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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. Wow, That 6th seed wild card spot in the AFC is completely up for grabs right now. Other than the Jags, every AFC team has a shot at it based on their record. I wouldn't be too surprised to see it won with a bunch of teams at 7-9 and one team having all the tie-breakers. If any of the teams make it to 9-7 they will get it for sure, and the Ravens will most likely be that team. Anyone else excited for Broncos vs Chiefs? I want to know if the Chiefs are for real, or if they've just taken advantage of their easy schedule. Assuming that hit that Manning took at the end of the Chargers game doesnt affect him, I expect to see the Broncos win by at least 2 scores.
  2. ^ Tom Brady, or as many Patriots players as possible.
  3. ^ Haha you forgot a bunch more. When/How/Why are you a Bills fan? 1 more loss and im ready to give up. The point-of-giving-up would have been this week but almost all of the teams in the wild card race also lost. EJ looked really bad though... I really hope it was just rust from the injury, I cant go through another QB bust. Why is it that whenever I blast a team for being bad they go and win? It happened with the Browns earlier in the year and now it just happened with the Jags. LOL at a Ryan Fitzpatrick turnover sealing the game late in the 4th Quarter. Im so glad to have moved on from him. So the Saints are kinda good huh?
  4. No not really. Anything that might "technically" be called a glitch can be and is performed by non-TAS speedrunners.
  5. That Blast Processing... Glitches ruin TAS speedruns for me. Thats why Super Metroid is the best game for TAS speedruns.
  6. Tampa Bay isnt that bad though. Unlike Jacksonville, they actually look like an NFL team, and they have been competitive in most of their games. I predict that they finish with 3 wins. Jacksonville however has scored only 7 TDs this year. KC's D/ST has 7 TDs and 2 different QBs have 7 TDs in a single game.
  7. @ Life The Bills are basically 1 play away from winning all the games they lost. They could very well could be 8-1 right now. Realistically they should be 7-2 or 6-3. Stephon Gilmore missing the first 6 games and Manuel missing the last 4 has really hurt us. We lost a least 3 games because our 3rd or 4th string corner has had to start and has gotten lit up for a ton of yards. And for some reason our D has let up at least 1 huge pass play every game this year. Dexter McCluster dropped our weekly gift to KC though. Coaching staff has done an amazing job with their 3 QBs who had a combined 1 NFL start among the 3 of them coming into this season. Our schedule has been really tough too. The Ravens and Browns are the only teams we've played who currently have losing records. Our remaining schedule is really weak though so I havent given up hope yet. Jags, Bucs, Steelers, Falcons, and each division opponent again.
  8. He has the best name in the NFL. Quinton Jammer is probably #2. @ Raven - How are the Ravens fans reacting to the loss? Is there still hope or has everyone given up? People here are already talking about the draft.
  9. With multiple 8 move mounts, 6 turns is definitely possible with the SS visited. With Physic spamming, 2 uses of hammerene and 2 uses of Rescue, Saleh should hit A-staves for Chp 20. Getting him 10 points of MAG seems like the hard part to me.
  10. Healers are your friend in SD. Barrier staffs and Pure waters should get you through the Chapter.
  11. Adding a little splash of water to scotch does something to it to make it better in some way. You silly kids need to learn something about the alcohol you love to drink too much of.
  12. Ana, I watched the Steelers game and I think youve got a few more problems than the OC. They did score 31 points after all. The defense looked terrible and Ben just doesn't look the same. He has had a great career but im not too sure it will last much longer. He just takes too many hits. Youre in a bad spot, you have a ton of holes to improve and you need to find a QB successor at some point in the next 3 years. Bills should have won. They dominated the Chiefs except for turnovers. 17 points including 2 defensive TDs off 3 turnovers. And 6 dropped passes didnt help Tuel at all. Good news is that EJ might be back next week, and we have an extremely weak schedule to close out the year. Bad News is that we most likely need to win out to make the play-offs. Holy shit Nick Foles. They should have tried to get him 8. Bucs blew a 21 point lead. I was surprised by the lead, not the final score.
  13. Ana, this is the one week im hoping for a Steelers win. I disagree with the wanting your team to win point. If your team sucks and has shit for QB and their are good QB prospects in the draft you should want to lose. The Jags dont want to win out and go 8-8 and 2 years ago the Colts fans didnt want to see their team suddenly win their last 6 games. Sometimes you have to completely bottom out before you can spring back up. The Chiefs havent played a single game against a team who currently has a winning record. The Bills have only played one team with a losing record. Jeff Tuel will be fine. Our D needs to step it up. Good luck today everyone.
  14. Better question. Does anyone over the age of 8 actually LIKE it? Its the biggest fucking rip-off i've ever seen. You cant use characters unless you spend more money to buy the stupid toys for it? GTFO.
  15. 4th string? Kolb never secured the starting job. Its our 3rd QB to start a game this year though. Honestly, I havent payed attention for the past 2 days to who is gonna start. Last I heard Jeff Tuel was getting the majority of reps in practice over Matt Flynn. Im actually not worried at all. After seeing what this coaching staff has done with rookie EJ and 1-game starter Thad, I think they can get production out of anyone. I actually expect to see the Bills win.
  16. Is reclassing allowed for the archers who can reclass? If no reclass, Gordin is the worst. If they are allowed to reclass, I think Wil is the worst.
  17. I have a feeling that there might be a few more upsets this week. There is always that one week during the season where nothing goes as expected. I think this is that week.
  18. Unless your crappy LVs continue, Gilliam should be better than Deussel. If you make him a General it shouldn't matter too much because his 5 Move is only 1 less than the rest of your beards.
  19. San Diego making the play-offs would mean 3 AFC West teams make it, barring a collapse by Denver or KC. The Bills might have to go to their 3rd starting QB this year. Otherwise I would pick them to beat KC. The Bills have blown out KC in their last two meetings, and KC has had a really weak schedule so far. I could see them finishing 11-5 or 12-4.
  20. Tethys is much more valuable when there are no mounts. The earlier maps TCs are much higher than a full party playthrough, but once Tethys arrives the gap closes. Youre going to end up with a TC under 100 which is pretty good.
  21. When the game needs to redraw the movement arrow it uses the next few #s from the list to determine how to redraw the arrow. It doesn't just randomly use #s. Thats why path tracing is 100% reproduceable as long as you do the same exact movements. The reason that "wobbling" at full movement uses a different amount of #s each time is because some redraws take only a couple #s (2-3) and others take alot (5+). Hows the shoulder, Horace?
  22. Haha, im playing Disgaea D2 right now. Prinnies are the best, dood. Will you be able to 5 turn it? You probably want to work in a couple Rescue staff uses.
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