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Posts posted by DefaultBeep

  1. 8 hours ago, eclipse said:

    I don't think it's a good idea.  31/34 offenses are fairly mediocre, and the only reason why Klein/Gordin can get away with it is because it's their default equipment (and my Klein's going to have his yanked for something else).  That's literally a point of speed faster than Klein, and you'd need at least 20,000 feathers (or a terrible Klein) to make it a reality.  If I could give her literally anything, it would be Savage Blow.  Her bow + Poison Strike is perfect for harassing other units.

    For reference, my idea of a good Brave Bow user is a +Atk Leon, who has six more attack before Death Blow.  And even that isn't enough to delete certain characters.

    Oh, right, the second part of the question.  Since I want Lukas to kill things, I'd use the +Atk one.  The +Def one can pass Fortress Defense to someone.

    That all makes sense, though it's a bit disappointing to hear. I'm glad I asked before investing in any skills for her. I do like the idea of Savage Blow though. It's a shame that my only unit with that currently is a 5-star Camilla who is definitely giving her Brave Axe+ to somebody, but now I'll know what to do if I ever get her as a 4-star. I'll probably be bumping Olwen up in my list of units to work on in the meantime.

    I've been swimming in Seths lately, so I'm honestly not sure who else to even give Fortress Defense to at this point, but I'll save him in case I do find a use for him. Luckily the +Atk one is who I already had and got trained up, so he's easier to keep around anyway. Thanks for the help!

  2. 1 minute ago, KongDude said:

    I just broke my pity rate with Ike a few minutes ago. So glad it didn't go to waste. Now I can save for that HACCAN Nephenee (yeee more blues).

    I'm not really sure if mine went to waste or not; I already had a +Atk/-Spd Lukas at 5-stars, but this one is +Def/-Spd, and I'm a bit unsure on how to proceed with them.

    I'm still hopeful that Nephenee will be the reward unit for the Tempest Trial. But she seems pretty popular, so I'd be surprised if they don't put her on a banner for people to spend orbs. As much as I'd like to have her myself... I really need to try and save my orbs for once.

  3. Finally, the reign of the BHB banner pity rate has been ended. Thank you, 5-star Lukas, for being the hero I needed in this trying time. Now I can conserve my orbs for a possible -owl tome banner with Katarina. Also got my first Lucius, which brings my list of unpulled available-at-4-stars heroes down to five: Athena, Sheena, Kagero, Priscilla, and Lachesis.

  4. More orbs, more BHB banner summoning. Had enough for three orbs just in case there were that many reds, oh look, there's no reds. Just one blue, two green, and two colorless. Guess I'll just open the blue one, since it's all by itself, and then back out befo-

    ...Hello, 5-star Lukas. At first, this man's calm facial expression annoyed me, because I believed I already had the ideal Lukas, with +Atk/-Spd. However, this newcomer's demeanor soon became clear, because he holds what may be the greatest contender for "best Lukas" (besides a -Res bane): +Def/-Spd. I might have to get a second opinion on which is better. +Atk basically gives him five points of defense for free, but +Def gives him a monstrous 46 defense at all times. This will be difficult. Either way, my pity rate was broken and I have enough for two more units. Let's try colorless.

    4-star Niles from the first one. +Res/-HP. That's some honestly intimidating resistance, but I don't really plan to use Niles, so he'll probably just end up as fodder. Now for the second orb:

    Hey, my first ever Lucius! +Spd/-Def, which, in terms of his ability to survive, might be one of if not the best possible boon and bane I could get. Also, looking at his level 40 stats, he has oddly good offensive stats. If I ever get a Genny to spare, I may him Wrathful Staff.

    This was actually a very positive session to me. I've continued summoning on this banner mostly so I could get something out of my pity rate; I'm a bit sad it was someone I already had that ended up doing that, but he still has solid stats, and if that hadn't happened now, I wouldn't have pulled this great first Lucius either. Now, to save orbs for the triumphant return of Katarina!

  5. Is the classic Brave Bow+/Life and Death 3 setup best for Clarisse, or would she want something different instead? And what would be good for a Special and B skill? I assume the C skill is mostly just situational, but she has Threaten Def 3 right now, which seems decent enough. After promoting Xander to 5-star, I finally feel comfortable working on more expensive builds for units I like, and Clarisse is currently high on that list.

    Edit: I know this isn't quite an inheritance question, but for the sake of not making a post on the other topic, I'll just ask it here: what's a better boon/bane for Lukas, +Atk/-Spd or +Def/-Spd? I pulled my second 5-star Lukas very recently, and I'm not sure who should be kept. And does anyone else really want a Killer Lance+, or would I be better off just merging them to give effectively 4 points to the unit's boon?

  6. Whether I end up watching will depend on how willing I am at the time to see spoilers; knowing me, though, then I'll probably cave in and try to make it. The only real request I'd have is to see a few of the flier-exclusive areas, but I imagine that'll happen naturally anyway, so I'll be happy with whatever. I'll be looking forward to it, but even if I don't manage to catch it, I hope it all goes well!

  7. I think it would be best if they did DLC related to the three games instead of adding from entirely different games, since we could get more potential roster variety. I could see a Shadow Dragon pack with some remake-exclusive characters if none are in the base game, and/or a New Mystery pack with Katarina, Clarisse, Legion, and probably Eremiya. Fates could get almost anything as DLC honestly, but the Awakening Trio or royal child characters have probably the best shot I think. If Tharja isn't in the base game, I could also see an Awakening pack with her, Henry, and whatever fitting villain(s) they don't include.

  8. I'm not the best at speculating, but as for somewhat reasonable hopes, I have a few:

    Marth and Tiki: Duh.

    Caeda and Draug: I believe that they've pretty much confirmed that there's at least one flier from Shadow Dragon and at least one armored character period, and I think these two would be the most obvious picks. Which is a bit of a shame, since we could potentially finally get the long-awaited Caeda/Roger Support conversation, but I'm not holding my breath for it.

    Julian and Lena: These start to become a bit more of a stretch, but I don't think they're hopeless. Julian is the original thief, but unlike the ones in Fates, he can primarily and would certainly use swords. He could definitely bring a unique sword style to the game. I wouldn't normally consider Lena very likely, but if Julian makes it in, it would feel weird to not have her in as well. I think her main thing in Shadow Dragon and New Mystery was her Hammerne Staff, so it's possible that Julian could be playable while she would have some role as an NPC. Or she could be playable too, but I'm not sure how she would be made unique compared to the other healers.

    Merric and Linde: I wouldn't be surprised if only one made it in, or even neither, but I realized recently that there's very few actual tome users in the game. Under the broad scope of "magic users", Elise, Sakura, and Lissa have all been confirmed, but the only tome-specific fighters so far are Robin and Leo. Merric and Linde could both have distinct fighting styles if Heroes is anything to go by, so I could see both of them being possible. Linde is slightly more present in the story of Shadow Dragon than Merric (though he becomes much more important in New Mystery, I think they're trying to stick mainly the first game), but Merric has more relation to the early cast and especially Marth, so they both have a case for making it over the other.

    Minerva and Camus: Of the Three Regalia + Hauteclere users, I think they have the best shot. Camus would probably just be an enemy, maybe playable in side modes/in an update/as DLC, but I'm okay with that since it fits better with the original game. Although, having Sirius be playable would be pretty sweet, if unlikely.

    Astram and Jeorge: The other Three Regalia + Hauteclere users, these two are less likely, but they would still potentially bring unique stuff to the table, Jeorge especially.

    Dice and Malice: These two are VERY unlikely, but it'd be cool if they made it in; they'd at least be different from most everyone else.

    For the most likely to make it, I'm expecting something close to Marth, Tiki, Caeda, Draug, Minerva, Camus, and either one or both of Merric and Linde. That said, I'm also fully expecting to be wrong on some or even most accounts, so we'll see once it finally releases.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Soul~! said:

    I got a 5* Tharja of the Blade tome banner. :awesome: Thing is likely going to Henry, though. Not gonna lie.

    At least she stayed in her own focus for you, where she belongs. I would judge you for giving it to Henry, but considering I donated my first 5-star Tharja to a -Spd Lilina, I don't think I have the right to do that anymore. Who says that a -blade user should have a decent speed stat? Not counting almost everyone here.

  10. 1 minute ago, Tybrosion said:

    I just got my first Mathilda (+Atk/-Res 4*) a week ago and have since promoted her already because favoritism. Considering she can also OHKO Brave!Lyn easily, I have yet to regret that decision.

    Oh hey, that's the same boon/bane as my 4-star Mathilda that I plan to promote. Good to see that she can still do well after the hit to her Res.

  11. 1 minute ago, Soul~! said:

    That guy literally copied what I said wtfLOL.

    Yes, to all the above.


    Currently managed to save up 43, and there's still a lot more to come. If anything, I'd prefer to be given something like a full month to save up at least.

    I wouldn't even be as desperate as I am, but I somehow pulled my second off-banner 5-star Tharja a few days ago. The fact that I could've gotten so many different desirable 5-star reds, and I've instead had my least favorite red mage by far appear twice, is mildly infuriating. As soon as either I break the pity rate on the BHB banner or it just ends, I'll be holding back from spending anything just in case.  And you'd better believe that 5-star Tharja will be giving her tome straight to Katarina, for that sweet, sweet revenge.


    To not go too off-topic with my plans of mage-related sacrificing, for the likely Tellius banner, I'd like to see Elincia and some of her crew to be on it, if just to finally get a staff sword flier again. if Nephenee is on the banner though, then I think an assortment of random characters would be better, probably from earlier in the game. Maybe Nephenee, Mia, Volke, and someone else that I can't decide on.

  12. 1 hour ago, Soul~! said:


    They could also go the Charlotte route and have Libra make his first appearance as a groom, but I'd prefer Lucius myself. Maybe they would even give him a real weapon this time. Like daggers.

    2 minutes ago, Mackc2 said:

    An owl tome banner so I can finally get Katarina 

    We three seem to be bearing the same cross here. We must find some way to persuade the Wayward One to return home... Preferably once I save up more than my current 3 orbs, though.

  13. 2 hours ago, Soul~! said:

    Heroes with Owl Tomes so I can finally get Katarina.

    I second this very strongly. I might have to start saving orbs just in case this becomes a reality soon.

    For units already in the game, besides the one I just quoted, a Brave Cavalry banner could be neat. No Brave Axe cavalier though, so they'd probably end up doubling on reds with Cain, Abel, and Luke.

    For new units, I'd love to finally get some more Thracia units. The dream would be Leif, Nanna, Finn, and Mareeta, although getting Marty would be amazing (throw every single point of speed and resistance into his strength, defense, and health, please). Although I still need Altena to be in this game, so maybe a Genealogy banner based on the playable units with holy weapons in the second generation: Altena, Ares, Shannan, and Ced/Sety.

    For special banners, I'd like a husband banner to balance out the bride banner. They already gave us the perfect and shirtless Gaius, who I still couldn't get because life taunts me, but so many guys could benefit from a classier getup. Preferably Marth to match Caeda, Lucius to fill the necessary role of Pretty Boy in Suit, Lon'qu because of the irony (and that's why the picked Cordelia besides probably popularity, so it could happen), and Marty again please IS Leo because they would be fools to not include the most perfect and handsome Fates sibling, even if it's his second showing.

  14. In order of unique units obtained (F2P until sometime before getting Lukas):

    1. Minerva
    2. Marth
    3. Fae
    4. Fir (promoted)
    5. Hinoka
    6. Lukas
    7. Catria (promoted)
    8. Mist
    9. Xander (promoted)
    10. Mae
    11. Masked Marth
    12. Bride Cordelia
    13. Seliph (promoted)
    14. Takumi
    15. Clarisse (promoted)
    16. Summer Robin
    17. Summer Tiki
    18. Alm
    19. Tobin
    20. Female Corrin (promoted)
    21. Ryoma
    22. Olwen
    23. Reinhardt (promoted)
    24. Camilla
    25. Azura
    26. Est (promoted)
    27. Julia
    28. Clive
    29. Titania (promoted)
    30. Amelia
    31. Brave Lyn (free CYL summon)
    32. Brave Lucina
    33. Eirika
    34. Brave Roy
    35. Tharja

    Units that I had at 5-star, but either merged, used for SI, or sent home (no real order, since I didn't keep track when I obtained them):

    1. Azura (SI for Est)
    2. Camilla again (sent home)
    3. Clair (SI for (a different) Est)
    4. Cordelia (SI for Cecilia)
    5. Elise (sent home)
    6. Julia again (merged into other Julia)
    7. Male Corrin (sent home)
    8. Masked Marth again (promoted, merged into the later 5-star Masked Marth)
    9. Masked Marth again again (merged into other +1 Masked Marth
    10. Minerva again (merged into other Minerva)
    11. Nino (promoted, SI for Soren after getting a 4-star +Spd/-Res Nino)
    12. Reinhardt again (promoted, merged into a later +Atk that was promoted as well)
    13. Seth (SI for Caeda)
    14. Summer Robin again (merged into other Summer Robin)
    15. Tharja again (SI for Lilina)

    Total overall: 50 (a good number to start at, and completely on accident).

  15. Got more orbs from Tempest, so tried on BHB for reds. Got three reds, which was thankfully exactly enough for how many orbs I had. Let's see who I got:

    Seliph, Roy, and Eliwood. What a pleasantly thematic session. They're even in appearance order, since Leif isn't here yet. All 4-stars, as well.

    Seliph is +Res/-Def, which is... awful, honestly. Especially since I already have him at 5-stars with +Atk/-Spd. I was hoping he might be -Res so that I could have an excuse to +1 my 5-star, but it's not worth 20,000 for just that. He doesn't even give Brash Assault 3 at 4-stars, so he may just end up being sent home for feathers. Shame too, since I actually quite like him, but that's what my current one is for.

    Amazingly, Roy is neutral. Unfortunately, I like my Brave Roy more in every way, and normal Roy is perfect Triangle Adept fodder, so he'll most likely be giving that to someone else.

    Eliwood is +HP/-Atk, almost exactly opposite of my current +Spd/-HP Eliwood. He'll be giving somebody Ward Cavalry for sure.

    All in all, a solid session. Still no 5-star, and I'm now at 3.75% pity rate, but the decent fodder and interesting line-up of characters saved it from being unenjoyable.

  16. I'd love to use this Tempest to grind SP and Hero Merit for other units (and I did for a bit at first, and I got Marth and Xander some more skills), but I'm too nervous about missing out on the orb rewards to try messing around too much, so I've just been going at it with Masked Marth/Azura/Reinhardt/Eliwood (only there for points and sometimes tanking mages). They can get me 705 points almost every time, but once the BHB banner ends, I'll probably slow down and start using it to grind units again. Marth, Eirika, and Lilina still need SP, and I've had a level 22 Ryoma just sitting around for a while now, long enough to not even remember if he has a decent boon/bane. Currently at 32,188 points, rank 17,236.

  17. Another day of Tempest grinding, another day of BHB banner summoning. Let's try for reds again, shall we~?

    First up is the Merc with a Mouth herself, Selena! Sporting +HP/-Spd at a 3-star rarity, she barely comes out ahead of the prior +Spd/-Atk, but falls short compared to the current 4-star +Atk/-Spd. Looks likes she'll be Repositioning herself, right into another unit's skill set!

    Nextly and lastly, it's the Vapid Victim of Valla, the Blundering Brother from Beyond Borders, it's... Male Corrin! He's looking a little plain today, with a modest 4-star +Res/-Spd ensemble. But lucky for him, he can afford to hold back, because all of his competitors have already been Sent Home! Will he follow in his fellow fodder's footsteps? Or will his Dragon Fang and Defense +3 give him the edge he needs to remain? Find out next time, on: "Nifty! Or! Iffy!!!"

    This is how I cope with constant disappointment.

  18. Oh yeah, this isn't really a "ritual," but if I'm going for multiple colors, I try to open them in alternating order. So, if there's three reds and two blues, and I want both, I'll start with the red, then go to blue, and so on, ending on red. Not really for adding any "luck," I just find it satisfying.

  19. 27 minutes ago, Anomalocaris said:

    I'm hardly the first person to suggest this, but one idea for the Whitewings is to have them be a single character slot with three "costumes", with the two you don't pick showing up in combos and special attacks. Of course, for that to work one of the three would have to be the default; probably Palla, as the eldest, but Catria has popularity on her side.

    Considering we now know for sure that alternate costumes that are entirely different characters (well, "entirely different" as in "different models and voices") can happen, I could see that working. All three of them have about the same actual story relevance in Shadow Dragon, so the "main" sister could really be any of them. Catria has slightly more appearances than Palla since she tells Marth about Maria, I believe, although that's not really much of an edge. All Est really has is bringing the Mercurius with her, though she may have a better chance if Abel manages to get in too.

    Oh, actually, if Minerva ends up making it in, it would be amazing if at least one Whitewing is in the story with her. Palla would probably be best if they went that route, since she seems to have the second-in-command role for that group. And since their models would already be in the game, the other sisters could potentially appear as NPCs in some fashion too. But I can't imagine that they would omit Marth's canon love interest just for Whitewing lore, as much as I may want them too...

  20. 2 minutes ago, Vince777 said:

    Luck is this thing that doesn't really exist and pulling results aren't influenced by anything we do. I don't look for patterns that would simply be mere coincidences. 

    It's not a superstition of mine as it doesn't change the results but I like to not look at the screen when I'm pulling to just hear out the number of stars I'm getting before finally having a look. Gives me a cool amount of excitement to know I just got a five stars without knowing yet who it might be.

    While I agree, I think it's fun to make a bit of an event out of summoning. Makes it easier to distance myself from the results if they end up poorly, and makes it even more exciting when they end up great. Trying to find a consistent "lucky element" would just be disappointing and somewhat maddening after a while.

  21. Took a bit of a break from the Tempest Trial to clear up the last of the Lunatic Chain Challenges (I will do my absolute best to get a 5-star from the BHB banner), but considering I'm still halfway done with it after that break, I'm pretty confident that I can wrap this up soon. Eliwood has been easier to work with than I expected, which takes away some of the sting from not getting Ninian. Hopefully I'll have at least one 1.4x unit for the full Tempest this month as well.

  22. Looking through the Hero List, I'm missing six units that can be summoned as 4-stars: Athena, Sheena, Raven, Kagero, Priscilla, Lachesis, and Lucius. Maybe it's time to try summoning some colorless orbs again. Also, somehow not having at least one unit out of Raven, Priscilla, and Lucius is kinda amazing. Raven and Lucius being the only 4-star guys I don't have is quite interesting as well.

  23. I tend to have the volume on with no other sound coming from anything else. For a while I had a lot of luck on one specific cushion of a couch: examples include pulling Olwen on the first orb of the Cavalry banner she was on, getting two Summer Robins and a Tiki in one session with base pity rate (because the prior four sessions all had one 5-star in them anyway), and pulling my first Alm and Clair. However, after getting nothing from the cushion during Nohrian summer, I've been getting better luck with just pacing around the house while I summon. This "strategy" got me my first Reinhardt, my first Fir (she was from a while ago, but still from pacing), my first Roderick (from Threaten Defense) and a slew of wanted and long-awaited units from the Brave banner, including Brave Lucina, Brave Roy, my first 5-star (and first ever) Eirika, and my first +Atk (and first ever) Lilina. I normally skip the animation though, because I can't handle the disappointment after that kind of suspense, and waiting for it has rarely given me anything good anyway.

  24. Cleared a few more Chain Challenges for some orbs to throw at reds on the BHB banner, and I got three units. Two of them were 4-star Caedas; maybe I finally got the coveted +Atk Caeda?... Nope. Both +Def, one with -Spd and the other with -Res. Definitely going to be used for either fodder or merging into my current Caeda. The other unit was a 3-star Eliwood with neutral stats, which is an interesting find. I may keep him and use my current 4-star for Ward Cavalry fodder.

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