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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. Well it's just as "efficient" if not moreso than the Marcia Bexp dump, and thats the sole reason for Marcia's placement. If it's not allowed as an arguement for their value, then neither should Marcia's Bexp dump and as a result, Marcia and Jill should be below Tanith. It's the same exact scenario.
  2. I think the # for skills is rolled after the 2 for hit. so: hit, hit, skill, crit, lethality (if crit happens) And skill priority is attack then defense so great shield only rolls a # if sure strike or pierce fails to proc. Does mountain walking save time if Tethys helps on turn 1 and Ross/Dolza carries someone? Or is it faster just to take the long way? What if Dozla jumps on a peak and rescues Ross, then gets refreshed and moves and drops Ross forward. Then on turn 2 Dozla moves back and rescues someone else (Artur?), then gets refreshed and moves and gives Artur to Ross who then moves forward and drops Artur on the ground. Will that work?
  3. ^ No, he's not the murderer. A different guy killed the kid. I understand where the "father" is coming from but Peterson has every right to grieve. And if he doesnt grieve thats fine too, I dont know how someone is supposed to react from a situation like that. Fun fact: Only 2 teams in the NFL have scored 20 or more points in each of their games this year. The Broncos and the Bills.
  4. Peach has been using double team with Mario and Luigi since gen1
  5. ^ Based on my post above, Soren is quite a bit better than Illyana. Illyana cant take the Bexp dump to save a turn in Chp 9 because for Boyd/Mia/Soren to do it, they actually take the Bexp in Chp 8 so they can kill all the enemies. Illyana would require alot more Bexp which would result in Marcia not having enough to promote for Chp 11. My point was that, the 3 mages all need a Bexp dump at some point to be useful siege tomb users, and Soren is by far the best of the 3 because of all the extra things he can do that the other 2 cant do. This, imo, earns Soren a tier gap over the other 2. Then comparing Soren to Callil, He should be above her too. For the availability lead, far superior stats, and all of the other contributions he can make with his staff utility. Soren Callil Illyana Tormod - these 2 might need to switch.
  6. Skills like sure strike, great shield, and pierce all burn extra #s even if they fail to activate. Im not sure how sure strike works though. IDK if the # roll is before or after the 2 #s for hit. Does it activate even when hitrates are 100%?
  7. If it was vote for your least favorite, Im sure FE13 would have way more votes.
  8. FE10 by far. In 1-6 the game throws Zihark and Tauroneo. Unless youve been feeding every kill to Eddy, Z will be better. And Tauroneo is a big "Haha fuck you, you idiot. Why did you waste that time trying to do anything with Meg". Then there is Nailah and the BK. Tormod, Vika, and Muarim go from being your best unit in part 1 to "oh yeah these guys are in this game" Or the Crimean royal knights who are all ORKO machines except Astrid. She cant kill shit. All those normal Laguz you tried training all game? The are made completely useless by the Royals you get at the end.
  9. It should have been effective on all NON armor and horse units.
  10. So the massive Bexp dump on Marcia saves just 1 turn. Wouldn't that make the Bexp dump for Chp 9 MORE efficient? Soren starts with 99 MAG points on fixed which means his MAG will always be a full point above his average. Soren and Tormod need a Bexp dump at some point to be good. Oh, whats this? A Bexp dump on Soren for Chp 9 happens to save a turn? How convenient. And he can now start working on his staff rank for Rescue staff use later? With his now extremely high LV and Ike B support, ORKO'ing Shisharim isnt so unbelievable. And he can get 2 more boss kills in Ena and Chp 22's boss. The Chp 23 3-turn clear requires 20MAG Ike, or you can have your super-flyer drop Soren who then Rescues Ike in to seize range with his massive 15 rescue range. Soren having access to Rescue also allows for a possible 2 turn strat of Chp 24. I've already said what he can do in Chp 25. He siege bombs Bertram in Chp 26. Thats 7 straight maps of making big contributions for Soren. He has the best combat ability in the game.
  11. The end of the Patriots game made me sick. 10 seconds left, no time-outs and they need a TD. The Saints should have had 8 defenders standing on the goal line. I am so fucking sick of seeing the Patriots win games they shouldn't be winning. And the Bills play another close game only to lose in the end. Thad Lewis looked surprisingly good though.
  12. ^ To make it even more sad, I read this morning that AP didnt even know about the kid until recently. The 1st time AP ever met the kid was when he was hooked up to life support in the hospital. Well, good luck today everyone.
  13. Snowy just stop. Mia is already above Zihark. You are just beating a dead horse. Except youre using a defibulator and are bringing the horse back to life. Banzai summed it up perfectly. My loaded questions are only because im trying to understand efficiency better. Im trying to figure out where "resource expenditure to save a turn" goes from efficient to inefficient. If the Mia/Boyd/Soren Bexp dump to save the turn in Chp 9 were less than the 1000 that it takes would it be deemed efficient? How much less would it need to be? Marcia requires around 1350 Bexp to save the 3? turns in Chp 11 and no one questions that resource dump. Now if we dont spend the Bexp for Chp 9, where and when do we spend it? We can achieve minimum turncounts on every other map without spending it so if we give it to anyone else there is literally no returns on it making the expenditure by definition "inefficient". btw, I think Soren is not only a tier better than Illyana, but also the best of the Sages.
  14. Best workout for a girl to do. It develops good life skills for them. Oh and totally would hit.
  15. Hard? ALttP isnt really that hard. I Guess it is compared to the 3d Zeldas. I beat it when I was like 8.
  16. @ PKL - I believe it's 4-turnable. But without any mounts either, I think a 6-turn will be the minimum. It's a shame that mountain walking sucks so bad.
  17. Try closer to a 20/18 Soren. With a Laguzguard. The ground on the mountain gives +1 DEF +10 avoid. Soren has a 48% chance to kill an enemy before they even attack him. If he fails to kill he has over an 80 avoid giving most enemies ~30% or less hitrates. edit: - @ Epinosa no I did not get an answer. I asked what is more efficient, and gave two possible answers to choose from.
  18. Oh snowy, Mia doesnt even need extra MAG cause the only things worth using the SS on are dracos. And Astra is not always a detriment, please stop saying that.
  19. If we go by fixed mode for average stats, Mia starts with 70 STR points. Mia is promoting on Chp 9, so in the next 6 chapters before Stefan joins Mia can very easily get 4 LVs if not more with the Mackoya kill, a few ravens in Chp 11 and 12 and other various enemies. So LV 20/5 Mia with STR/DEF band will beat Stefan by 9LCK and 1DEF tie in MAG and RES and lose by 4HP, 3STR, 6SKL, 1SPD. And this is ignoring equiped weapons modifiers. This is very similar, and with more LVs it only gets better in Mia's favor as Stefan begins to cap ram SKL. My questions were meant to be completely independent of the early Mia/Boyd scenario. edit: Soren has a huge advantage at normal combat, and does the most damage with siege tomes. He can potentially ORKO Shisharim with a Meteor tome. And allows for a 2 turn clear of Chp 25 with Vantage and a thunder forge.
  20. Now dont forget about bands. Thats almost a full point of STR Mia can get. Question: Is beating the game with 5000 Bexp left in the bank considered more efficient than beating it with 500 left in the bank? And statboosters, is it more efficient to have a bunch of statboosters sitting in the convoy unused? And I guess money and items too. If person A beats the game in 140 turns with 0 Bexp and 5000g leftover and person B beats the game in 147 turns with 4000 Bexp and 80,000g leftover, who was more efficient?
  21. Jill(T) is at least bottom of Easy mode tier. Many people think she's either better than Haar or just below him. Why the hell is she still below Volug? Let alone Sothe who mind as well not exist in part 4. And Jill(N)'s placement is a joke. If Jill(T) doesnt do anything special until 3-13 then surely Jill(N) can get tough enough to make the same contributions at that point in the game if all she is doing is self-improving until then.
  22. LttP was my 1st Zelda game. It holds so much nostalgia for me. Hearing all those same sound effects and music from LttP is awesome. I cant wait to get this game. Lorule/Hilda - eh(? you found the big key!) it's a parallel world so it makes sense they sound similar.
  23. If Mia does take the Bexp dump, She will then be just as good if not better than Stefan by the time he joins. Plus she can then do other things. So it's not like that resourse dump is a waste. It saves that 1 turn and adds more reliability to other future tasks. ie: killing Danomill and Makoya. I think Soren is the best of the Sages but there were several pages of arguments to get them how they are now so I dont feel like trying to change that atm.
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