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Jack of the Dead

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Everything posted by Jack of the Dead

  1. TO HELL WITH THE BURN BANS. I'M DOIN IT ANYWAY! (right after I set the timer, run for cover, and let my worst enemy get the blame for it.) *Cue the Boston Pops* I think I could go to jail for this...
  2. So would I. But that would require me being british. Seeing as I have hispanic Heritage, I should wait til spain decides to become a monarchy again. Chat made me Realize that I could also be Kent.
  3. And we have our First Selection! LuminescentBlade is Lakche! Congratulations. Feel free to say I told you so. EDIT: Sorry about the size.
  4. I am Heath Freohr- Micaiah(3-0) or laura or Mist(2-0) Wist- either Haar(2-0) or Pent Charlie- Ronan(1-0) Luminescent Blade- Lakche(10-0) Fox- Karel, Nephenee(8-1) Tangerine- Heather(9-1) Spykor- Pick a damn unit. Boyd(2-0) or Largo(1-0) Seph1212- Mernilus(1-0) Duessel baha all the con. I laugh at it everytime I hear it. Barioth- It has to be an actual character. so... Nils(3-0) or Priscilla Doom- Hector(1-0) Queen_Elincia- Hmm. I wonder who it could be Elincia(4-0) Fenrir- Makalov(2-1), Ike(1-0) Ein Silver Rose- Aran(1-0) ☆ Holmes- holmestarrunner Joerachi- Ogma(1-1) Ragnell- Tauroneo. (1-0) (No Oscar for you!) Chococoke- Volug(1-0) Strawman the Sawman Shaman- Aran, Meg and Zihark(2-0) (people are going to vote so I'll put this up here anyway) Also: Pookums.(1-0) Eclipse- Titania(6-0) or Louise Vicious Sal- Makalov (0-1), OUjay, Klien, Percival, Harken, leonardo, Ceasar, Zihark, Edward(2-0) (Seriously? I hate you.) Smash- Yeah, only the people currently in SF can participate. Paperblade- Alec or Forde(2-0) mikethfc- Generic soldier(1-0). (YOU ARE NOT AT RATH'S EPIC SILENCE LEVELS) Barte crashman_alpha- Hawk(1-0) LittleAl- Eliwood(1-0) or Lugh(1-1) or Oliver (1-0), ranulf (I looked. had a nomination and no votes) L.Lawliet- Roy(1-0) SeverIan- Bastian(3-0) or Sephiran(1-0) or Renault(1-0) or Wilson Lux- Karla(2-0) or Vanessa(1-0) or Fir(1-0) Cecila Generic Officer- Muarim(1-0) Dagron- Tormod(2-0) Royal Ludroth- Brom, Wil(2-1), Oswin(1-0), Hector Pariah- Marisa (3-0) Juliet/soul/IDONTGIVEA****- Soren, Forde(1-2), Sothe(1-0), Lucius Interceptor- Bastian(3-1) Ike(2-0) and Marcia(1-0). Chiki's PP- Cain(1-0) I don't care if it was meant this way. you asked for it NinjaMonkey- Nealuchi(1-0), Desmond, Rath(1-3) (He doesn't know who rath is therefore he does not deserve the title.) Althenian Memories~ Fir or Laura(4-0) Maji- Marty or Othlin(1-0) Ether- Rhys(1-0) Anti-Social Knight- Treck(3-0) NiggahrdRaven- Lucius Raven(3-0) or Michalis Black Cat-Lethe(1-0) rennac Furetchen- Jamka, Asaello(5-0) Claire Stanfield- Legault(1-0) Bantu Erkle- Sonia(1-0) erk Proto- Lyon(2-0) Aoibara- Michaiah(1-0) Obviam- Valter(1-0) or Oliver (0-1), Lyn, Valtome blame darros Nightmare- Dheginsea(3-0), Stefan(4-0), Hardin, Tibarn(1-0), Zihark(1-0), Sephiran, Jhen Mohran- Ulki(1-0) of Mordecai, Joseflior- Naesala(1-0) or Rennac Saloma-Edward(1-0) weapons- Soren(1-0) Anouleth (AKA creepy puppet gifman)- Noah(1-0) Integrity- Rennac(1-0) whase- erk(1-0) SirBrickingtonCrushworthy- Sephiran or Aless Excellen- Sylvia(1-0) Dio- Nergal(0-1) or Riev(0-1) or travant or levin(1-0) Saku - Elincia(1-0), Ethlin(6-0), Jill, and Mist. Arch- Delmud Frostbite- knoll Luka- Faval(0-1) or Sedgar(0-1) Gaggles Wil Wolt Astra- Percival Amelia- Lilina JB- Louise Earl- Pent (this is a joke?)
  5. Kinda sounds like Marcus... EDIT, minus the whole flirting over the top with girls.
  6. I think we can all see who lumi is about to be. 2 votes makes it official.
  7. We need something to cancel out the creepy in this thread. there
  8. YES! also probably because we were the only ones to win our own independence.
  9. Why are we talking about race and shooting people? I thought this was about something else entirely. oh wait.
  10. The fact that you don't know my name appalls my obvious nerves.
  11. I agree. I do not agree. dammit, i didn't make the list
  12. I am Heath Freohr- Micaiah(1-0) or laura Wist- either Haar or Pent Charlie- Ronan Luminescent Blade- Lakche(5-0) or Illyana, Ayra, Echidna, Minerva and Malice/Maris Fox- Karel, Nephenee Tangerine- Heather(1,0) Spykor- Pick a damn unit. Boyd or Largo Seph1212- Mernilus baha all the con. I laugh at it everytime I hear it. Barioth- It has to be an actual character. so... Nils or Priscilla Doom- Hector(1-0) Queen_Elincia- Hmm. I wonder who it could be Elincia(1-0) Fenrir- Makalov(1-1), Ike(1-0) Ein Silver Rose- Aran ☆ Holmes- holmestarrunner -(no one has gotten the joke yet.) Joerachi- Ogma Ragnell- Tauroneo. (No Oscar for you!) Chococoke- Volug Strawman the Sawman Shaman- Aran, Meg and Zihark (people are going to vote so I'll put this up here anyway) Also: Pookums. Eclipse- Titania(2-0) or Louise Vicious Sal- Makalov (0-1), OUjay, Klien, Percival, Harken, leonardo, Ceasar, Zihark, Edward(1-0) (Seriously? I hate you.) Smash- Yeah, only the people currently in SF can participate. Paperblade- Alec or Forde(1-0) mikethfc- Generic soldier. (YOU ARE NOT AT RATH'S EPIC SILENCE LEVELS) Barte crashman_alpha- Hawk LittleAl- Eliwood(1-0) or Lugh(1-1) or Oliver (1-0), ranulf (I looked. had a nomination and no votes) L.Lawliet- Roy SeverIan- Bastian(1-0) or Sephiran or Renault(1-0) or Wilson Lux- Karla(1-0) or Vanessa or Fir Generic Officer- Muarim Dagron- Tormod(1-0) Royal Ludroth- Brom, Wil(1-1), Oswin, Hector Pariah- Marisa (1-0) Juliet/soul/IDONTGIVEA****- Soren, Forde(1-2), Sothe Interceptor- Bastian(1-1) Ike and Marcia. Chiki's PP- Cain I don't care if it was meant this way. you asked for it NinjaMonkey- Nealuchi, Desmond, Rath(1-3) (He doesn't know who rath is therefore he does not deserve the title.) Althenian Memories~ Fir or Laura(1-0) Maji- Marty or Othlin Ether- Rhys Anti-Social Knight- Treck NiggahrdRaven- Lucius Raven or Michalis(Is this guy even a true FE character? that looked like a Navarre splice.) Mettaur-FAILTARD Furetchen- Jamka, Asaello(1-0) Claire Stanfield- Legault, Bantu Erkle- Sonia Proto- Lyon(1-0) Aoibara- Michaiah Obviam- Valter or Oliver (0-1), Lyn, Valtome blame darros Nightmare- Dheginsea(2-0), Stefan(3-0), Hardin, Tibarn(1-0), Zihark(1-0), Sephiran, Jhen Mohran- Ulki of Mordecai, Joseflior- Naesala or Rennac Saloma-Edward weapons- Soren Anouleth (AKA creepy puppet gifman)- Noah Integrity- Rennac
  13. If this is about the whole "FAILTARD" business, I will gladly change it if you suggest something.
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