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Jack of the Dead

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Everything posted by Jack of the Dead

  1. *sniff sniff* I smell an asshat

  2. I disappear for a month and this happens. wow
  3. Can someone help me to understand why I got banned?
  4. Where is that how to play brawl like a man thread. There were so many worthy laughs there.
  5. No one can take you seriously because of that stupid doge...
  6. Pi? the last number is the square root of negative one. i duh.
  7. ENFJ Extravert(22%) iNtuitive(12%) Feeling(12%) Judging(33%) You have slight preference of Extraversion over Introversion (22%) You have slight preference of Intuition over Sensing (12%) You have slight preference of Feeling over Thinking (12%) You have moderate preference of Judging over Perceiving (33%)
  8. They name winter storms? I live in texas and this i've never heard of a winter storm being named before. This may be like a duh to you northerners but seriously. i've never heard of a winter storm being named before.
  9. Microsoft testing structure goes like this: Release a brand new product with little or no testing people buy it anyways people tell you the flaws and good things eliminate flaws and expound on the successes in the the next version Release new version roll in the money as you have not only created an excellent system, but you practically got paid for free product testing. and if you think this doesn't apply to the xbox. think back to when the xbox 360 was first released and how terrible the tech was. (and dont get me started on the red rings of death)
  10. Partia is the name of this game and frm what I can tell it just looks like a FE4 hack or something similar that is playable for the ipod. it is $3.99. I'm curious as to how they are dodging lawsuits with this game.
  11. drive 2 hours north and you will really feel the cold.
  12. So whatever the hell happened to the Folgore rangers and other stuff that was going on while I was here last. I feel like SF has changed to much. anyway. Does anybody feel like there is something about this picture that isn't right? [spoiler=from official site] AND WHO THE HELL KNEW DONNY WAS SO SHORT
  13. WHAT DO YOU EXPECT WHEN ALEPH IS INVOLVED? and your text color reminds me of Goldie.
  14. Keeping the dead. Again

  15. I really think lloyd or linus should be there. I mean, freakin star fox got wolf in there. meh what do you think.
  16. You know, the sf I remember would jump at the opportunity to screw up his life with crappy characters.
  17. Saying I preferred karel over harken Edit. I still prefer Karel but that is neither here not there. -_-
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