forward. On him being a Mary Sue I have to say that to stay true to the original Alm had to become the leader of the deliverance at that time, but there is one key factor that I feel like a lot of people miss because I find myself very confused that people criticize this part so hard. Clive wants Alm to be leader to raise the soldiers morale because his "lineage" is a spectacle to the men. Clive even says that he will handle all the day to day affairs and that Alm is required to do one thing and one thing only; Lead. This means he just has to point and say charge, and deliver the occasional speech. This part is extremely similar to when Michiah is made leader of the Daein Rebellion army in part 1 of RD and Sothe catches on and isn't a fan of the idea because she is being made a spectacle. What Pelleas and Izuka had planned is almost identical to why Clive made that decision as well, and I baffled that Alm becoming leader of the deliverance is criticized and that the same scene in RD gets not even a bat of the eye. I for one think Clive's plan is very reasonable. Also Celica's plan wasn't a complete flop, Celica's decision and sacrifice is what convinces the earth mother Mila to unseal falchion and let Alm use it, she was planning on holding it forever to protect her brother until Celica showed her that Humans were strong enough to not rely on her and Duma. So Celica is the only reason Alm was able to get the Falchion to destroy Duma. Both were very essential to the conclusion of the game. Criticize the writing all you want as the final act in many parts was a mess, but Neither was right or wrong completely, and neither flawless. I could talk about this stuff for hours and write pages on why I think Alm is not a bad character but I'm starting with this and I would not want the first post to be this long. So tell me your expressions of Alm, and if you disagree with my points please let me know as this topic is a very subjective one.
  3. Am I weird for thinking Lucina is slowly dropping down? I know she was still top with her alts as the game started but now no one ever mentions her.
  4. Tough choice man, 1 has my favorite lore, but 3 has my favorite bosses man... The music combined with characters like Pontiff Sullivan (Hitler with stands) or slave knight gales battles gave me major chills. Im just gonna pick 3 to make it even but I really can't decide. Also dark souls 2 is really good too
  5. Looks great, I'll have to decide to whether get this or more dlc for tW: Warhammer 2 (yep, thats the world we live in right now)
  6. As long as they don't hide a random guy with a poleaxe at the end of a level in the fog of war I'm fine with it coming back. It was cool, but also not cool when that kind of tomfoolery was afoot.
  7. It was nice knowing you all, I wont be alive much longer. Bury my PC next to me, and my ds if you have the heart.
  8. Look up markyjoe1990 and look for his FEBuilderGBA video as he does a pretty good tutorial and covers all the basics plus some advanced mechanics. It has helped me tremendously and should help you as well.
  9. I used to work at a candy store and some one came in and was looking at the giant 5lbs gummy bears we sold. I asked him if I could help him find anything and he began to tell me about how the bear reminded him of a show he watched about fetishes and and how someone melted gummy bears on him while he was...... lets stop there before I find away to get warning points in the far from Forrest area. This conversation went on for some time......
  10. Chapter 4 is pretty crazy, but I can't wait for you to hit chapter 5. I wont spoil it of course, but I'll just say that I couldn't pick my jaw off the ground at any time during that chapter and it's definitely my favorite.
  11. For me it has always been Camilla.... She is always super low on hp and does very little damage despite everyone saying she is a top tier unit. Every run I found her to be weaker than beruka after leveling them both up so I was baffled when I saw her actual growths and stat-averages.
  12. Let me clarify "Eternal Goals" for you real quick as that was vague on my part. I would want to marry someone who wants to get sealed in the temple as much as I do, and to be worthy to get into the temple you need a recommend from a bishop and as sex outside or marriage is a sin she would need to repent to get that recommend. This doesn't mean I would just flat out dump her though, but if she was willing to work with me towards those goals I would be still more than willing to marry, The point is it would not be fair for me to make her lie to herself that her past actions were a mistake when she truly doesn't believe they were, but that can be changed over time, and If I saw it as something that could be achievable I would be more than willing to try. I'm not looking for someone who follows the standards as much as I do, I wan't someone who shares the same goals with me so it might be hard to answer that last part depending on her goals because I would never get serious with anyone who didn't share my goals in the first place. Don't take that to harsh though, as even if that lady wasn't baptized but had the same goals as me it could work out.
  13. Thank you for that, I am LDS as well. So then you know what I mean when I want to learn the reason behind the rules right? I don't want to sound like I lack faith or anything. but I totally think it helps to understand the "why" of what we standards we live so we can explain it better to others, and to help our own testimony as well, and like others said before it helps to understand the other side. I have had a problem with judging others in the past for things like this so this thread is one of the things im doing to open my eyes a bit. On the other hand @Shoblongoo “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” -John 8:7 Im sure with your knowledge you know the context, but just let me know if you don't. Pretty much that is considered a sin, but in my church (along with many others) sins can be forgiven and we all are imperfect. If you saw my earlier posts I said some things regarding soulmates and finding to "perfect match" to which I argued that they don't exist, and that the perfect relationship is something that is built between to willing people. So if that person was willing to accept my morals and willing to make our eternal goals come true than of course I would marry her. So in short, God forgives everyone so we should too.
  14. Fateslandia would win because of zola and his ability to freeze entire cities and defeat the enemy by frying their brains with bad level design. Something I think that would be nice to take into account is moral and willpower, which can be connected to terrain as well given that it would suck to walk over a snowy mountain or through some swamps of the sort. An example would be Valm, in which it's massive legions of soldiers would crumble if Walmart were to die, making any successful assassination an instant war winner, and would take half of the awakening world out of the picture. The way Walhart created his army depends on his survival to function.
  15. Since the posts above pretty much nailed it I'll just say that it isn't that those characters are immoral that makes people not like them, I mean if people didn't like immoral characters than no one would like villains, who everyone has a favorite for. Examples Peri: People don't like Peri because of how her personality fits in with the whole cast, and how her psycho nature is treated as just a little condition that people need to understand about her rather than a serious problem that should be solved immediately. What makes it worse is that shes Xander's retainer, which makes no sense given that him of all people shouldn't even be able to look at Peri without being disgusted given his whole "everything is justice" deal he has. To top it off everyone suffers from what we call "the Peri Syndrome" in which they all randomly love her and accept her for who she is looking past her urge to kill innocents. Camilla: Because it just feels like her whole design was made for the intent of fan service, and not her character traits at all. For me Camilla is the most unimmersive Nohrian sibling, or maybe character in all of fates because all the attention on her is just her privates and not who she is and what she stands for, no one has a problem with her ruthlessness towards her enemies, it is just her portrayal masks any speck of good character that might be in there at all. This may be just me though. Severa: This one i'm actually OK with, mostly because her supports kinda explain her well. But I'm guessing people just don't like her because she may just be a generic tsundere. Tharja: Now this is an example of what to much fan service can do to character in a franchise like this, and the community is so split on this it is hilarious. I will say that Tharja in her vanilla game is fine, and is WAY better than Camilla in my opinion. Reasons: 1. Her Outfit actually does make sense given that Plegia is Egypt based. 2. She isn't bringing attention to herself and her privates, her artwork in support conversations even have her pretty much covering herself with a book and looking creepy. 3. While being immoral, she still has good supports (most of the time) where you can see an ounce of a good person becoming more prominent as they go on. The problem with her is that her popularity goaded IS into depicting her in more "exposed" ways that made people throw her in a category that they later lumped Camilla into as well. So I think that the way Tharja is portrayed is untrue to how she was when originally created.
  16. I want Jamieson Price to do more fe voices honestly, because I think the only one hes done is Rudolph. He could of done hawkeye or so many characters with that deep manly voice, and not to bag on Richard Epcar, (Walhart, Jedah, Oliver, Hardin, etc.) but I think he suits characters like Jedah and the Joker more (voiced Joker in injustice 1 and 2), while Jamieson suits Hardin and Walhart. Atleast they gave him Rudolph in Echoes, but I don't think he has any in heroes correct me if i'm wrong.
  17. Good point I wasn't thinking of that honestly.... Those benefits bring so much to the table and it goes along with my argument that the child is priority, and reducing any kind of unnecessary hardships for him/her would be worth the wait. I also agree now that abstinence itself ins't a big deal, and something I've learned on this thread is that it really inst immoral to have sex before marriage, but if you're not responsible about it you could be playing with fire. But ya she tends to do that a lot, especially to me because she doesn't know a lot of nice religious people. But it doesn't matter to much, I know she didn't mean anything by it. Ya she tends to do that a lot. But on the bright side it made me think about the subject and I was able to come up with my own answer to why I believe what I believe, so I guess I'm grateful for it at this point. Ya it's kind of been the same way for me, I always just thought "no" because of how I was taught, but I wanted to know why I believe it, and why they teach it because I just felt like I was being a blind follower. No arguments against that. I guess if your responsible than it's fine, but don't condoms still risk pregnancy? I'm a virgin so my knowledge is limited but I have heard a lot of stories of condoms failing to do their job. Ya your right it's not immoral and I cant argue about LGBT but I'm just saying that risking pregnancy when your not ready can be selfish when you could be affecting the success and happiness of a human life. And I get that 2 adults who together are thinking of each other, not a future child and it could be the farthest thing from their mind, but if people keep this way of thinking in their mind it could prevent more unplanned pregnancy's. But that's just my opinion and what I feel is right and proper, so it's not law and is flawedm but that can be said about any way of thinking. While me and you may be a different denomination one thing most Christian churches have in common is the morals that they teach to it's followers and preach to those not of the same faith, and I agree that members should follow that same logic and encourage and invite others to do so as well. For me it wasn't because I doubted the rule, or was trying to bend it in any way, I just wanted to know the why. The churches release these rules for specific reasons and my church does it so that we can have complete control over our lives and be happy an close to god. My original post is what I have come up with regarding the matter, and it has reinforced me faith and belief on that specific guideline. I just don't want to be ignorant and condemn people for taking a side I can't even see. I just think knowing the why helps us better explain why we believe in such things.
  18. You make a great point. But it seems I have nothing to counter that with, I guess I just think you're correct. It's a really complicated thing, and we should all just make sure we are competent enough to make that kind of decision, or if you need to make that decision at all. So the couple should just understand each other, and I guess it just comes naturally. So in short.... I agree
  19. I agree. I never thought about that actually, and I would hate to force marriage of everyone. But in my case, I think the best benefit to marriage is that it shows commitment, if someone is willing to marry you than to me it proves that they really want to spend their life with you, it expresses more than words can I think. While I'm not saying that defines the the success of the family, it can be a great benefit. I also wasn't thinking about rocky marriages, which you are absolutely right on. A speaker at my church said one time their is no such things as soul mates, there is no perfect person out there that is destined to be your lover, but the perfect relationship is something you build with someone, someone that your willing to build it with and someone who is willing to do the same. Sure that sounds less romantic but I think it's probably true. So again marriage could be that "proof" that the person is willing to build that relationship with you. Of course like you and others have said, if two people already trust and love each other, who needs marriage! But I think it should be seen as a possibility for most people when the time comes to settle down, especially with someone like me who is always skeptical
  20. Trust eh? I like that, but I see one issue that I can't get out of my head about it... How do you know the other trusts you? Trust is something that is earned correct? Marriage is a bond of commitment between two people, so wouldn't the best way to establish that trust is to just get married? I mean divorce rates are way to high, but i'm sure the whole "guy leaves after child is born" deal is really high too, not to mention your average break up. I still see your point though, and if two people live together and are not married, but have a stable income and all that jazz marriage wouldn't really accomplish much. On the other hand I do agree that marriage is not required to have a happy child, but that trust brought by marriage can reduce the possibility of heartache, and can help determine better if the relationship will work out. I would want the best for my child, so I would want to prepare a life that a child could have the greatest chance of success in, and I think a married family could help me be sure the relationship is real. I agree. A life isn't less valuable because of their circumstances, but is it fair to make life harder than it could of been for a kid because you were horny? But I guess that makes sense, I guess most people wouldn't go out of their way to get pregnant when they can't afford it, but that adds points to the abstinent side doesn't it. The risk brings more trouble than it might be worth, although i'm a virgin so I can't really say, i can only guess.
  21. So I don't usually do these but this topic has been weighing on my mind lately, and I don't want to start something I just want to see some outside opinions on the subject. One day I was talking with my friend who has a child outside of wedlock, and we were discussing morals for some reason and I was told that my opinion on abstinence didn't count because I'm just a church dude. So I thought to myself "am I really just abstinent because my religion says to be?" So I thought about it and this the answer I came up with for myself. If I were wanting a child to be born into this world, I don't think it would be fair to have him/her be born into a family that is unstable, and not even committed permanently. Growing up is a race, and even risking having a child outside of marriage could make them start really behind in that race. Religions don't just make up rules just for rules (most of the time), there is a reason for every rule and guideline, we just have to see and not follow blindly and figure it out if we agree with it or not. Anyway that's my personal thought on it, but my opinion is shot down a lot, and I'm not sure what I'm missing. So tell me what you think, and if you think it's fine outside of marriage please tell me why, because maybe I'm just ignorant. Again I don't want to start any crap, I just honestly am not to informed about this, and I want to see if my reasoning is flawed or not.
  22. Xander is really good written character tbh, Its just that the story writers didn't follow his character and just made him be whoever the scene called for. I would like to share this video form Ghast Station that perfectly outlines xanders supports and shows that it was fates writing the lowered his quality, bot the character himself. It is quite lengthy but It's a good watch! (also there is a part two after this one)
  23. I tried to make awakening harder by doing lunatic, no kids, and a no grind run all at the same time aaaaannnd lets just say it didn't go well for my sanity. Someday ill be motivated to beat it, but that is not anytime soon. XD iirc, you do get a large sum of gold just as a gift at least a couple times during the war, and for why you don't get it all the time, I guess you it would make sense given that Garon and Iago are intentionally trying to make things difficult for you, infact Iago is ordered to make your life miserable while you are running around doing errands for king Garon, so I could see why you would be short on money early. (Not to mention you get the war chest raided by ninjas when you are sailing to Hoshido). As for the samurai thing I completely agree given that Nohr's army is about 50% Mercenaries because of the state of the country, and Hoshido is smaller and has a more disciplined military with soldiers hailing from multi-generation warrior clans, trained from birth. So while Nohr has a bunch of cutthroats, they are significantly weaker than the Hoshidan forces, thus making the gameplay being harder making sense.
  24. Story wise the idea behind it is that Nohr is poor, which it is. The land that they live in is the opposite of the bountiful and prosperous Hoshido, and is one of the "reasons" Nohr invades Hoshido. As for the the difficulty it was made with the longtime fans in mind and for most it's the saving grace of fates, and many of them replay the game a lot because of all the freedom it allows. (even know the story is questionable.... to put nicely). As for me, I think of all the hard fire emblem games, it is the most fair. A few exmaples can be found when comparing it to Awakening's lunatic mode, where everything 1-2 shots you through the early game, and requires a lot of rng being on your side to survive it, even with frederick doing everything, where as in lunatic Conquest, a dragonstone corrin next to an elise, can take like only 2-4 damage from a fighter with a steel axe, letting you make more plays with correct strategies. Pretty much 90% of the time I died in conquest my reaction was "Oh, I shouldn't of put my guy there, I forgot about that" where as in awakening it was more like "Wow! That was BS!". Does that make sense? Pretty much I like conquest so much because it is a puzzle of positioning and feels very strategic, and I have played it many times even though I generally play more of the older titles.
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