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Posts posted by DefaultBeep

  1. 20 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

    @DefaultBeep even has it in his title. "not the mole."

    So, he is definitively the mole.

    But why does there have to be a mole? If this is an experiment, why couldn't the mods just lurk on this thread?


    It's easier to perform a psychological experiment when there's someone on the inside to make sure everything goes as planned.



    I mean


  2. 4 minutes ago, BoringBoi said:

    Reaction After Seeing Direct: Oh gods, the forums are going to have a field day with this one.

    In all seriousness, I'm still not entirely convinced that this makes the leak automatically true. If you were willing to believe that characters outside of the 3 main games they specified, then Lyn would be a safe pick. 

    Personally, I'd be 100% okay with the leak being true.

    However, if it isn't true, then I'd be curious to see where they go with it now.

    Considering Lyn's sprite on the Warriors site is the same as the one in the leak, I think it's safe to assume it's fully true. I'm not sure how somebody could've made a fake box with the exact same sprite before it was even revealed.

    Edit: Guess someone else beat me to it.

  3. 1 minute ago, Folt said:

    Well, that too. Honestly, I think it's pretty likely that these characters are probably going to be unplayable in the main Story Mode:

    1. Lyn
    2. Celica
    3. M!Corrin
    4. F!Robin

    ... and possibly Anna too.

    Oh, and Lyn's element is wind BTW.

    I could see Celica being playable just because she does have some connection to the SD characters, but otherwise agreed. Although then it would be weird to just leave Lyn as the only unique character on the box that's not in the story mode... I dunno, I guess could see it going either way.

  4. The Kirby and Mario Party stuff was pretty cool, and at least Warriors had... something... but the rest was meh for me.

    2 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

    Also for the Waddle Dee boulder.  Don't forget that.

    Though, when they say "new" dark menace, it makes me worry that they're not actually going to use Dark Matter as the antagonist and resort to a worse re-hash.

    Maybe this time we'll get a Marx repeat that's also a Dark Matter clone. I love Magolor's battle theme, but the Marx vibes were just a bit too on the nose for me.

  5. 1 minute ago, Florete said:

    It's not confirmed yet. It could be a coincidence. Wait for Lyn to show up on the official website so we can see her sprite. If it's the same as the leak, the leak is real. If it's different, fake.

    This is a very good point. This'll decide for sure whether it's fully legit or not.

  6. I'm more excited about (hopefully) Celica being in over Lyn, personally. She has at least a loose connection to Marth and the SD cast, but Lyn feels really out of place. Although maybe that'll just give her more chance for interesting supports. Who knows! Guess we'll see how things shape up from here.

  7. Just now, Nanima said:

    Callin SD a "main game" for Warriors is insulting. Only 3 characters? Saving them for just before release? Come on. I don't care how popular or good of a character Lyn supposedly is, it is a terrible message to sent to people here.


    This is probably the worst part about it, honestly. We all assumed they weren't showing SD as much because they were showing the other "main" games first; now it looks like it's because there's just not many characters from SD to show.

  8. I am so ready for all the mixed feelings that will surely come out of this. Again, I'm happy either way, so I'm just glad that we know now.

    Also, I'm legit interested to see the supports between Lyn and (hopefully) Celica with the rest of the cast. Especially Celica with Marth and Tiki.

  9. Somehow beat it on my second try last night, with a team of Brave Roy/Reinhardt/Azura/Brave Lyn, all base kits (and only Darting Blow 1 for Roy, though the rest of his skills were finished) except for Reinhardt, who has the standard Moonbow/Death Blow 3/Lancebreaker 3/Quickened Pulse build. First try had Xander instead, but he couldn't clear out any enemies fast enough, which is something that Roy with Galeforce had no issues with. Glad I finally got to use him in one of these, he's a lot of fun. Also just now cleared the quests, using Brave Lyn/Reinhardt/Azura/required bonus unit on Hard. Both Azura and Sharena can just manage to tank a hit from Robin, which proved necessary. Using Robin was a bit easier; just tanked a hit, attacked, then Danced her to let her get the final hit. Thank heavens I'm finally rid of that map, hopefully forever...

  10. 9 minutes ago, KongDude said:

    I've never held more than 50 orbs. I might have reached 30 when Voting Gauntlet had the 20 orbs reward but thats about it. I always spend all orbs on new unit banners. I'm really proud of myself for not spending these 13 orbs for the next banner.

    My 9 orbs keep staring at me, tempting me to spend them on my 3.25% rate for Brave Heroes. But my will to do a full summon at the start of the next banner is stronger.

    I think the only time I really managed to save orbs was in the week or so leading up to the second Hero Fest banner; I wanted pretty much everyone on there, so I muscled through. Only ended up getting Julia, but since she was the one I wanted most, was pulled on the last day of the banner, was +Atk, AND came with a second Julia in the same summon (who was -Atk, so thank goodness for the other one), I'd say the wait was worth it. At any other time though, I spend them as soon as I hit 20, or even 9/13/17 depending on how desperate I am for a specific character.

  11. 2 minutes ago, GinRei said:

    I'm running Lancebreaker on mine and I feel it's basically a necessity.  Let's you kill fliers (who generally have too much resistance and speed to otherwise be killed) and Effie (whose B skill otherwise prevents a normal "double").  As for Blarblade, isn't Ursula generally seen as a better user of it, since she wouldn't have to give up a near-unique brave weapon for it?  And, unless the Olwen is +Atk, Ursula has the higher attack stat while only being slightly slower.

    I've started noticing that while running her for fun on the Tempest Trial, mainly on the 7-map version. I had originally considered Desperation since (assuming I'm right about how it works with Braves) hitting 4 times in a row sounded great, but that hasn't really been a problem, while lance users have been. She'll definitely be getting that free 4-star Narcian in a few days.

    With Blárblade, it's pretty much just something I might do if I get bored. Ursula would likely be a better choice, but I hardly ever use her anymore, and I don't really care for her that much compared to Olwen and Reinhardt. The only unit I'd really consider spending 20,000 to give a Blárblade+ to would probably be Linde, but that would require 1: getting a Linde at all, and 2: replacing her own unique tome, which could also be built around. I guess I do have a 5-star Mae, who I also like, but she's -Atk, so I'm not gonna bother with building her very seriously until I get something better. So basically, I'm not really concerned with giving anyone Blárblade+ right now anyway, and I probably won't be for a while.

  12. My biggest regret so far would probably be merging my two (off-banner) Minervas before knowing about boons/banes. My current one is +HP/-Def, which is not completely terrible, but I can't stop thinking about how much better the other one could have been. I could've even used my spare for Life and Death fodder, although I'm less upset about that because I did it before Skill Inheritance was a thing, and I like Minerva enough to be okay with merging. Another regret that's not quite as bad is using my second (off-banner, again) Azura for SI, before realizing that having two Azuras could actually be useful in some modes. At least I still have an Azura at all, I suppose.

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