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Jack of the Dead

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Everything posted by Jack of the Dead

  1. I vote yes. and welcome back to active status. allow me to stay out of the friggin way.
  2. Ok, so far: I am Heath Freohr- Micaiah or laura Wist- either Haar or Pent Charlie- Ronan Luminescent Blade- Lakche or Illyana, Ayra, Echidna, Minerva and Malice/Maris Fox- Karel Tangerine- Heather Spykor- Pick a damn unit. Boyd or Largo Seph1212- Mernilus Barioth- It has to be an actual character. so... Nils or Priscilla Doom- Hector Queen_Elincia- Hmm. I wonder who it could be Fenrir- Makalov Ein Silver Rose- Aran ☆ Holmes- holmestarrunner Joerachi- Halp Ragnell- Tauroneo. (No Oscar for you!) Chococoke- Volug Strawman the Sawman Shaman- Aran, Meg and Zihark (people are going to vote so I'll put this up here anyway) Also: Pookums. Eclipse- Titania or Louise Vicious Sal- Makalov (0-1), OUjay, Klien, Percival, Harken, leonardo, Ceasar, Zihark, Edward(1-0) (Seriously? I hate you.) Smash- Yeah, only the people currently in SF can participate. Paperblade- Alec or Forde mikethfc- Generic soldier. (YOU ARE NOT AT RATH'S EPIC SILENCE LEVELS) Barte crashman_alpha- Hawk LittleAl- Eliwood or Lugh L.Lawliet- Roy SeverIan- Bastian or Sephiran or Renault or Wilson Lux- Karla or Vanessa or Fir Generic Officer- Muarim Dagron- Tormod Royal Ludroth- Brom, Wil(0-1), Oswin, Hector Pariah- Marisa Juliet- Soren, Forde Interceptor- Bastian (1-0) Chiki's PP- Cain I don't care if it was meant this way. you asked for it NinjaMonkey- Nealuchi, Rath (He doesn't know who Rath is therefore he does not deserve the title.) Althenian Memories~ Fir or Laura Maji- Marty or Othlin Ether- Rhys NOTE: the (1-0) denotes the voting status by what I have seen so far. he first number is an affirmative. the second number is a negative. (3-2) would be 3 yes votes for this person and 2 no votes.
  3. I was lazy and I just went by your profile image. It's a micaiah splice, right?
  4. when logic flies out the window, it really does fly out the window.
  5. You never know. There may be some people who take the bait. that's when the trolling starts.
  6. or put a virus on her youtube channel. that way we never have to worry about it again.
  7. Because I said you could only choose one! You're nominating yourself as Lugh?
  8. Lux, do you really want me to? well, then you asked for it. Karla
  9. Ok, so far: I am Heath Freohr- Michaiah Wist- either Haar or Pent Charlie- Ronan Luminescent Blade- Lakche or Illyana Fox- Karel Tangerine- Heather Spykor- Pick a damn unit. Seph1212- Mernilus Barioth- It has to be an actual character. so... Nils or Priscilla Doom- Hector Queen_Elincia- Hmm. I wonder who it could be Fenrir- Makalov Ein Silver Rose- Aran ☆ Holmes- holmestarrunner (I couldn't resist) Joerachi- Halp Ragnell- Tauroneo. (No Oscar for you!) Chococoke- Volug Strawman the Sawman Shaman- Aran (people are going to vote so I'll put this up here anyway) Eclipse- Titania Vicious Sal- Makalov Smash- Yeah, only the people currently in SF can participate. Paperblade- Alec or Forde mikethfc- Generic soldier. (YOU ARE NOT AT RATH'S EPIC SILENCE LEVELS) crashman_alpha- Hawk LittleAl- An emo and sometimes overly cheery Eliwood? pick one. L.Lawliet- Roy Also: You can vote you know. If you don't agree with the person's pick just say no to their pick. I'll sort it all out later.
  10. So I began to wonder recently, what members of SF are analogous to Characters in the various Fire Emblem games. So, this thread is dedicated to finding that out. Well it was. Then Integrity threw a hissyfit(jk) and so it's down to, "who does everyone else see you as." Nominate yourself as a Fire emblem Character and see what everyone else says about you. then you tell another person what you think their best Character would be. I would say that I'm like Heath. I think that Freohr reminds me of Micaiah. now the key to this is that people need to vote one the nominations and such. I will check in periodically to check the votes and see who's who for now. so now. HAVE AT IT. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guys, I decided to put a limiter on the votes so that this doesn't continue into eternity. If someone reaches 10 more yes votes than no votes, they will be forever known as that character. Unless they completely and utterly reject it saying. "NO THAT IS NOT ME." (The one formerly known as LittleAl, however, must live with whatever name given to him.) Conversely, If a someone reaches 10 no votes over yes votes, that name will be struck out of the voting. I will consider extending the vote cap for certain popular members. (or Admin/moderator coercion) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a note about the votes: the (3-2) indicates how many yes or no votes respectively. a yes vote will be denoted by a (1-0) and a no vote being denoted by a (0-1) (3-2) means 3 yes votes and two no votes, WE'RE DONE Ok that's it. I'm calling it. Since nobody will ever vote in this thread anyway. :P I am Heath Freohr- Micaiah(5-1) Wist- either Haar(2-0) Charlie- Ronan(1-0) ----Luminescent Blade- Lakche(10-0)---- Fox- Nephenee(8-1) Tangerine- Heather(9-1) Spykor- Boyd(2-0) Seph1212- Mernilus(1-0) Barioth-Nils(3-0) Doom- Hector(1-0) Queen_Elincia- Elincia(4-0) Fenrir- Makalov(2-1) Ein Silver Rose- Aran(2-0) ☆ Holmes- holmes Joerachi-Sleuf Ragnell- Tauroneo. (1-0) Chococoke- Volug(1-0) Strawman the Sawman Shaman- Zihark(2-0) Eclipse- Titania(7-0) Vicious Sal- Edward(2-0) Paperblade- Forde(2-0) mikethfc- Generic soldier(1-0). crashman_alpha- Hawk(1-0) LittleAl- Lugh(1-1) L.Lawliet- Roy(1-0) SeverIan Sephiran Lux- Karla(2-0) Generic Officer- Muarim(2-0) Dagron- Tormod(3-0) Royal Ludroth- Wil(2-1), Pariah- Marisa (3-0) Juliet/soul- Sothe(4-1) Interceptor- Bastian(3-1) Chiki's PP- Cain(1-0) NinjaMonkey- Nealuchi(2-0) Althenian Memories~ Laura(4-0) Maji- Othlin(1-0) Ether- Rhys(1-0) Anti-Social Knight- Treck(3-0) NiggahrdRaven-Raven(3-0) Black Cat-Lethe(1-0) Furetchen- Asaello(5-0) Claire Stanfield- Legault(1-0) Erkle- Sonia(1-0) Proto- Lyon(2-0) Aoibara- Sheeda Obviam- Valter(1-0) Nightmare- Stefan(4-0) Jhen Mohran- Ulki(1-0) Joseflior- Naesala(1-0) Saloma-Edward(1-0) weapons- Soren(1-0) Anouleth - Noah(1-0) Integrity- Rennac(3-0) whase- erk(1-0) SirBrickingtonCrushworthy- Aless Excellen- Sylvia(1-0) Dio- Homeros Saku - Ethlin(6-0) Arch- Delmud Frostbite- knoll Luka- Faval(1-1) Astra- Percival Amelia- Lilina JB- Louise(1-0) Earl- Pent(1-0) Dig- Marcus Trent- Oswin Spectakitty- Tana(1-0) Black Shadow- Ewan
  11. Dio, What happened to the epic Gif signature? EDIT: Oh God, I just posted in the FE4 thread.
  12. Did you hear about the school yearbook that had a picture in the background of a teenage boy putting his hand in the blouse of and holding the tit of a young teenage girl? They had a mandatory recall of the books and anyone caught in possession of the yearbook will be charged with possession of child pornography.
  13. I Don't believe I ever have the privilege of meeting nightmare... I feel like I missed something awesome.
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