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Jack of the Dead

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Status Updates posted by Jack of the Dead

  1. *sniff sniff* I smell an asshat

  2. Keeping the dead. Again

  3. well the doctor still took orders from the robot. So that suggests that the conscious will of the man was still in the robot. All in all, I think the series was a good watch.

  4. The reason why is because there was really nothing new. Alucard left so there was nothing really epic that they could do. I mean the whole werewolf business was interesting but it wasn't enough.

  5. well... it was definitely interesting. I knew he was going to come back somehow

  6. I've actually been looking for that one. Where did you find it?

  7. I just finished ep IX. the one with Alucard vs the butler.

  8. however. my fingers are dyslexic.

  9. Hell Yes.

    I've been watching on hulu. there hasn't been any real conclusion there whoever.

  10. I'm trying to remember what the repenting problem was about.

  11. this is the time. Where the keeper stands aside to bring forth the monster hunter in each of us.

  12. How was this decided!!!!!????

  13. so... why is rei rei destined to punch you?

  14. I thank thee, good sir.

    How long have I been gone? Your name! Why did it change?

  15. I understand the bunny... but I don't understand the fat...

  16. What about carter slade?

  17. I know this is way late because I wasn't here but Happy birthday

  18. honestly, that was the first time I thought of it in a DBZ fashion. not sure why it took me so long to make that connection.

  19. would you like another video to offset the terrible?

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