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Jack of the Dead

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Everything posted by Jack of the Dead

  1. I should probably let you know that I've been building up an immunity to iocane powder. EDIT: Tangy just won. Sorry.
  2. TAKING JOKES WHERE THEY NEVER SHOULD HAVE GONE!!! [spoiler=what do you call a herd of masturbating cattle?] BEEF STROGANOFF
  3. umm.... i suddenly want to try this...
  4. The funniest part was when a guy walked past my desk on the phone while i was reading this thread. the only think I heard him say was "Okay." Okay.
  5. Note to self. Don't laugh at people with axes just because they're far away and you have a gun.
  6. I thank thee, good sir.

    How long have I been gone? Your name! Why did it change?

  7. why the hell do people keep stealing my. fucking. color? and yeah, bad concept idea. I cant quite see ike in a game that doesnt involve whacking someone with that big ass sword of his.
  8. Why did they put out a new Spider-man so quickly? Because they are prepping for the next avengers movie.
  10. Are we really going to start this Fad again? This. he will: 1. Flee in terror. 2. piss pants then flee in terror 3. shit pants then flee in terror 4. all of the above 5. advance and die. Problem Solved! (I don't normally advocate this much violence if he's just walking up to you on the street, if he ever broke into your house, you would definitely be able to defend yourself)
  11. The way I understand it a few SFers live in Houston COME, JOIN THE LONE STAR STATE!!!
  12. This picture has provided inspiration for a hack that I will neither have the time nor ability to make.
  13. Just a thought: I've seen some of your work as far as graphic design goes... Do you think you would be interested in that? It looks like you have a gift for that. second, if price is a big issue, you can probably go to a junior college to get you core classes out of the way that you really don't need, but you have to take anyway. they are usually easier at a Junior college level. (and if you get into Phi Theta Kappa, you could have scholarships lined up for you if you transfer to a university. This is also something that looks good on a resumé) Again, these are just some thoughts to consider.
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