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Jack of the Dead

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Everything posted by Jack of the Dead

  1. Doth thy mother know thou weareth her drapes?
  2. Indeed. But the outer containers (which are required for most cemeteries) are made of concrete and metal. concrete and steel
  3. Kano is little in "Komparison" yes I made a pun YOINK
  4. 1. I think I should only have to do my job once per person. 2. the biological mechanics are physically impossible. and it makes me mad. 3. the chances of the grand majority of these dead ones getting out of their concrete or steel containers is nil. and it would piss me off if they can because I worked hard on those!
  5. I may have to buy a 3DS just to play this game. which I really hate the thought of.
  6. If this ends up on Tosh.0... I will laugh so hard.
  7. did he eat something during his rant?
  8. Michigan? I guess they want to make sure you don't crash the cars they worked so hard on in detroit. I suppose that means you have the crazy accent too.
  9. Well, texas require[d] 36 hours classroom instruction, passing a written test to get a permit, and 14 hours parent taught behind the wheel driving. it could be done at home. but the place I went to only had $150 for the class hours. and we didn't have to take a behind the wheel test. law changed right after I got mine tho. snuck out without having to have a driving test.
  10. I know this is way late because I wasn't here but Happy birthday

  11. ouch... just ouch. Yes I am Jack. and you can save your marshmallow cannon for another day. and it's not powah... its phowa
  12. i find it amazing that this thread gets 111 new pages since I last posted in it.
  13. granted. you feel nothing. at all. you are a soulless void. I wish for free worldwide internet!
  14. indeed. its in honor of today. it will be blue again tomorrow.
  15. honestly, that was the first time I thought of it in a DBZ fashion. not sure why it took me so long to make that connection.

  16. Well I am using green text. consider yourself outdone. edit: oh. and happy st patrick's day, you get a pinch.
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