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Jack of the Dead

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Everything posted by Jack of the Dead

  1. Honestly, Eliwood was the only one manly enough in his game to wield Durandal. this should be enough for him to keep his man status.
  2. I understand the bunny... but I don't understand the fat...

  3. Where Goldie posts on every single thread in FFtF. Just saying... in case you haven't noticed... Ialsofeltlikemakingathreadsueme. i wonder if anyone can see this hehehe
  4. thatstupidonewithleonardodicapriowheretheystillsayswordinsteadofgun?andthegunsaidsword9mmonit? I have no idea what you are talking about.
  5. You know what I haven't heard in a long time? An Ishtar Joke.
  6. Happy Birthday. in normal text. just for you.
  7. just go eat pie. It will solve all your problems. But you got to let the pie work.
  8. Congratulations! And may there be many more to follow!
  9. you should totally base a Character off of this guy and make him have supports with a character based of Furetchen. and we let Furet write the script.
  10. It just seemed weird that something so random would have all this bonus stuff for fire emblem.
  11. What about carter slade?

  12. Please tell me you understand this one... because many people on facebook are lame and didn't get it.
  13. There is this addon that accomplished this. I think it was call smoothscroll but idk and it basically accomplished the same thing. Except it was a bit buggier.
  14. something else that made me laugh was when seph said something about his Elphin sprite. and then he posted it. I was rolling with that one. but OH THOU ILLITERATE LOITERER got quite the chuckle from me as well. Excellent job sir furetchen.
  15. This made me think of Furet's "JAAAPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN" video
  16. This means we can't be friends. ever.
  17. you obviously haven't hung around with Free long enough.
  18. It has been decided. mainly because of how epic it sounds.
  19. too bad the world is supposed to end soon
  20. Dammit... I guess I have to buy the freaking 3ds now.
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