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Jack of the Dead

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Everything posted by Jack of the Dead

  1. I just thought it stood for "prime"
  2. I go absent for a month and find out about this the day after? shit.
  3. shoot, my mother kills spiders all the time. she calls me when she can't reach them.

    1. Darros


      Because it is. Durr.

  5. my hands start to smell (and taste) like butter sometimes. on the other end, my feet smell like my dorm.
  6. animus = Assassin's creed. not anime.
  7. lumi and furet are cream and cheese respectively. I would probably fit big the cat, if its based on size. nightmare is totally shadow.
  8. No question punctuation therefore no question and I totally didn't misread that as I am not gay I am guys.
  9. answer your own damn question that you didn't ask.
  10. I can name both. that's just because I have a good memory.
  11. Jack, keeper of the hedgehogs, keeper of the golden rings, keeper of the speed? whatever I can't change my name for 2 months anyway.
  12. Am I the only one that notices he wants to fuck everyone on this forum?
  13. notice how I said more. meaning FE9&10.
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