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Jack of the Dead

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Everything posted by Jack of the Dead

  1. I hope I dont have to explain why this makes me think of an angry lesbian.
  2. It was totally worth reading this all again.
  3. fix'd. because he is certainly not an est. he was here in SF far to early to be an est.
  4. 1. open up the shop at 6:30 2. find food or make someone get it. 3. work 4. go home. 5. play games 6. Hygiene 7. Girlfriend 8. Sleep OPTIONAL: BUY SKYRIM (no longer optional)
  5. um... yeah whatever... apparently I didn't make my joke obvious enough.
  6. he said NPC. So I assume he means "unrecruitable allied unit".
  7. It worked with the font before... Idk what changed it this time. also: it was more like "Team Integrity" as in people who support you instead of "hull strength."
  8. Either this or this and because I kinda fit his profile
  9. I was going to stay out of whether he should be mod or not until something like this happened.
  10. I still am mad at a lack of Guy and Karel. not to mention we need to get a jump on the US release and get badges for the new game.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=mO1QBTG6EXs#! the video that showed up randomly...
  12. basically this My boss for my second job (named Deirdre) would be nitpicking because she would disagree with your erroneous statement.
  13. Hector is on a different tier of manliness. He gets Armads. LOOK WHO IS TALKING
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