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Hawk King

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Everything posted by Hawk King

  1. I kept telling you that I could beat a flyer with Oscar! Haha, I never thought they were "too OP to be beaten".
  2. ^ Yeah, after you do 27, 28, and Final, it looks like you are gonna have an extremely low TC for a FE9 draft. I think a record? Oh and BTW, I believe you could have done 17-2 in 3 turns if you had Tormod go to the arrive square instead of Oscar. I could do it in 3 if I had given Rolf the boots so Tormod should have enough movement to do it. Idk about his durability though...
  3. Haha, PKL go back and look at your TC for Chapter 12 and then look at Chapter 13. Derp.
  4. ^ An idiot that wins maps with "fluency". 1. How the hell can an idiot have "good reading and writing skills"? 2. What the hell do "good reading and writing skills" have to do with clearing maps in fire emblem? Seriously though, your "use" of Titania is pretty terrible.
  5. Success!!! After several (dozen) attempts I was able to discover and perfect a reliable 3 turn clear of Chapter 11 that gets the Master Seal with an unpromoted Marcia. It is also possible to 3 turn it without using Marcia at all, but you have to forfeit the Master Seal. Well, unless you make Kieran + Oscar tough enough to Kill Mackoya. My Titania is only at LV 5 and im thinking she might never reach LV 6...
  6. Overall, Laguz kinda suck. They got a huge improvement from the last game but they still have their stupid gauge to worry about. The best Beorc are just better than the best non-royal Laguz. If you are going to train some Laguz and turncount is not an issue, let them get combat while they are in human form if you can. Their exp gains are much higher when in human form.
  7. Marcia and Mordy start in the 2 "close" tiles, Tits and Lethe are each 2 spaces behind them. Tits full moves, Lethe shoves her and Mordy smites her, Marcia full moves. Lethe shoves Tits, Tits full moves (with 2 shoves and a smite she is now far enough to attack the armor knight at 1 range), Marcia moves 7 spaces and then gets smited by Mordy. Tits full moves and kills the armor knight, Lethe shoves Marcia, Mordy smites Marcia, Marcia full moves to the arrive square. That should work if I am not mistaken.
  8. I've counted out the squares and planned it all out. As long as I can kill the enemies in the way, I have a 3 turn strategy of 11 with an unpromoted Marcia. Regardless, on Random mode I would be able to stretch the Bexp just far enough to have Marcia promoted on Chapter 11.
  9. Promoted Boyd allows me to get the Master seal in Chp 10 with a 3 turn clear!! Bexp Marcia up to LV 18 and give her a seal. Bam, possible problem solved, although I Think I can still do 11 in 3 turns without promoting her.
  10. Promoted Boyd can rescue Ike. Does Marcia need to be promoted for the 3 turn of 11? I dont think she does. Oh well, if she does its a turned saved and a turn lost so its all the same in the end. I will be there very soon to find out.
  11. I hate to do this right after you finish but the is enough Bexp before Chapter 12 to promote Boyd for a 6 turn clear of Chapter 9 and still have enough left over for Marcia to reach promotion. On fixed mode its really tight but on Random you should have a little more flexibility. If you leave 2 units out of Chp 8 and keep 4 Vigilantes alive in 11 there should be 2720 Bexp before Chp 12. I figured with the Cexp I can get Marcia in Chps 10 and 11, 1720 Bexp should be enough to promote her so that leaves 1000 that we can spend. Boyd was LV 6.48 going into Chapter 8. I gave him 750 Bexp to get him to LV 13.80 and then devoloped a strategy to get him 25-28 kills + the boss kill in Chapter 8 to bring him to LV 18.25. They I Bexp'ed him to LV 20.05 leaving a little left out of the 1000 and he promotes just before the boss suicides into him on turn 4 EP. On Random I would use Soren over Boyd since Soren is gonna be using siege tomes later anyways. Boyd having best biorythem and Tempest helped on Chapter 8.
  12. Heath is refuckulous with his HHM bonuses. So is Harken and Raven.
  13. Training either Soren or Illyana is pretty much a definite. Its the choice of Illyana over Soren that people dont agree with. And youre welcome. Im currently doing my own playthrough using Boyd and Soren.
  14. Volke goes to get the statue frag. Sothe gets the Physic on turn 1 and then on turn 2 gets shoved by 1 of Illyana/Soren/Rhys to reach the boots. That works right?
  15. With only 4 drafters There would be alot more balance though. 3 drafters get a flier (Marcia, Jill, Tanith) and then there is Janaff and Ulki who come in the same Chapter as Tanith. Without the initial Bexp dump, Marcia wont be strong enough to clear 12 any faster, and neither Marcia or Jill would be tough enough for the 2 turn of Chp 15. Hell, promoting them in time for Chp 17 would even be tough without using a seal. Actually Tanith wouldn't need to be free, since only 1 drafter wouldn't have a flyer, and that drafter would have Oscar who saves like 5 turns before Chp 12 + the turns spent recruiting Marcia or Jill. I think it would be alot more balanced. I just cant host any drafts to test it out.
  16. Test it with one of your units. That would be neat if it worked.
  17. I wouldn't take Titania 3rd. I was thinking Marcia, Jill, Oscar, Kieran+Tanith. Something like that, although I could see people taking Tits 3rd. Jill does nothing in 12 and Marcia only saves 2 turns. They Save only 4-5 turns in all of 17. Maybe take away their initial Bexp dump, and only give them 50 per chapter?
  18. Can a mount use the statue frag? If so, Kieran doesnt need to be promoted for 17-2 since the Chp 15 statue frag is easy to get in 2 turns.
  19. Think about it, With ZERO Bexp they will be flying puffballs. Idk, I guess we will see how it goes.
  20. You just gotta make smart picks after the 1st round. How about this: 4 drafters, draftable Titania (free until Chp 10), free Tanith for Chp 21, and Marcia's 2nd pick must be Makalov? I think that would work well for balance.
  21. Wow thats a really hard nerf on the PoR Marcia and Jill. No Bexp AND no statboosters? They will never be able to get going.
  22. Marcia is the only real problem. I personally think Oscar > Jill. A big problem is that Marcia is almost guaranteed to get Makalov since Mak just costs too many turns for anyone else to recruit. A Haar has a similar case with Jill but its not as bad. FE9 is just hard for drafts. I think changing the # of drafters needs to happen too. Probably 4 drafters would be best.
  23. ^ That was a typo. Its obvious if you look at how much he had before and after. It should be 12 not 1.
  24. ^ Read back aways, they are talking about it from a tier list perspective. Apparently the tier list assumes every unit is recruited. If every unit is recruited, that would just de-value Titania, even more since we are spending more turns on certain chapters to recruit characters.
  25. Whoa timeout. Aeine, Chp 18 can be cleared in 6 turns extremely easily. I did it with Tanith, Titania, and Kieran escourting Reyson. One of them carried Soren with a chest and dropped him to get the wrath scroll. Ike, Nephenee, Devdan and Rolf stayed behind to kill the wyvern knights. None of my units had taken the boots yet. Your strategy shouldn't involve rescuing Mordy. Idk a 5 turn might need someone carring Mordy but a 6 turn clear doesnt need him. You must be doing something wrong...
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