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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. Im just going off of PKL's 10/12/1 figures. Sigh* Eclipse what is your best turncount for a FE8 draft? We have 17 uses of warp. Chp 16 is done in 2 or 3 turns Chp 17: 1 or 2 turns Chp 18: 5 or 6 turns, none of the eggs should ever hatch. Chp 19: 1 turn Chp 20: 2 turns Final: 1 or 2 then 1 turns Ive done 3 FE8 drafts and gotten these turncounts in all or them. And unless they do a poor job of drafting, anyone should be able to achieve these TCs or close to them, Rennac contributes just 2 times. Chp 18, he can kill eggs. Every character in the game is better at this except for Colm, Josh and Marisa. Disabling traps is so useful that I COMPLETELY FORGOT Rennac could do that. Chp 19, Rennac could use a torch but in all my drafts I make sure I have a 2nd staff user to use the Torch staff. Hey if we need him to Ewan can fill that role! I've gotten them both in a draft. Ewan was still with the 10/1 rule and he sucked hard, but Rennac sucked even more than Ewan.
  2. Um Aeine, a LV 5 promoted Soren is the ALTERNATIVE to using Marcia. Titania faces risks of death in Chp 9 and 11. Having 4 less DEF is pretty big. And the 4-5 STR is huge too. Not to mention the fact that a few of Oscar and Kieran's stats will be 1-2 point higher than average due to bands and the Knight ward. Steel axes give 2 Wexp and are usable at rank E axes. Kieran will have no trouble getting to A rank when Silver becomes available, and if you know what you're doing Oscar should also be able to reach A axes in time. Aku chi, A LV 20/2 Oscar with a few STR band LV ups can ORKO the boss of Chp 9 with an iron axe forge, giving us a 4 turn clear without even deploying Titania. And a 6 turn clear with Marcia recruited requires too many units to give any one single unit the credit for it.
  3. Aeine, with 20 LVs with a SPD band Soren can be a level lower, and giving Soren a speedwings is a better use than giving it to Titania for Chp 11 and then dropping her from the team after that. And I did have unpromoted Marcia arrive in Chp 11. I just found out that a different 3 turn strategy exists. From Chp 12- endgame, Titania has less potential than both Kieran and Oscar. She requires valuable statboosters to match them statistically, and she lacks the wieght that they have. The most efficient "use" of Titania is to drop her from the team in Chp 12, in favor of 2 superior alternatives. Yes, she CAN be used all game but why would we use Titania who is a 3rd or 4th option when we have Oscar, Kieran, and Astrid? Despite being a benchwarmer after Chp 11, I still think Titania's earlygame contributions earn her a Top tier position.
  4. ^ I think there should be 1 Top tier with all 5 units in it. None of them are so good to earn a higher tier. if anything bump Kier down a tier.
  5. No way, youre just gonna have liquid poop for a few days.
  6. Yeah, I give Soren the speedwings. and he can destroy everything. Getting him to LV 20/6 or 10 really wont take that much. Plus forge Thunder has high crit and Soren has Adept so doubling isnt 100% necessary... Jill's recruitment cost is much high for Marcia than it is for Titania. Therefore it can be assumed that Marcia will skip Jill and Titania will recruit Jill. I believe everyone told me a 3 turn of 11 was impossible without promoting Marcia. I came up with a 3 turn that doesnt require Marcia at all or either Paladin to promote. You guys keep getting your facts wrong when talking about Chp 11.
  7. 17-4, turn 1- move or rescue/drop your boss killer to the edge of the swamp turn 2- Smite, Shove, Shove, (more shoves are possible but not necessary for a foot unit) Then full move. turn 3- Move up and ORKO Oliver. Same basic strategy for 17-2. Oh and Soren can ORKO Muarim fairly easily. Without the Bexp dump on Marcia we should have plenty to spare... unless your Aku chi who will dump it into Titania instead because apparently thats the only way to compare Titania to Marcia.
  8. You are both silly. Aku chi, you greatly exaggerate Titania in Chp 6 and 7. And all of Earlygame for that matter. Aeine, you greatly exaggerated 17-2 and 17-4. Using a very limited draft team, I got 4 and 3 turn clears, using ROLF. And with a full team 17-2 is easily 3 turns without a flyer, hell any mount with or without the boots should be able to 3 turn 17-2. Just because Titania cant clear them as well as Marcia it doesnt mean other units cant be used instead. Marcia wins by 1 and 2 turns in these Maps. Thats just what stuck out to me. Instead of theory crafting, which you are both bad at, why you just play the game. Aku chi can play with no Titania use and Aeine with no Marcia use. That way you can see just exactly how useful your prefered "goddess" is, by not having them.
  9. Condoms suck. Trust me, dont use a condom. Go on the pill.
  10. No. He is saying "If he had (used his stronger arm/ the use of his stronger arm) he would not..."
  11. Sorry, im just a little sick of this silly idea that Rennac > Ewan, but you are right. On topic, using the HM enemy stats and a LV 10/12/1 Ewan's average stats (Mage Knight). The Peg knight range from 89-97 hit and Ewan will have 13 SPD and 15 LUK for a 41+20 (from the forrest) for a 61 Avoid. Thats a 28-36 displayed hit. And if Ewan is a Summoner instead for the +3 SPD as opposed to the +0 for MK, his avoid will be 67 on average giving the Peg knights 22-30 displayed hit. True hit being in the teens or lower. My money is gonna be on Ewan here. Rennac cant take out these Peg knights because some of them have javelins and Rennac is busy digging up treasure anyway. Did I mention digging up treasure is a free action that he can do when undrafted? Chp 16- Both useless. Ewan can summon for Exp. Chp 17- See above Chp 18- MK, and Summoner Ewan win here. Summoner being the best. Chp 19- About the same. Summoner Ewan wont have D staff for torch tho. Chp 20- Both useless. Final- Both useless. Ewan > Rennac
  12. I've already said I think Marcia > Titania. Not a whole tier better but definitely better. Titania really becomes expendable after Chp 11. You can bench her for the rest of the game and never suffer. Marcia's flight is useful in almost every other Chapter right up until endgame. Sure, Jill can replicate a lot of what Marcia does, but Oscar and Kieran (and even Astrid to an extent) can replicate everything Titania does from Chp 12- endgame, and oftentimes they do it better.
  13. Really? Who cares if Rennac can steal the Hoplon guard? You get it when you kill Caellach anyways. Something that Rennac is not capable of doing. Rennac cant do anything to make him worthy of moving up. He is bad, and deserves to be the 2nd last pick in every draft. Even though Ewan is pretty sucky, He is still better than Rennac.
  14. ^ Micaiah gets angry when Sothe talks about the father of his children...
  15. Most definitely. You're a Mary Sue with spunk.
  16. I did Chp 10 is 3 turns, opened both cell doors AND killed the boss for the master seal without a promoted Oscar. So promoting him for Chp 10 would only be significant for a 5 turn stealth clear. In Chp 11, a promoted Boyd is more valuable than a promoted Oscar. I could do Chp 11 in 3 turns with Titania arriving and Boyd killing the armor knight. Promoting Oscar early really doesnt do anything special. If anything, it makes Titania become obsolete a little sooner.
  17. Bigfoot is really good at hiding so the 2 headed dinosaur would eventually get hungry and it would strat to eat itself. Bigfoot wins.
  18. Its really not as difficult as PKL makes it out to be. It cost 1 turn at most and avoiding a penalty isnt hard. You dont see any rules change for Eirika route Marissa. She costs anywhere from 3-5 turns. I think Gerrik should be free to use in that map since he needs to recruit Marissa.
  19. Horace, they are comparing Rennac to Ewan. PKL is just giving examples of the contributions Ewan can make. Oh, hes not giving him credit for the energy ring he starts with. He is saying Ewan is one, of several, units who can get the Chp 14 energy ring. Rennac deeserves the place he is in. Dozla and L'arachel are better than everyone who is currently in the 6th round. Sharpy, do you plan to keep this list updated or are we all wasting our time? edit: Why is Franz above Nessie?? Vanessa is the best pick in this game.
  20. uh necropost? And is that even the right game? That looks like a dancer in the screenshot which would make that FE12. This is the forum for FE11.
  21. ^ Well regardless, L'arachel should be at the top of the 6th round, and Ewan should be above Knoll. Seriously, Knoll has ZERO advantages over Ewan.
  22. Well I think removing the Titania Tier is pretty unanimous. Now to argue Titania/Marcia, and Jill/Oscar Kieran is a lock for the 5th spot right? edit: Oh, the boss for Chp 8 does NOT have the Red Gem. The healer between the boss and the cavs has it.
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