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Jack of the Dead

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Everything posted by Jack of the Dead

  1. THEN WHY IS SHE WITH ME? I totally forgot you were a girl for just a second there.
  2. nope. Roxas did. (realized later on that I could have entered mensa when I was 14. too late oh well.)
  3. Are you in mensa? did you score perfectly on the SAT? then STFU
  4. have you actually watched his lp's? they're not bad at all. much less mediocre.
  5. i didn't read that anywhere in anything he typed... hmmm... yep delusional.
  6. I think this is more amazing personally.
  7. I was going to say that was SOPAthetic. but then I realized I agree.
  8. I was actually laughing at that. until you ruined it.
  9. but it represents YOU D: thin ice my friend. thin ice.
  10. durrrrr is it this one?(Why the fuck does that exist??????)
  11. I'm sure why we are all wondering why he bothered to post it in fftf aside from more traffic.
  12. and yet you fully support sopa that would shutdown his source of income. how is this going to work again? oh right IT'S NOT.
  13. The government edited it. never said I supported piracy. I don't support government taking over the internet. it will hurt many of the legitimate businesses. there are people who use youtube and make money off it and it is their main medium of the entertainment. (dom fera, tom ska, etc.) Artists have their own youtube pages. (a7x,Red, etc) and of course there is spotify which lets you listen to all the free music you want when you want to listen to it. and guess what? they (the artists) make money off of it. and as it was mentioned before it wouldn't stop it anyway. look at china. you would be hurting the people who obey the law and doing nothing to those that break it. sopa is the government taking a big step to control the internet under the guise of stopping piracy. what would be the best way to control the people in this era? control the internet. not to mention violation of the 1st amendment.
  14. the original looney toons and tom and jerry.
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