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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. Mia VS Zihark is basically a wash. Mia can potentially cut a turn from Chp 9 so thats why she gets the edge over Z. Stefan is Swordlocked and does more damage than necessary. And by the time his damage IS necessary, the mounts, Boyd, and Nephenee will have the stats and better weapons than him (Axes and Lances > Swords). I just dont see anyone that he should go above. Plus he usually goes unrecruited. Honestly, I think Mia should be above Stefan. I think Illyana should drop down to Mid. There should be a tier split between her and Soren. Soren can do amazing things with Vantage and a Thunder forge.
  2. I didn't even see it coming. I didnt want to give it up to that post. I wanted it to be special. Please dont judge me. Im not that kind of poster.
  3. While Lethe's combat is much better than Mordy's it just doesn't matter. She will spend most turns shoving and all of the kills and combat should be going to long term units like Marcia, Oscar, Kieran, Jill, and Boyd, who all have better combat than Lethe plus 1-2 range. Lethe realistically wont level up more than 1 time in a playthrough, and her combat will never improve. Then Muarim shows up 5-6 maps later, completely eclipsing her in every way. Sure Muarim's combat is pretty good, but again, he will spend most turns shoving. He can fight if he wants but he just isn't needed to. And like Lethe he wont be gaining any LVs. There is just no long term benefits in developing them as fighters. Despite being capable of fighting they will just be shoving every turn. Which comes to Mordy. He has Smite from the get-go. And he will be using Smite at least once on every single map he exists for. His Smiting saves turns, Lethe and Muarim's combat will NEVER save a turn. Ike should go down, at least below Tanith.
  4. Happy Birfday Horace!

    1. General Horace

      General Horace

      Thanks, the Birfday was wonderful.

  5. Im holding out for Pokemon Z because we all know that will be the best version.
  6. I played the demo. killed all of those enemies they told you to stay away from pretty easily, which I thought was wierd. (Oh yeah, I picked the easiest difficulty, I need to check out the harder difficulties) I really liked the combat and skill progression. The 1st person moving around and making my own map im kinda iffy about.
  7. ^ Thats one map more than half the cast though. The Sages definitely need to go above her though. And the Cats are all mixed up. Upper-Mid Mordicai Lethe Muarim Mist Callil Tormod Soren Mid Ilyana Nephenee Stefan Mia Zihark Rhys Volke ^ This looks good to me.
  8. Nephenee does a few things but its not that much. She has some bulk so she can shove stuff. Like Ike on Chp 12 to recruit Astrid on turn 1. She supports with Callil, which adds some hit for siege tome use. And she can be useful in Chp 25. She is definitely above the Swordmasters. I could see her dropping to the top of Mid, and the Sages going above her in Upper-Mid. Maybe leave Illyana in Mid since she is noticeably worse than Soren. edit: Why are Lethe and Muarim above Mordicai? Lethe's combat is never needed and turns to crap way too quickly. Muarim is in the same boat. Mordy's Smites however are useful all the way to the endgame.
  9. Sadly, she will probably miss the child support check more. The mother is a terrible person for not being more protective of the kid. And the man is the worst kind of scum in this world. Anyone who is capable of abusing a child deserves to die a slow painful death. Im mostly concerned for AP. He was hundreds of miles away when it happened.
  10. Chp 6: 5/34 Para 2: free Chp 7: 3/37 Chp 8: 5/42 Para 3: free Chp 9: 4/46 Chp 10: 2/48 Chp 11: 2/50 Chp 12: 3/53 Chp 13: 1/54 Chp 14: 1/55 Chp 15: 4/59 3 Paralogues: free - Got Morgan, Cynthia, Owain Chp 16: 1/60 Chp 17: 2/62
  11. When playing casually I never use it. For drafts and LTC I only use it on warp or rescue.
  12. Being able to choose your starting class adds waaaay more to the amount of depth and replayability to the game.
  13. Nephnee is the only other 1-2 range non-armor, foot unit aside from Boyd until Devdan or Largo. Mist's placement is based solely on her Mount and her good use of the rescue staff. Mia probably should be above Zihark and Stefan. They are all very similar but Mia has the unique ability to potentially save a turn in Chp 9, which is something Zihark and Stefan can't do. Stefan's combat and high stats might keep him above Mia, but Mia is definitely better than Zihark imo. So I propose that Mia goes up. Either 1 or 2 places.
  14. The Madden Curse strikes again. Adrian Peterson's 2 year old son died today. Apparent the man that Peterson's baby-mama was dating was abusive. It's so sad. I can't even imagine what that must be like.
  15. Elieson, you do name changes the right way. I could actually tell it was you without checking your profile. Bless your soul.
  16. Casually, I have no preference. For LTC or drafts, its obviously Kenneth's map.
  17. Thats a great idea for the Rescue staff. Other than the 1 use on Chp 20, I have no idea where else to use the other 2 Rescues. edit: Chp 8 - Yeah, Eirika needs to basically solo the throne room and 1RKO Tirado. Both Paladins and Nessie need to go get the Whip. And Nessie + Seth's STR needs to be 30...
  18. I finally found a song worthy of being my theme song.
  19. Like PKL said, Suicide Tana can get you a 2 turn. Or rigging a crit like Epinosa's example. Chp 6 - You can rescue/drop Franz over the mountain then have Garcia rescue Seth on turn 1. This gets Franz a bunch of exp and increases Nessie's survival. Chp 8 - The whip can be obtained in a 5 turn clear. Eirika needs ridiculous HP/DEF and/or a bunch of lucky dodges. Chp 11 - Definitely 4 turnable. 8 move flyer goes South and kills both bosses (or 7 move rescue/drops Franz/Seth). Tethys is free to dance your Torch spammer on every turn. Chp 12 - Pretty sure 5 is possible with promoted Nessie. Chp 15 - Epinosa 3 turned it with only girls. Chp 18 - 4 turns I assume would require 3 Warpers. I am really curious if this is possible or not. I think it is.
  20. Because reclassing exists. Trickster has great skills which are just better on other classes. If skills were locked to the classes you get them from then Trickster would be a little more appealing.
  21. @ Raven Thad Lewis started 1 game in his career. Last year either week 16 or 17 for the Browns. Against the Steelers. He was like 21 for 33, 200 YDS, 1TD 1INT. Which is basically what Manuel has been doing all year. And yeah the entire secondary is expected to play. The only questionable player is Byrd and his foot thing. Although he was available last game, but the coach decided to sit him. With the way our front 7 has been playing and a healthy secondary that wont allow multiple long pass plays, I expect the Bengals to have a hard time scoring. Throw in the fact that the Bills have scored 20 or more points in every game this year, and the Bengals are winless on the road. Im liking the Bills chances to win. Unfortunately the rest of the fanbase has basically given up already. The game isnt sold out yet so I probably wont be able to watch the game because the Bills organization still believes in black-outs.
  22. @ Raven - I disagree on some games. I think the Packers are gonna win. They are the better team. Steelers wont go 0-5. Geno will make mistakes and Ben has Heath Miller back. Eagles are better than the Bucs. Vick or no Vick. 49ers will destroy Arizona. They are better all around. Despite Manuel being out, im still optimistic for the Bills season. Thad Lewis isn't a huge step back at QB. We still have a very good running game. And the Defense will be getting its 2 best DBs back.
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