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Jack of the Dead

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Everything posted by Jack of the Dead

  1. calling the translators... is this an attempt to make tall japanese people?
  2. I was hoping for a deep philosophical answer that one could get without playing the game for 5 minutes. (jk) but that works too.
  3. I just make him use a random color... not my fault if it was raven's this time. it actually is but dont judge me
  4. That would be a no... And stop stealing my text color!
  5. granted, but it turns to dust upon touching it because it was so old. Someone is obsessed with pokemon... I wish for azazel to be less cheap in tekken 6
  6. well, I use audacity, its free and requires nothing but your mic. (and its in better quality than vocaroo)
  7. how dare you use a Spanish name and have no idea how to pronounce the words! I'll give it a shot. I don't speak Spanish, but I can read it pretty well. so you want me to send you the file in a pm or something?
  8. My next name... Jack the Ripper. but only after new years.
  9. is that supposed to be a who's that pokemon in your sig?

  10. I thought it was a good concept that was well executed. however, I am supremely pissed that they are only releasing KH3 for the 3ds.
  11. well, considering their track record and this only happening once, I would still let them do it.
  12. I find it odd that I am reading this subject whilst sitting next to a russian.
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