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Posts posted by DefaultBeep

  1. Spoiler

    Hey you. Yes, you. The one going back and reading through this thread from the start. Hi! How's it going? I just wanted to hop back in time myself for a moment, and this seemed like a fun way to do it. Would you agree? Please rate this on a scale of five stars. Your feedback is very important to me, as I always strive to improve myself going forward.

    Anyway, why did I decide to go and edit a random post of mine? Call it nostalgia. Call it boredom. Heck, call it a fresh way to squeeze a lemon; I frankly don't care what you call it, because I have no idea what I'm doing myself. I just had the thought today, May 1st in the year of 2018, that leaving a sort of time capsule in this thread could be fun! But leaving this in a recent update in the thread seems pointless. I think we're on page 421 now? Sorry you missed page 420 by the way, Snake Drifter. But that's neither here nor there. Leaving this where everyone can easily see it feels... I dunno, boring I suppose. What's the point of hiding something for people to see, if everyone would see it as soon as it appears anyway? There's no discovery in that kind of act! There's no reward! Finding this edit in this way, you've stumbled across something that isn't already noticed as soon as it's born. Shame it's not something more worthwhile in that case, eh? But I have nothing of worth to give, so unfortunately my nonsense ramblings are all I can leave behind.

    I hope my time on this site, on this forum, in this thread, has been worth it. Did my being here accomplish anything? For myself, I would say it has accomplished more than I ever could've imagined... but that's not important. Have I done anything for anyone else? Am I an okay friend to the people that I consider to be friends? Have my words, my actions, left any impact at all? I dunno. I hope so, but even if people tell me I have left an impact, I don't think I'd believe it. I feel like I've done so little... do I even deserve the honor of affecting the lives of others? And I don't mean in grand ways, like drastically shaping someone's future, for better or for worse. Those are nice, and I'd be honored if anyone said that I've done that too, but I don't consider that to be the most important kind of impact. Rather, have I made people laugh? Has anyone read what I've said with a smile, or walked away from a conversation with me, being happier than they were when they started? Was any of my advice in the Heroes forum helpful? Were any of my pre-release speculations in the Warriors forum interesting to read? Or am I just speaking into a void, where others have the option to see what I say, but decide against it, instead continuing on with their lives as if I was never even there? On one hand, the thought of others not being affected by what I say is downright terrifying... but on the other hand, I would rather be ignored than potentially hurt anyone. If helping someone laugh or smile is the greatest blessing to me, then making someone sad or upset is the worst nightmare I can imagine. Although it's probably too prideful of me to even assume that I could have anything close to that level of influence on anyone... I'm not special. I'm as boring and ordinary as it gets. I'm not exciting, I rarely do anything worthwhile, and I don't imagine that'll change in the future. But then, that's why I hope I can leave something for others to gain from. I have nothing to expect for myself, and hardly anything to give, but what I can give, I want to give freely. So many people in this forum have helped me with who I am... helped me to sort out my own stupid thoughts and anxieties, and to become more comfortable with the person I am, and the person I want to be. Can I even pay back that kind of amazing blessing? I have no idea, but I pray that someday, maybe, I can make it up to everyone who has helped me.

    And hey, if you happen to be one of those people... keep this post between us, alright? I wouldn't want my reputation, whatever it is, to be ruined too quickly after just one person finds it. Of course, you don't have to keep this a secret at all, I won't stop you if you want to tell people. Just consider this a personal request of secrecy I suppose, if you'd be willing to listen to my request. Also... thank you. No matter who you are, if I've seen you or talked to you at all, I can promise that you mean more to me than I could truly express. I'm sorry that I don't thank people more often for just being around, but I really and truly care about you, even if I'm too much of a shy, nervous idiot to say it.

    ...What was I talking about again? Oh, right. Please rate my silly idea to edit an old post of mine, and if you got anything at all out of my pointless rambling monologue... well, I just hope it didn't waste your time too much, and I sincerely apologize if it did. I guess maybe I didn't want to edit an old post purely for the mystery of it... it's just easier to ramble about my thoughts if I think no one else will be able to find them, instead of making a new post for everyone to immediately see, haha. I'll probably regret this as soon as I post it to be honest, but whether I'll bother deleting it, who can say. Except me, of course, heh. But if this has been a waste, then I'll take my leave now, and let you get back to something actually enjoyable!


  2. At this point, I just hope the upcoming Direct will have a decent amount of info on Warriors; it could prove this "leak" completely wrong, or it could still keep it possible. There's enough stuff going for and against this for it to really go either way. I'm personally kinda indifferent; I'll be sad if that's all we're getting from Shadow Dragon, like many others, but I'm still happy with the characters that have been officially announced, so it's not that bad. We'll know for sure by the end of the month, at the very least.

  3. Hit the final orb rewards last night, so I'm just using this for some extra grinding. I got a 5-star Eliwood and a 5-star Lyn with those last orbs (either of which would've been great at the start of the Tempest...), so they've been first on the list. Eliwood reached level 40 and 1,500 Hero Merit earlier today, and Lyn is at level 37 with 221 Hero Merit. Olwen and Marth have also been present for some spare SP; Marth just needs Fortress Def 3 and a special (probably Bonfire) and his Falchion Healer kit will be complete, and Olwen has 100 SP left until she can finally claim Life and Death 3. I hope these continue, they're a lot of fun.

  4. 9 minutes ago, XRay said:

    I totally forgot about Florina! She has really crappy Speed, and her Attack is just as bad, so I would save a [+Atk, -Def] one and give that one Sapphire Lance and R Tomebreaker so she can tackle red mages. I do not think her Speed is salvageable, but you can try using [+Spd -Def] one too, but I am not sure if it will help her avoid a lot of doubles.

    Luckily the one I ended up sacrificing was none of those, just a +Def/-Res. The closest ones I have to those are a +Res/-Def and a +Atk/-Res, but they're both 3-star, so I guess I'll just keep my subpar +Def/-HP 4-star until I pull a better one, since that one's at least already level 40. I don't like her enough to spend 2,000 feathers on a boon/bane that's "almost good", especially when I already have better lance fliers that I like better.

  5. Just now, r_n said:

    Part of me wishes that if you had multiple of the same unit, they said their lines in unision.

    It's an ordinary day, and you're having fun playing through the Arena. While going for a full streak, you absentmindedly choose a match with an unassuming lead, perhaps an Alfonse or a Wrys. Suddenly, as you enter into combat, you hear a booming chorus of voices cry out:

    "Magic is everything."

  6. 3 minutes ago, XRay said:

    I would not invest too much into her, so I will go for Moonbow and Swordbreaker on top of Darting Blow to maximize her kills cheaply. Desperation-Brash Assault combo also needs Lyn to have a good attack as well to kill things, and without Swift Sparrow or Life and Death, Lyn will not be doing enough damage to kills things. I do not recommend giving her Life and Death until you get a better nature.

    Works for me. I don't even have Brash Assault fodder right now (I've barely been pulling on greens lately, and I'd rather use Hinata for Fury 3), so that would've had to wait anyway. Thanks!

  7. Recently got a +Atk/-Spd Lyn from the Tempest banner, which seems like both a blessing and a curse. I've heard that Brash Assault works well with her weapon, but would her boon/bane change what kind of skills she would be best with? I've been thinking that Darting Blow 3 could be a good (and cheap) way to patch up her speed on player phase, which is when she'll want to be attacking anyway, but I wanted to see if there's any preferred options. And if she does want Darting Blow, what's a good boon/bane for Florina? I have a bunch, and I don't want to accidentally use up a potentially good one.

  8. 1 minute ago, Selena4Lyfe said:

    That pseudo-medic build looks swanky, think I'll steal it! xD


    Seriously though, as squishy as my Ryoma is and given the fact that I don't have room for a proper medic on my team, I'll definitely be using that (and since they often fight side-by-side, I think they'll develop a beautiful friendship together; hell, I might as well ship 'em xD).  I already have the Breath of Life seal , and I think I have a couple spare Lissa's around for the BoL skills (or do I get renewal from her?  I forget...)  Speaking of renewal, I'm glad we share similar ideas in builds with that in mind. ^_^  (BTW, that'll stack with the Renewal 2 skill built into the Falchion, right?)


    Thanks for the input, dude!

    Can confirm that Falchion stacks with Renewal, and it's great. In Tempest Trial and Chain Challenge, she'll refill 20 points of health at the start of every map. which is (often literally) a lifesaver. Lissa gives Renewal, but Felicia gives BoL 3 at 4-star, if you have any of her from summoning or the daily Hero Battles.

  9. An update, now that I've done probably my final pulls on the current banners.

    In order of unique units obtained (F2P until sometime before getting my first Lukas):

    1. Minerva
    2. Marth
    3. Fae
    4. Fir (promoted)
    5. Hinoka
    6. Lukas
    7. Catria (promoted)
    8. Mist
    9. Xander (promoted)
    10. Mae
    11. Masked Marth
    12. Bride Cordelia
    13. Seliph (promoted)
    14. Takumi
    15. Clarisse (promoted)
    16. Summer Robin
    17. Summer Tiki
    18. Alm
    19. Tobin
    20. Female Corrin (promoted)
    21. Ryoma
    22. Olwen
    23. Reinhardt (promoted)
    24. Camilla
    25. Azura
    26. Est (promoted)
    27. Julia
    28. Clive
    29. Titania (promoted)
    30. Amelia
    31. Brave Lyn (free CYL summon)
    32. Brave Lucina
    33. Eirika
    34. Brave Roy
    35. Tharja
    36. Lucius
    37. Eliwood
    38. Lyn

    Units that I had at 5-star, but either merged, used for SI, or sent home (no real order, since I didn't keep track when I obtained them until now):

    1. Azura again (SI for Est)
    2. Camilla again (sent home)
    3. Clair (SI for (a different) Est)
    4. Cordelia (SI for Cecilia)
    5. Elise (sent home)
    6. Julia again (merged into other Julia)
    7. Lukas (undecided, still in barracks for now)
    8. Male Corrin (sent home)
    9. Masked Marth again (promoted, merged into the later 5-star Masked Marth)
    10. Masked Marth again again (merged into other +1 Masked Marth
    11. Minerva again (merged into other Minerva)
    12. Nino (promoted, SI for Soren after getting a 4-star +Spd/-Res Nino)
    13. Reinhardt again (promoted, merged into a later +Atk that was promoted as well)
    14. Seth (SI for Caeda)
    15. Summer Robin again (merged into other Summer Robin)
    16. Tharja again (SI for Lilina)

    Total overall: 54.

  10. 1 minute ago, mcsilas said:

    So it turns out my Titania is +Atk/-Def. Is this a good nature to promote to 5 star in case she's a TT bonus unit or should I wait for a +Spd one?

    I'm not one of the experts, but that's what my 5-star Titania is, and she's been great. +Spd might be better, but she's still more than usable with +Atk. Of course, there's still time until the next Tempest, so there's no real harm in waiting just in case you get her as +Spd, if you'd prefer that.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

    I already had a 5-star Reinhardt that I've finished building up completely. Much as I like him, I'm really hurting for some new characters and I was really hoping to get Ephraim when he was on a banner.

    This is exactly what happened to me while trying for Ninian. Poor guy probably doesn't realize the heartbreak he's causing us; he just wants to know if we have any siblings. I also got my second 5-star Lukas on the actual BHB banner, so I'm thinking about just swearing off blue summons for a while.

  12. Because I cannot save orbs for the life of me, I made one last attempt for Ninian on the Tempest banner. Went in with 23 orbs, and... no blues. Decided to open a colorless, and it's...

    A 3-star Felicia. -HP/+Def. Much worse than my current neutral merged 4-star. I seriously debated just doing a full summon, but decided to back out, get the last four orbs from Tempest, and come back. I did so, and... no blues, again. One colorless, and four reds.

    I decided to put the rest of my summons in a spoiler, because I haven't had such a wild ride on base pity rate since the Ylissean Summer banner.


    I went for the colorless, because it's all alone. And...

    It's Lucius again!... But this time a 5-star! Okay! Weird to get a 5-star version of someone I first pulled at 4-star only one day ago, but I'll take him! +Atk/-Def, so he's almost the exact same as the 4-star too. I'm kinda tempted to promote my 4-star and merge them, since that one has a slightly better boon, but we'll see. I'm certainly not complaining, he's one of my favorite healers so far.

    I again debated pulling out and getting to 17 orbs to try again for Ninian, but hey, maybe this'll be a lucky session. Let's try a red!

    Chrom. 4-star, +Atk/-Def, which I guess is okay. I just sent home a neutral Chrom for feathers, so I suppose this is his replacement. Not horrible, so let's try another red!

    Eliwood. Except... 5-star! Really would've appreciated having you at the start of the Tempest, buddy, but I'll forgive you because now I don't have to promote you to get your conversation. +Atk/-Spd, which is actually better than the 4-star I've been using, so I'm even happier. A bit off-topic, but does anyone else think Yuri Lowenthal is a great fit for all of his characters except Marth? Anyway, almost wish he was Lyn instead, but whatever; let's keep goin' red!

    ...OOOOOKAY, nevermind, this one's actually Lyn! -Spd, which really hurts, but +Atk, which is really great! Good enough! I also now know exactly who Brave Lyn will be supporting. My luck has been surprisingly good, so let's try the last red!

    3-star Hinata. +Spd/-HP. After the last four pulls, it could've been a 3-star +Res/-Def Draug, and I would still come out of this happy.

    Also, everyone in this summon was +Atk except for Draug, which is kinda weird.

    In summary... I'm so sorry Zeo. If it makes you feel any better, I've spent all of my orbs plus $40 trying just for Ninian, and I never got her.

  13. "Medeus, Shadow Dragon", "Clash of Two Virtues", and "The Little Divine Dragon" (which may be an alternate of another track, but I can't find it if so) all stand out to me from skimming the Shadow Dragon soundtrack; if we somehow get New Mystery characters as DLC or something, "Tearing Shadows" would be amazing. "Prelude", "Mastermind", and "Monstrosity" stand out similarly from Awakening's soundtrack. I don't know the soundtrack from Fates well enough to have any specific hopes, but the main them could be neat I suppose.

  14. I don't know enough about potential artists who haven't already done artwork ingame, but for those that have, Himukai Yuji and Mayo would be my top picks to return/continue. Himukai Yuji mainly because I actually recognized their style as soon as I started playing Heroes, thanks to Etrian Odyssey. Unfortunately, I can't stand Raigh, and while Fae gets some decent use from me, I would still love to see more characters in that style. And more Mayo because frankly, pretty much every character that Mayo has drawn has turned out amazing. Sheena and Jeorge are especially great to me, since they're two of my favorite Archanean characters already even though Sheena has refused to show up since day one, so seeing them both get such amazing art was really cool.

  15. 1 hour ago, XRay said:

    If she is using Blárblade, then definitely Desperation. If she is using Dire Thunder, I would go with Lancebreaker so she can quadruple attack better and break Effie's Wary Fighter.

    I prefer merging limited units rather than sacrificing them, especially the really good ones like Camus, Xander, Zephiel, and Valter included. If you do not care about merging them, then there is no reason to hold on to Valter's extra copies.

    I'll probably give her Lancebreaker until I get more Odins to spare, then. Which may take a while since I plan to save my orbs for a while, but I do have Lancebreaker 3 and Desperation 3 fodder in the meantime.

    Depending on how much I care about a limited unit, they'll fall somewhere in the ranking of "5-star + merge" > "5-star" > "merge" > "pure fodder." Valter falls into the rank of 5-star but not merged for me, so I'm content with sacrificing his copies. Most of the others I don't even have copies for, so they'll have to wait until reruns anyway.


  16. 5 minutes ago, Selena4Lyfe said:

    This may be a silly question, but say I had a 10+ 4* unit.  If I promoted that unit to 5*, would I keep the merge bonus to its stats, or would I have to start fresh with the merges again?

    You'll have to start the merges over again, unfortunately, without any stat bonuses. Promoting a merged unit does cost less than promoting an unmerged unit, though, so there is still some benefit.

  17. Would Olwen be better off with Desperation, a -breaker skill, or something else? I currently have her with Dire Thunder, Life and Death 3, and Iceberg (which I later realized wouldn't be as good with Life and Death, but too late now), though I'm debating giving her a Blárblade+ as well at some point for variety. She's +Spd/-Res (again, kinda hurts Iceberg, but I have no 3-turn Special fodder right now), if that matters.

    Edit: Oh yeah, I switched the Summoner Support to her as well. I just started it, so she's only at 2 extra Res right now, but she'll eventually get those 2 extra points to every stat constantly, so there's that, if it affects anything. I also remembered that I do actually have a spare Valter I could use for Luna. Would that be better than Iceberg?

  18. 7 minutes ago, XRay said:

    I see. I have hard time to justifying promoting anyone to 5* (unless I am sacrificing them for skills) now since my Arena team is pretty much set, and I do not feel like there is anyone I want to promote for Arena Assault.

    Yeah, it must have been my conditioning before the summer when Feathers were scarce. I guess I am still a little paranoid about trying to get my Arena score up even though I can comfortably stay in Tier 20 now.

    What about for skills and merges? I have sacrificed at least six or seven Hanas with bad natures now. I also promoted several Reinhardt for merges. I think the only 5* promotions I kept as units were Effie and Grand Hero Battle units and Lucina!Marth.

    See, my problem is that I like getting the level 40 5-star conversations for units, especially for those that I like. I've gotten into the habit of leveling any new 5-star I get to level 40 no matter what, even if they'll just be used as fodder. I could always just look them up on a wiki or something, but I enjoy the feeling of earning that conversation through dedication to a unit (which is also why I prefer not to look up supports for the main games unless I already got them myself). And the glowing icon in the Catalog of Heroes is nice.

    I actually find it hard to justify promoting units just for merges. The two stats and (admittedly very nice) SP bonus seem not quite worth the 20,000 feather cost compared to giving new skills. Unless the unit has a full kit already, or if the lower rank hero has a better boon/bane, or if it's primarily for arena; then it would feel more helpful. Although I still plan to promote the upcoming Clarisses to 5-star for merges, so I guess I don't really have the right to debate.

  19. 9 minutes ago, XRay said:

    Does anyone keep an emergency stockpile of Feathers or do they spend it as soon as it hits 20,000? I keep 60,000 Hero Feathers minimum on me at all times unless I know I am going to do more summons and send stuff home.

    I'm terrible at saving my feathers, so I almost always spend them on something as soon as I hit 20,000. If I'm trying to save up for something specific at 20,000 though, then it's easier for me to resist spending 2,000 on getting someone else to 4-star.

  20. 8 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

    So am I! Catria wants that overkiller lance, but I don’t like Neph enough to justify spending orbs on her.

    I like her enough to probably keep one if she is a Tempest reward, but giving that lance to Catria might be too tempting to keep both the 4-star and 5-star like I normally do. But yeah, still don't like her quite enough to spend my orbs trying to get her otherwise.


    I finally bothered to 5-star Xander, so I feel free to 5-star units for luxury again. Olwen is looking at my many Hanas with hunger and bloodlust in her eyes.

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