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Jack of the Dead

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Everything posted by Jack of the Dead

  1. I don't drink coffee. Mountain Dew. I remember fighting a demon for some reason... idk. its too messed up.
  2. I feel that if I read another post like this I might have to beat goldie with a shovel.
  3. but you're from the southernmost region of the east side of texas... how is this even possible? keep dreaming.
  4. I'm curious as to what people imaged me as... EDIT: I always imaged anouleth as a creepy puppet.
  5. You dream you made an alternate account on SF and got banned for it and then you go to hell and back to get unbanned. (literally to burning fire hell) I really need to get my priorities straight.
  6. you think I didn't? thats what I meant by beat, my friend.
  7. ok, the guy tells you to level up characters... and says don't use florina... because she is weak early on... Do you like contradicting yourself or what? Use whoever you want! (except 2 of the best characters in the game)
  8. well, I beat all the spyro ps1 games. i never even got close the the ps2 version or the crappy portable variants. If its a playstation game keep it with playstation, don't give it to nintendo!
  9. you would fit in well in texas. and half of the african american demographic of my college wears 10 pairs of shorts under their pants. and you can see every single pair.
  10. this is ridiculous. *facepalm* sad thing is some poor idiot may have been working to find that very thing.
  11. hello I am (relatively)new don't hate me for it because I have no idea who the hell you are.
  12. it looks like something stupid that disney came up with... like thats so raven or something like that.
  13. yeah wait until you have fire emblem, god of war, zelda, and harry potter all in one dream. that was one of the weirdest dreams I've ever had.
  14. if she was real I would feel like a douche
  15. What is up with the face of the long black haired one?
  16. you'll wish you had BK when you get stuck with the generic soldier... (I still have nightmares about it)
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