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Posts posted by DefaultBeep

  1. 3 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

    Just make some banners with them. How long was it since the Alm’s and Celica’s armies’ banners and until the Celica’s tempest? Not much.

    Fair point, I had forgotten how close those were. But if there is a banner, then Nephenee might be on that and not be a free unit, which would be devastating for all of my zero orbs.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Eleanore said:

    Sent you a request since I really need some green friends to help along. I got Philips Brave Lyn and my friend list is mostly blue atm. Plus I love Julia. My main is Soren, but I can switch it to Ephraim if you'd rather have a blue unit. (and I'm assuming no one on Team Ike ever wants more red...)

    Added! I'd be happy with either one, so keeping it as Soren would be fine by me. And I kinda assumed the same about reds, since Ike seems pretty common for everyone. And here I am, with no Ike and a 5-star Camilla sitting somewhere in my barracks...

  3. I'm curious how they'll handle the bonus units for this Tempest Trial. There's technically only four characters straight from Path of Radiance, five if Brave Ike is counted, and six if we do get Nephenee beforehand. They could stretch it and use Sanaki as well, or we could get both Nephenee and the Black Knight before the Trial, either of which would be just enough for eight units including one of the Askr trio. No matter how they do it, it's gonna be a close reach for that eight, if they reach it at all.

  4. Huh, Camilla won. Neat. I'm alright with both Ike and Camilla, but I guess I'll go with Ike because why not. If anyone wants to add me, my ID is 5367543341 with the same name I have here. My lead is currently a level 40+1 +Atk/-Res Julia with G Tomebreaker, but I also have a 40+1 Reinhardt with his standard build, a vanilla level 40 CYL Lyn, and a WIP level 40 Bride Lucina with her base kit plus Luna and Death Blow 2, if blue or colorless are more desired.

  5. 7 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

    +SPD is his best boon, with 5* and Life and Death 2 it will give him 101 wins against the FEH +0 cast (41 against everyone +10). I think he goes well with his weapon, no need to change. He is a good unit and I like him, but i sacrificed one of his copies to Tana, who is perfect with Firesweep. 


    5 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:


    Firesweep Lance+, Reposition, Draconic Aura/Luna, Life and Death 3, [flexible], Hone Cavalry/Fortify Cavalry.

    Roderick has very good Spd and good Atk. Firesweep Lance bolsters his Atk a bit, and the inability of opponents to counterattack means his Def and Res stats are unnecessary, hence Life and Death as the preferred A skill.


    1 minute ago, XRay said:

    His Defense should not matter if you are running Firesweep L as long as you dance him out of danger. +Spd is the best boon so he can double more often.

    His Special can be either Moonbow or Luna. I would go with Luna since Roderick should be able to double his first and second opponent and activate Luna on the second opponent. You can go with Moonbow if you want it activate more frequently, since Roderick might not be able to double merged units.

    For his A slot, he should run Life and Death, Swift Sparrow, or Fury. Fury is the cheapest out of the three.

    For B slot, I prefer Breakers and he can run Lancebreaker to ensure more kills. Some like to use Hit and Run or Drag Back as well.

    C slot does not really matter since it depends on his teammates.

    Awesome, thanks! He's unfortunately only a 4 star, but I like him enough to put him on my list of units to eventually upgrade. Seems like a good time to get him too, considering the double SP.

  6. Thanks everyone! I'll still probably be a bit of a lurker, but I'll chime in every now and then. And I'm definitely glad to add another Falcom fan to the SF ranks!

    6 hours ago, Umbran Darros said:

    I swear this thread is trying to parallel HHH on purpose.


    Welcome to SF and all that jazz.

    I would be happy to confirm or deny that, but I'm not sure what that is. A Google search mostly gave me a wrestler and a serial killer, of which neither were really on my mind at the time.

  7. I went into this banner with low expectations, and ended up with better than I had thought. Got Lyn as my free summon (because I didn't realize it was a separate banner...), plus Brave Lucina and Brave Roy, the two I had hoped for most. Alongside that, I finally got Lilina, Jeorge, and Eirika, three of my most-wanted characters, for the first time; Eirika's even a 5 star! +Def/-Spd, which isn't exactly great, but I won't refuse any Eirika at this point. Might try for better boons/banes for Lucina and Roy, but otherwise, I'm glad to leave this one with more than I had hoped for.

  8. Hi there! I've been lurking here for a little while now, so I figured I might as well just make an account for myself. I first started playing Fire Emblem with Sacred Stones on 3DS, but I became a fan after finally beating it plus Awakening a couple years later. Now I've played almost every game in the series, and even imported a few of the Japanese-only games because I'm obnoxiously determined. I'll probably be around the Heroes forums most of the time, but I'll pop in to the others now and then as well. Thanks all for having me, I'm looking forward to my time here!

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