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Everything posted by vikingsfan92

  1. I still say nah that is not really needed. Byleth's main attachment is not the church but the students. Keep in mind that Byleth was raised by Jeralt with no ties to any religion at all. Alot of optional dialouge boxes that pop up through out the game on all routes show a priority towards the students above all else. Jeralt even comments on how much Byleth changes since coming to the monastery and it is all because of being a teacher as indicated through Byleth's response. Also keep in mind that the Sothis part of Byleth shows a lot of mistrust towards Rhea during part 1 and Sothis is probably the closest we get to Byleth's own personal thoughts. This is also reinforced by Byleth's father pretty much being like "Watch out for Rhea I don't know what she has planning" through out there joint time at the monastery. Byleth as is has alot more reason to follow there charges and help them over sticking with the church. This doesn't just apply to Edelgard btw but if Cluade or Dimtri also were more anti-church I still find it more likely that Byleth sides with what ever path they choose over the church who Byleth has less ties too. Bear in mind that as a teacher Byleth spends more time with the students than the other faculty especially since Rhea also has a busy schedule as Archbishop. So I find it more likely Byleth chooses the stronger bond with the house of their choice over the church with what we have to go off. Again this isn't just talking about Edlgard but Claude and Dimitri as well in their routes it just don't come up in those routes as much.
  2. Aren't you already saying no to Edelgard by picking the other routes? People who don't care for her are already picking the other routes anyways. And people who are picking BE are probably doing it for her. The lords are the big selling points on the routes since only two other students can't really join other routes (dedue and Hubert with Hilda not being recruitable specfically in CF). Same logic applies for Dimitri and Cluade's routes too btw.
  3. Did a bunch of chain challenges that I haven't done and got a dupe for the empress. So + res and +1 Edelgard for me now
  4. Julia seems to have a tome version of Amyr kind of interesting that they put her so soon after Edelgards release. You would think they wait a little longer before they do a tome version of a legendary hero's weapon. Heck Edelgard's banner is still up even.
  5. I would much much much prefer we just do away with SS entirely. VW isn't the mistake SS is and always will be the mistake imo. Three houses main appeal will always be the three lords Claude, Dimitri and Edelgard. The story heavily invests in all three of them so thinking that a route with no of them is going against exactly the whole point of the game. I mean the game makes it a point that only the two other lords Hubert and Dedue are not recruitable as students for a reason. Yes yes I have heard of SS supposedly being the initial concept route but I think that is a case of the devs getting too attached to an early idea tbh. Once they fleshed out the lords more they should have realized just how much investment they put into each of them and how much they make the story more interesting and how much a lack of one of them goes against the entire appeal of the game. People don't play VW, AM or CF for the students as much as they do the lord of there choosing. The recruiting students system only makes this much much more of a thing seeming as you can recruit literally everyone else with only minor exceptions in every single route.
  6. Got a Tsubsa one the Edelgard banner which I am ok with Since I didn't have one and was the one blue I wanted most on the banner.
  7. Not the greatest sound quality it is literally my first time recording from my phone. But here is me beating Abysal with the new Legendary Edelgard, Brave Camilla, Hoshidan Summer Micaiah, and Sothis. Mostly with there base kits too with sacred seals only gave summer Micaiah Drive attack and Edelgard Galeforce. Galeforce procing is how she attacks the thief again turn 2 despite being next to Camilla which goes against raging storm. Mainly needed galeforce to move her after killing that thief and to get out of the range of the red sword dude who I found Sothis also can't tank at full hp in other failed runs with different teams. Mvp ability goes to Guidence though as it made it possible for me once I remembered it existed lol. Edit: also fun fact Enemy Edelgard went after Sothis over everyone else. My orignal clear I didn't do as smooth and Edelgard was in a spot that I couldn't attack safely with Micaiah so I had to run around with Sothis leading her to where I wanted lol.
  8. Got Picnic Flora on a ticket summon. Probably only ticket summoning on it.
  9. Woot managed to beat abysal with almost the same team as I beat infernal. Just swapped Brave Veronica to Brave Camilla and gave her guidance and it worked. Camilla guidance allowed Legendary Edelgard to kill the thief and the blue dragon in the first couple of turns and then get her to where I needed here with to bait some mages. Micaiah handled all the armored foes including edelgard. Sothis tanked and killed a couple key enemies on the right hand side.
  10. Manged to beat Infernal actually with the Empress herself. Used a team of dancer Micaiah, Sothis, Brave Veronica and Legend Edelgard. Edelgard can solo the left hand of the map by herself and Sothis does a lot of work on the right hand side. Actually got Edelgard to get the finishing blow on herself lol after Micaiah weakend her.
  11. Luckily she has pair up. Have a wall that Edelgard can't get over swap to her pair up partner and have them deal with it. I think thats the thing a lot of people are missing when they say she is just another galeforce unit. You can use her to galeforce a stupid defensive unit into the middle of the enemy team without dancing or swap the type of damage you are doing from physical to magical if you run into a defensive wall.
  12. Pulled her and super happy about it not the greatest ivs minus def plus res. But yeah she is real good my stats with
  13. Tbh I think that more comes down to the writers than anything else. Alot of stories seem to have the notion that characters who you fight once or twice have to die. There are countless examples in other big franchises in both western and eastern cultures where rather than go into it more they just up and kill of the charcter usually by sacrificing themselves. Frankly I want to see this trend go away and not just with fire emblem.
  14. Personally I think Claude presents as much if not more of a challenge to ally with as anyone else. For one thing the alliance as a whole is complicated when it comes to the war. They make it a point to say Claude is master of tactics just to hold the alliance together through out the timeskip. The alliance was pretty evenly split on which side to support during the timeskip so Claude outright choosing either side could result in an Alliance Civil war. So even before of any of his personal views come into play he has to somehow sell the side of his own faction that he is not pleasing with the choice on the decision. Either choice angers a ton of people in his faction and I doubt everyone is willing to give him a free pass for it. And then he has his own personal ambitions he wants to accomplish. And I think he might not feel he can accomplish them by teaming up with either side tbh.
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