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Jack of the Dead

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Everything posted by Jack of the Dead

  1. The bad thing is, that I can sneak up on most people and they don't even know I'm there. its kinda creepy how alike we are. I mean, I even used to grow berries in the garden with my mother and Grandpa. (see donnel and kellam's C support convo)
  3. Chrom's battle count was no less than 666 excuse me whilst i hide in terror and never touch the game again.
  4. Would you be surprised to know that my FE7 affinity was Dark?
  5. Kid totally was in the wrong. I used to play, and I would have kicked the shit out of whatever kid did that. let us not forget that a certain someone's father has an interest in Swansea's club.
  6. well the doctor still took orders from the robot. So that suggests that the conscious will of the man was still in the robot. All in all, I think the series was a good watch.

  7. original vid was funnier... but omg epic
  8. The reason why is because there was really nothing new. Alucard left so there was nothing really epic that they could do. I mean the whole werewolf business was interesting but it wasn't enough.

  9. I'm glad im exempted from being Waha Punished™. IT HAS BEEN TOO LONG MY BROTHER!
  10. well... it was definitely interesting. I knew he was going to come back somehow

  11. I've actually been looking for that one. Where did you find it?

  12. I just finished ep IX. the one with Alucard vs the butler.

  13. however. my fingers are dyslexic.

  14. Hell Yes.

    I've been watching on hulu. there hasn't been any real conclusion there whoever.

  15. My (completely paid off) preorder is not in Austin.
  16. I'm going to Austin (the capitol of Texas), on Feb 4th at 9 in the morning... Gamestop does not open until 10am. I cannot go get my game until Wednesday! Oh man I hate this. grrrrr.... anyway... aside from my lamenting, say what you think sucks. inb4"yousuck"comment
  17. I know a guy from japan who has never heard of Fire Emblem... so it's really no big deal.
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