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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. ^ I totally feel you. I cant bring myself to play FE 10 a 2nd time because of its terrible balance. And I played casually on NM... Even with an extremely slow pace of play I couldnt raise several units no matter how much I babied them. Fiona for example, A mount with 2 free skills? Awesome! I got her to 99 exp in the base and gave her a forged Lance only to find that a Mym/Merc? on her join map could 3HKO her while she 3HKO'ed back with her forge. And her movement is lowered by 2! I sucked it up, babied her through and even boss abused to get her several battle save abused LVs only to find out she takes a personal day on the next map WTF? Then her next map is 1-E and her movement is lowered by 2 again... with ledges she cant hop. Bexp and baby her some more cause she is still weak. 3-6 comes around. I promote her and start the fight. She cant go in the fucking water!? This is when I gave up on her. At least in other games babying can make any unit good. FE 10 just constantly gives you a middle finger.
  2. Is this some kind of word scramble game? Um... fust. Did I win?
  3. No prepromotes/promotions, 0% growths. You will ragequit pretty early.
  4. Haha it's funny seeing a Patriots fan complain about the refs. The Patriots o-line holds ALL THE TIME (including on the last second TD pass last week) and it almost never gets called. That call was absolutely correct. Its a new rule change and if you watch the replay the ref threw the flag immediately. The flag was thrown before the ball was even kicked. Im sad about the Broncos. How bout them Bucs! Mario Williams was a beast at the end of that game. Miami has lost 3 straight and looked exactly as good as I thought they were: average. @ Raven - Are the Steelers better than everyone thought or are the Ravens worse? Or was that just a product of the Steelers and Ravens playing close games almost every time they play? I like the Ravens but something about the Steelers bores the hell out of me (no offense, Ana) and I fell asleep for the middle 40 mins of the game. Flacco looked good at the end, the D not-so-much.
  5. 7 with no mounts? I am really looking forward to seeing that. Why are you waing so long to promote Gerik? He already has gotten several good LVs. Is there a certain instance where you need his stats to be higher? With Ross and Artur so over-powered I cant think of anything a 3rd super unit would do. Although Gerik is already pretty super.
  6. As far as I know, most people play on fixed. I never rig LVs on fixed cause it makes the stats funny. Some stats are 100% some are 0%. Yes, drafters lie about their turncounts and then go to tier lists to draw attention to their bunk turncounts, where people will prove that they lied about their turncounts. Way too may people theory craft without actually playing the game.
  7. Do what is best for you, Soul. Dont let her keep you down.
  8. I think North American people are too sensitive to nudity. Europeans are way cooler about it.
  9. Haha, NFL previews will say anything that sounds good. The game will be decided by who scores the most points. Good Luck everyone.
  10. I've already proven before that promoting a foot unit for Chp 9 is possible while still having enough Bexp left for Marcia. What else needs proof? Im not hypothesising here. Ive only been saying things I know to be true. Any drafter can tell you that Soren is a league above Illyana.
  11. This game is pretty easy, so the supports dont really matter. They only make things easier for you. Jill should A support Mist. Titania can then A support Boyd.
  12. Based on that definition, isnt it a good thing the word is censored?
  13. With a few STR band LVs I had Soren doubling Shisharim. He could cleanly ORKO him with no need for an adept proc. That doesn't even matter though because you never NEED to double with siege tomes anyways. Everyone's arguments against Soren are really weak. It makes me sad. I think Boyd should drop a little. He really doesn't do anything super special. His early game isnt so great that he deserves to be so much high than Nephenee.
  14. Haha, L'Arachel with that Mend staff was clutch. Good job. Dont Promote anyone unless it can save a turn. Damn tha Gerik though... I would be incredibly impressed if an 8-turn clear of Chp 14 were possible without mounts. Swordreaver!Ross is definitely your best bet on Carlyle.
  15. And Soren has a +hit support if you want it. Stefan who costs just 1 turn. And ignoring the Chp 9 turn, Ive already pointed out all of the other things that he wins at.
  16. I only promote a unit if it allows me to cut a turn. When playing casually, it's LV 20. Unless Awakening.
  17. Illyana is the problem there though. She requires all the resourses Soren does and alot more. The opportunity costs are also much higher for her. In order to reach B-rank staves for Chp 21, Illyana/Soren need to promote as early as possible. In order for Illyana to promote in Chp 9 and have the same turn saving potential, she will need ~300 more Bexp than Soren. This has a huge opportunity cost as it prevents Marcia from getting strong enough to 2 turn Chp 12. If she puts off promotion to save the Bexp for Marcia then no turn is saved in Chp 9. With no promoted foot unit, a Chp 10 strat that opens both doors and kills Danomill for the seal becomes far less reliable (maybe impossible?) and Illyana is still struggling to get enough Exp to promote. Even IF she promotes early enough to reach B-rank staves, she needs more Mage band LVs, 2 dusts, and a higher LV than Soren to have the same MAG. And her SPD and combat potential will NEVER match Soren meaning no Chp 25 2-turn. She takes more and gives less.
  18. Would it be better to have the entire team go around the mountain instead of crossing over the mountain with Ross? If you can keep Tethys near the front with rescue/trade/drops it might be better. Sure Ross reaches the Entombed on turn 6 but with the other strat you might be able to get 3 different units up there by turn 7.
  19. Enemy stat variance is why I always restart the Chapters before attempting them. That way its always consistent on each playthrough. @ Epinosa - Horace is going with Bishop!Artur because Chp 16 can be 1 turned with 24 MAG as long as the 2nd warper has 14 MAG. Horace will need to get Saleh to 26 MAG for Chp 20 which shouldnt be too hard. Saleh will just need at least 2 rings, and Moulder is going to need to promote for Chp 16. How is the Boulder doing for Exp? Will he reach LV 10 on time? Remember, he needs to gain MAG on every LV.
  20. Haha, thats hilarious. That Myrmidon needs to change his class. Does anyone know if that enemy is always on EHM Jerme's map or is it somehow related to the RNG? As far as I know the RNG doesnt affect things like that.
  21. Using yards per game is flawed but points per game is not a flawed metric because when the game is over the ONLY stat that matters is the score. The players and coaches on Atlanta are used to winning and they know their jobs are on the line if they continue to lose. With Matt Ryan at QB and coming off a bye, I dont see Atlanta losing to the Bucs with a rookie QB making his 2nd start. Arookie QB who btw does not have big projections as an NFL QB and hasnt practiced as the starting QB untilk 2 weeks ago. This is my opinion and we will see how the games unfold on Gameday.
  22. No one is more than 2 games out of 1st place. Youre certainly not out of it yet. Although you did get shafted pretty hard with Julio Jones' injury and the Trent Richardson irl trade made your Welker for Bradshaw trade a huge bust. Thanks btw. Welker is the #2 WR in the league for fantasy points and I happen to have the #1 WR too. Im pissed I cut the Chiefs D/ST after week 1... Anyone really need a TE? I have 3 good TEs.
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