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Posts posted by Charmeleonbrah

  1. I'm not too familiar with Omni, although he seems to be cut from the same cloth as most Fire Emblem Youtubers.  The only channel I routinely watch is Pheonixmaster1, as he has good unit analysis, map strategies, and is pretty accurate with predictions for future content.  I just think the points presented in the video are interesting.  In-game, I would like to see more content and less grinding bs (beat the tenth stratum one trillion times and get 1,500 shards and 5 orbs!)

  2. 5 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    To be honest, deleting Fire Emblem Heroes would in fact be the smartest decision made. As well as the hardest. What you have to consider is how much time and money you spent on this app. And deleting the data and losing everything could be considered making all the effort you put into it before a waste. 

    The fact this guy was able to do it, I commend him for that. It took real guts. Guts that I currently lack. I can't make that step and save myself from this addiction yet.

    But in the future, I might give it up. One thing I want more than anything is to see this story's completion, if there ever will be one. Doubtful, but still. I stuck through it before, I'll still stay through it.

    I've played this game pretty much everyday since I installed it in July.  There were others who installed day 1 in February.  If I very conservatively say I average about an hour a day playing the game, then I've probably played 200 hours.  It's so hard to let go of something that you have invested so much time into.  That's one reason why Blade Runner 2049 was so jarring for me; the underlying theme of simulated v. real experience.

  3. 15 minutes ago, carefreejules said:

    For me, I stopped and uninstalled Fire Emblem Heroes because I eventually felt little reward for anything that I was doing so it just felt like I was mindlessly doing the same thing over and over. Even with new banners and new chapters being released,  it still felt like that same cycle of doing playing the stages, getting the rewards and then rinse and repeat. It's different from other gacha games I've played because unlike Heroes, the other gacha games I've played have more engaging content, story, and characters that keep me surprised and interested. But that's just how I feel based on my own experiences and I'm not saying that Heroes is bad - I'd just rather play other games.

    I can relate to this.  There hasn't been much added to the game for a while gameplay-wise, besides Arena Assault.  After I cleared all the story maps/CCs/Paralogues/SA I felt there wasn't much to do except fight in Arena and questgrind for orbs.  I think I mainly come back to the game because of the new characters that are released each month.

  4. 39 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

    Yeah, auto-battling Lunatic 5 is great...up until the dumb-as-a-brick AI controlling my team gets stuck in a Reposition loop on Summer!Leo's and Summer!Xander's boat map (where the enemies will NEVER move if you never get within their range). It took me until about Turn 15 to notice, so no guesses needed as to what rank my speed was for that run...

    This happened to me when I was at work.  I set the game to auto-battle and the units got caught in the dreaded Reposition loop.  I didn't check my phone for a while, and when I pulled it up, I was on turn 582.

    13 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

    Cherche would need to attack two units regardless to proc Galeforce with HB3, but QP lowers the counter at the start of each map even if she doesn't fight. On map 3 she can proc Galeforce with the first attack. 

    I would have given her HB3 a long time ago, if I ever pulled an Ike. HB3 + QP would let her activate Galeforce on every turn. 

    Ignis is wasted on her, since with 4*+10 +ATK, Brave+ and DB3 she kills most things immediately, except most swords and red dragons. 

    Haha, that happened to me in the armor TTs, the only TTs where I auto-battled. I recognized the loop on Turn 37, speed score F. ^^

    Ignis has been pretty good for me.  Cherche can one-shot most red units if she procs Ignis.  Seeing her one-shot Ayra, Elincia, and Mia never gets old.

  5. This Youtuber posted an interesting video in which he discusses his Heroes addiction and the game's negative aspects, and ends the video by deleting the app.  He brings up some good points about the game, in that there is a lot of joyless grinding involved, the game's simplistic design, and the addicting/time-sink nature of the game, among other good points.  He also hits the nail on the head about the infuriating summoning banners.  I'll diligently save up 150+ orbs in a month, summon on a banner, get 1-3 good units amongst a sea of Bartres, and then go back to saving all my orbs for the rest of the month.

    Personally, I won't install the game as Omni did (he also has an agenda as a content creator).  It sounds like if he was able to better control his playtime he wouldn't have had as many issues with the game.  I would agree that I've probably played the game too much.  What do you guys think?  Will you do the unthinkable in 2018 and *gasp* uninstall Fire Emblem Heroes?

  6. I'm calling Laevateinn becoming a playable character.  She sounds like Jaffar in FE7, who just followed orders until he found a real reason to live.  

    I've found this month somewhat strange regarding this game.  There's a near three-week delay in between the New Years banner and the TT, and Gunnthra was released as a legendary hero last month yet there is not any story chapters involving her.

  7. 1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

    Like this. Or like this. I’m mostly looking forward to the inevitable Genealogy remake because of the soundtrack.

    Do you think in the remake we will be able to give Ayra headpats in Private Room and go to the sauna with her afterwards?

    49 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

    I found my second team: 

    Alfonse (Brash, Desperation), Sakura (now with refined staff), Cherche (Brave+, Galeforce, QP), Tana (triple close defense). 

    I will switch between teams (first one is Airzura, S!Camilla, NY!Camilla, Hinoka), but I don't think I can cap HM for all of them in one week. 

    You could also put Heavy Blade 3 Sacred Seal on Cherche.  Mine has Death Blow and Ignis skills w/HB3, and she hits like a freight train.


    Also realized that Eldy is rapidly approaching God Tier.  Hypothetical movethet:

    Weapon: Mystletainn w/ Fury forge

    Support: Reposition

    Special: Ignis

    A: Distant Counter

    B: Vantage

    C: Horse buff

    Sacred Seal: QR3

    With Horse Emblem buffs and QR3, he gets close to 50 defense and can proc Ignis in first round of combat if he gets doubled.

  8. I'm starting to think there won't be anything special going on in February.  I think there will be a login bonus, some "developers say thanks" maps, and maybe a voting gauntlet.  There will probably be a new banner, maybe Thracia 776 or beast characters.  If there was something major going on, there probably would have been a FEH channel already.  We might get CYL again in the summer.  Realistically, it probably took most of IS's resources to develop the Christmas, New Years, and Radiant Dawn characters and maps.

    On ‎1‎/‎14‎/‎2018 at 2:38 AM, Blade Lord Lyn said:

    I love her outfit, personality, design and character(reason I married her in one of my main Fates files) I couldn't care less what few people on this board think ain't effecting me and I'm definitely sure MANY others as well. I honestly think if any CYL related happens it'll just be the rest in the top 10 getting the CYL treatment at least #3-#4 for both genders I want Bolverk wielding Camilla please!!!!

    Great minds think alike.  I married her too in Conquest.  Wyvern Lords Camilla and Kan(n)a were unstoppable end-game.

    On ‎1‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 6:15 PM, Ice Dragon said:

    Lol.  This is so random.  I believe you said you have not played Fates, correct?  Ice Dragon truly knows everything.

  9. 23 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Dagger maid.

    On a dragon.

    I like it.  So she's really Tohru then and not Lucoa, because Lucoa is not a maid.

    Her Slot A skill would be Heavy Breasts: If Camilla's Cup Size > foe's Cup Size, gain Special cooldown charge +1 per attack.  (If similar skills also used, only highest value applied.)

    Essentially only Kagero and maybe Summer Tiki would stand a chance.

  10. I actually came here to post that Lachesis's voice acting is one of my favorites.  Everytime I use her I laugh, because the voice does not remotely match up with the character.  She's a 15 year old girl with the voice and lines of a jaded 40-something chainsmoker. 

    I also like Cherche, Elise, Raven, and Camilla's voice acting. 

    It's not up to debate that Nino's "Do my best!" is the best line in the series.

    In general though, Japanese voice actors are better than the English ones.

  11. A little surprised that Micaiah is the only waifu-bait on this banner.  Personally I'm glad there will be some decent male characters added for once.  Also LOL if Zelgius is a summonable unit.  People complained that BK couldn't be merged more than once?  Well, here's the solution.  That will be fun (aka hell) to go against in Tier 20 Arena.

    Personally I'm holding off summoning on this banner, because I get the feeling that February could have something interesting coming (CYL, Legendary banner).

  12. On ‎1‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 8:12 PM, Alkaid said:

    Poor Camilla sure has it rough on Serenes. I do hope we get CYL part 2, with her, Tharja, Chrom and Hector. All of them would probably be amazing units just like the last set, and Camilla emblem would be a lot of fun to use. I'd even want Chrom and Hector if their art turned out good. I'd wonder what would come next with CYL, though. A full year later seems a bit long to continue going off the same poll results, but I think having the poll in the first place was mainly a feh launch gimmick I don't really see them just holding a new one soon to replace it either.

    I really hope we don't get a Valentines banner. Back to back limited banners with a legendary banner in between like we've just had was way too much, and I don't want it to see that happen again already. It's terribly excessive at this point. CYL 2 on the heels of the January legendary banner would be bad enough if they do just that.

    Ikr?  Before I joined the online FE community, I just thought she was a fun character gameplay-wise and personality-wise.  I had no idea there was such vitriol lol.  Although her outfit is polarizing, she is undeniably a unique royal in a series that takes almost no risks with the royal/main characters.  

    I also feel like the original CYL may be scrapped in favor of a new poll released this year.  There's been so much that's gone on in Heroes since then that the results would undoubtably change.  Cue CYL Reinhardt (Hector will still be top 4).

    Personally I'd like another Tiki to round out Tiki Emblem.  Each version of her character has been pretty good so far, with Summer Tiki and Adult Tiki being great defensive walls.  Give us a Tiki with 35+ Resistance and we're set.

  13. 3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    As mentioned before, I don't see any harm in giving players more access to Dance and Sing, and Ninian is the only remaining 5-star-exclusive dancer in the standard summoning pool. Her only noteworthy skill is Fortify Dragons, which is a really good skill, but I think it's something that I'd be willing to accept being available on a 4-star pull (Fortify Cavalry, Fortify Fliers, and Fortify Armor are all available from 4-star or lower pulls). Now if Nils comes with Hone Dragons, that has every right to stay 5-star exclusive.

    Now if CYL Camillucoa comes with Hone Dragons, that has every right to stay 5-star exclusive.

  14. 1 hour ago, SoulWeaver said:

    Personally, I hope they keep things dull and dead until then, and then a new everything for an extended period of time. I'm talking another Tempest Trial, the month's Voting Gauntlet right off the bat, new Summoning Focus(or Focuses…Focusi? I'm calling more than one Summoning Focus Focusi from here on out), another GHB(give us Idunn for goodness sake I'm sick of waiting), another BHB(Personal preference would be Ephidel and Limstella but that may be too many new Units at one time), we could go on, and it would all be available all month…except maybe the Voting Gauntlet.

    Now to be realistic. We're going to get New Year's Corrin. And a new Login Bonus. And then they'll add one Ayra-esque Unit and put it in a Focus with three old Units of the same color that nobody wants so we all have to pay a bunch of money on Orbs if we want to keep up with the new broken metagame. Actually, no, we're going to get New Year's Corrin IN that Focus instead of for free like people have been saying, with like three Healers as the other Focus Units to make Colorless Pulls even more retarded.

    I wouldn't mind getting Idunn, might as well add another dragon girl who's 1,000 years old, this time with purple/pink hair.   I could see Sonia or Nergal coming before the other morphs.

    I'm not remotely excited about getting NY Corrin, his stats are unimpressive and he's my least favorite main char in the series.  

    1 hour ago, Glennstavos said:

    Also the Shards and Crystals quest will probably be replaced with better quests that get us replaying older story chapters on lunatic, perhaps the promise of one more orb per level. But I'm personally hoping for them to give us divine dew and/or more refinement stones as quest rewards. Plus they may introduce some quality of life summoning feature like making it easier to not get pity broken or them permanently increasing focus rates for banners of older, non seasonal units. I'm not holding my breath for rarity demotions, but this does feel like the last, best time for them to consider that as well. Same with adding a ton of new 3-4 star units.

    Last predictions. Hero Merit cap increase to 5000, and every week will see the run or re-run of both a Grand Hero Battle and Bound Hero battle, resulting in slightly more orbs a week as well as more access to GHB merges. Mini TTs will make their return but with less rewards - probably cutting off all of the rewards past the 40K seal (which will of course be 20K in a mini TT), also, I'm expecting them to straight up repeat previous TTs with the Mini format.

    They really need to work on this.  I'm sick of the monthly quests which involve the player grinding the Tenth Stratum a bunch of times.  I'd like actual content instead of grinding.


  15. As you all know, this game was released on February 2nd of last year.  It's a little over 3 weeks until then, and IS will certainly have something planned for it.  The past month or so has been somewhat dull, gameplay-wise, as the latest BHB and GHB have been reruns, and the TT and VG aren't anything new gameplay-wise.  It seems like they're biding their time for a big event.

    Some guesses are the return of Choose Your Legends voting, a Weapon Refinery update, and a new story release, since we just got the Voice of Dreams without any backstory.  What do you guys think?


  16. On ‎1‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 6:22 PM, Dark Holy Elf said:

    Requesting membership of this fan club. :)

    I like Elincia a lot but she has some issues with Brave Ike who is sadly one of the most common greens. I'll probably try to use Camilla more long-term because although I'm a big fan of both characters, I like New Year Camilla's art a lot more than Elincia's FEH art.

    Request granted.  Welcome aboard! 

    @AlkaidIt would be pretty amusing if IS brought back the CYL for the 1 year anniversary and featured Camilla and Tharja as the female units.  

  17. 17 hours ago, Alkaid said:

    Ayy, I'm glad we both got her. I sunk 130 orbs into this banner for 2 Camillas and an Azura. My first Camilla was -spd so I kept trying and actually a +spd one. Finally some good luck!.

    If anything I'd say it's a good thing these units aren't too nuts. We'd really be heading for the moon quick if every banner one after the other was increasingly more power creep. You could say Azura might be semi-power creep in itself just for being a flying dancer, though. Camilla also seems better than people are giving her credit for. Corrin and Takumi though.. at least Takumi's weapon is kind of creep, since it's the highest MT dagger, I think, with the killer effect on top of it.


    Nice! As the leaders of the SF Camilla fanclub we definitely deserved to pull her.  I think she's pretty good, just not as good as Elincia.  I would have preferred Camilla as a nuke rather than a physical tank/support unit, but it works.  I'm building her as a Brave Sword+ unit in lieu of having Elinicia, and then have a second moveset as a support-tank.  I thought about a Wo Dao+ build but decided against it when I realized she'd be a second-rate Minerva due to the Hauteclere upgrade.

    Azura is the closest to powercreep IMO obviously due to being a Dancer with access to flier movement and buffs, but that's mainly due to her unique unit status rather than her stats.  And if Geishamilla was a powercreep Elincia we'd all be in trouble (which would be fine by me).

  18. Christmas Tharja is so much fun to use.  Reinhardt does single digit damage to her.  On max difficulty, she tanks final boss Robin's attacks and KOs him with Glacies.  With R Tome Valor 3, 2x SP event,  and TT x2 SP, she gets 24 SP each KO.  Mine's at around 7500 SP now, between doing the Tempest Trial and Arena.

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