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Jack of the Dead

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Everything posted by Jack of the Dead

  1. My biggest deal was the really tiny feet and the fact that I thought bugs were flying in front of my screen in Chapter 1's map. otherwise, it is excellent.
  2. This is a type of life... so to speak. so there is life here. it may be highly detached as by a wall of text... but this is a way of life. bananas
  3. I've got butterflies. and i never ever do this far away from something.
  4. I thought I heard there was supposed to be an alt ending.
  5. the only time I will bow is as I lower you into your grave.
  6. please tell me I am not the only one who understands this reference.
  7. I'm trying to remember what the repenting problem was about.

  9. This made me think of Emowood in that rage fest submission. (Yes. I do watch those terrible things if only to see mj throw bitchfits. It's kinda funny)
  10. Who the hell are you, and why the hell are you wearing my font color? Get out of it now.
  11. I just got the app. but i was more interested in this Partia. which claims to be inspired by Fire emblem and Tear Ring Saga. looks similar. but its 3.99 im not into gambling on something that may be a shite game. EDIT: the app is also in english. so its good.
  12. this is the time. Where the keeper stands aside to bring forth the monster hunter in each of us.

  13. I got a 3ds XL. I shall proceed to preorder Awakening shortly. shit i forgot to do my annual christmas song thing... dammit.
  14. Simply sleep from like noon to 11 after pulling a video game all nighter. go to the midnight release. get game. play until school starts in the morning. then play until your normal bedtime after school. then SLEEEEEEEEEEEEP. it will be totally worth it. In fact. I believe that is what I shall do.
  15. Why do the subtitles in the OP greatly remind me of Soul Calibur?
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