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Jack of the Dead

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Everything posted by Jack of the Dead

  1. It's fair because you choose where your allegiances lie. you can choose the world or you can choose God and his laws. you pick your home, so to speak. as for not agreeing with his rules, just because you don't agree with a law doesn't mean you are exempt from it. try going 100mph in a 30mpn zone. You can say you didn't agree with the law, but you still have to deal with it. as for denying his existence, it's also evident that there is a design in the world. thats how people know there is a higher power. why do you think every civilization had a god or gods that they worshipped? they realized that someone had to make all this. and for those that never learned or believed in the wrong thing, that's where the burden falls upon believers to spread the word. the point being, A higher power is evident. its man's job to find out which one. the thing about Christ is that you have to understand his nature and why he was here in the first place. Christ was there at creation. the trinity existed before creation. Christ took a human form, went through everything we go through as humans, and was sacrificed because he was perfect. I'm sure you heard of the practice of sacrificing a lamb for sins. well, Christ took on the sins of the world, not just one person, and paid for it in blood. which fulfilled the need for payment of sins. Christ wasn't just the son of God, he was God. God made it so everyone in the world could be saved. all they had to do was choose. there is some truth to this. but there is a reason behind it. it makes us stronger. Christians, real Christians, actually get the worst of it. the bible says its gonna be hard. the rest of it is not testing. it is satan trying to pull people away. I hear about all these contradictions, but I haven't seen any that hold water. care to share a few? and the writing was inspired by God. man wrote it according to God's will. they used their own styles, their own metaphors, but in the end, it came from God. the only thing I can get from this is that you are against using the resources on the earth. the Bible said man was put into the world to be a steward of the world, meaning he can do with it what he wants but he has to take care of it. not sure what the problem is there.
  2. I would like to hear your reasons for how the earth is what it is today. with all the proof how random evolution could produce a world that shows an obvious design.
  3. true. but it seemed to me like it was trying to distract from the issue.
  4. I could give you the full answer to this. but no one on this forum would actually listen anyway.
  5. wait wait wait wait wait.... did I just see tang crack a whip? didn't know you were into that kind of thing. I bet ether is thrilled now.
  6. umm, what part of "supernatural" means it is going to make natural logical sense? I actually means there are going to be things that we cannot understand. also, if you read later in the bible, God's glory shines like light. so there's the original light source, best I can put it out there for ya.
  7. the point being God is not bound by the laws he made. he can make light then make a light source. he made the heavens and the earth, then he made the land a few days later. after day 6 the universal laws were in order. Creation, in the fact that it is supernatural, is the exception to many natural laws.
  8. ad hominem attacks really do nothing to enforce your position. (it actually weakens it.)
  9. well he created the heavens and the earth before they had a form, so why couldn't he make light without a light source?
  10. he created the sun and moon and stars on the 4th day. light existed before then.
  11. Ok so in genesis it made the distinction that there was the light (day) and darkness (night) on the first day. therefore it set the tone for days to come. so we can be pretty sure it was 24 hours.
  12. late but i think I was green? I hope this doesn't cause a faction in SF
  13. Irony, the type of humor that everyone thinks they understand but they really don't.
  14. your avvy is making me dizzy.

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