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Jack of the Dead

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Everything posted by Jack of the Dead

  1. I've heard that carbon dating is off. something about how it assumes the rate of decay was constant and it assumes the same about environmental factors. I'll have to read up on that.
  2. I am ready for the world to end. I thought I was wrong once...
  3. umm. do I call that thing shipwad or what?

  4. wasn't the whole global warming scare saying that the world was going to be flooded if things continued going the way they were? or did i just hear that from somewhere. (and the way we are going to know if this is true is if they let us up on mt ararat. but that isn't going to happen.) there's no way to explain the longevity by todays standards. the only guess I can make is that the environment was more suitable to a long life. it never said one day. it just said that he did it. and there's the supernatural part.
  5. NEVERMIND MY STUPID. but seriously, thanks bro.
  6. I have a feeling there's going to be a lot of work for me in the week following the 22nd.
  7. because of this, I will let you share my text color. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
  8. Oh, I thought you would have been done with the playthrough by now.
  9. except it supposed to be God talking to Job. telling him to look at it as an example. not hear about it because he's never seen it before.
  10. Read the passage. think of what other animal it can match. think of how a cedar sways. then apply that to the animals you know of. hippo? Elephant? their tails are small and move rather quickly. it fits better.
  11. Spykor, buddy! did you forget about me? loljk noseriouslydontgothoughthetroubleireallydontwantitiwasjustsayin
  12. that's so sad. so you can't eat any breads at all?
  13. good point. but hippos also don't go up to the mountains. like the passage later describes.
  14. eats grass strong an a tail like a giant freaking tree. hippos don't have a tail like that.
  15. time for a name change...

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