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Silver-Haired Maiden

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Everything posted by Silver-Haired Maiden

  1. Really? I'm getting all blues and reds and no greens xD I put my friend code on here earlier so you can get a Miccy if you add me if you like :)
  2. I'll happily have Shiro help with physical tanking. She's a great mage tank, not so great at anything else tanking xD I hope you can both put her to good use! These are her stats, but I have her S supported so subtract a few I suppose xD I added you! Your Ninian is great! :) I hope my Micaiah can help you!
  3. 9925235353 There's mine for anyone who wants a Miccy on Ike's team :)
  4. Probably gonna run on Ike. I have a few different options to put in front. Right now it's Micaiah who laughs at mages, destroys most reds, wrecks armors, and obliterates every cav. She has insane res xD I can also use Zelgius if people prefer. He apparently likes me so I have a +2 merge of him.
  5. It is confirmed that the white one is a female! And also the official artwork for the characters has been released so I don't see this one taking place more than three years after the second one, they don't look old enough. I'm looking forward to it! I don't pay attention to spoilers personally and I loved 2 xD It obviously is in a cave and her scales are sparkling like gems so...? I'm not sure, I just know I've been calling white night fury since the first one came out! I even made a white night fury! (No art, my art skills stink) So far popular names are Light Fury, Day Fury, Snow Fury, and Winter Fury. Nothing confirmed yet though!
  6. Toothless is in fact a boy dragon. In HTTYD 2 someone important (no spoilers) also tells Hiccup that Toothless is the same age as him! Which is apparently why they get along so well xD
  7. I think this movie has been in the works since the second movie came out. They also have some mini series on Netflix if you haven't seen them, they're really good! I can't watch them anymore unfortunately (no more Netflix) but I enjoyed them while I could.
  8. So I don't know if anyone here has seen this, but they finally released the first poster for HTTYD 3! I have been calling a white female night fury for years now! Years! She's so pretty and her skin is actually sparkling like gems. I wonder if that's gonna be a thing? What do you all think? Any predictions for the movie?
  9. Best I've always really loved Ayra, Micaiah, Ninian and Celica's designs. Something about them are just.... really pretty and tasteful to me. For guys? Ike, Xander, Alfonse, Marth, and I've always liked Chrom and Zelgius's red armor. Worst Camilla, pantsless female Corrin... actually anyone not wearing pants that definitely should wear pants. Wear pants to battle! Unless you're pantsless Marth, he gets a pass. I really don't like Ryoma's armor, it feels too... busy.
  10. Actually I've mentioned before my issues with part 2. I actually recommended some changes to it, like making it a series of small conflicts between Crimea and Daein. Aggressions are being inflamed by Ludveck and Izuka for the dual purpose of making Elincia look like a bad queen and further destabilizing Daein to make it easier for Begnion to control. Elincia, Micaiah, and Pelleas are trying to keep the fighting from getting worse while also needing to protect their people. They temporarily join forces when they discover the plot and while Ludveck is captured, Izuka escapes after convincing Pelleas to sign the blood pact (or change that somehow but anyway).
  11. The main thing in comparing RD to PoR that I like is that RD shows that not everything is going to end all peachy after you liberate your country. PoR felt more like a fairy tale in that regard, RD was far more realistic. Ike and Elincia take Crimea back in PoR and.... that's it. Happy ending. It's RD where you discover that Elincia is having issues, where you discover that Daein is NOT free from Begnion despite Sanaki and Sephiran's interference. That's a big part of what I like so much about RD.
  12. I totally get what you mean about your parents. My situation is slightly different though because my parents are like that even without the stress of building a house. I'm stuck too :/ Honestly the only advice I can give you is to find ways to make yourself happy outside of them. I would help you move out if I could but... yeah, I'm stuck too with no job and need them to pay for college. I feel ya.
  13. So this just came out today and I figured everyone here would appreciate it. Thought I would share it since it got a few laughs out of me.
  14. This might be why I enjoy them. I really liked RD's FoW maps, I found them to be really fun! There were no really nasty surprises in those maps though...
  15. Yes I miss them! I always really enjoyed the fog of war maps! I get the frustration with some of them but honestly none of that enemy phase stuff ever bothered me.
  16. I hate having to constantly buy and replace weapons. I hate it with every fiber of my being. I will gladly take Fates's system over weapon durability. This issue is not exclusive to FE, I hate weapon durability in EVERY game it's in. Excluding nothing.
  17. The Tellius games are the best in the series that I've played. Radiant Dawn was my first ever FE game and it still holds top spot to me and is in my top 3 favorite games I've played overall. If you can get your hands on them I definitely recommend it. Sure they have their issues like any game but they really shine in other areas.
  18. Hope you don't mind me snipping, but yes! This! Alm was so insanely boring that his whole path became a slog and I didn't finish the game. Purely because I didn't want to deal with Alm.
  19. The biggest thing for Micaiah is more presence in the plot. If she had more screentime and time to explore her motivations without Ike and Yune, I feel she would really shine as a character and be more sympathetic. Perhaps even one of the most beloved Lords. Also fix her speed. Nailah simply needed to be in the game more! I love her. Same with Sanaki, if I could have started using her sooner I would have liked her more I think. Awakening I wish had explored Tiki more. I love her character and her design but she wasn't used enough and she shouldn't have been relegated to a side quest like she was :(
  20. Soren. I honestly tried to like him. I really did. I used him in multiple playthroughs, hoping I would find something to make him a likable unit but I just could never shake that dislike of him that I have. It doesn't help that he apparently didn't like me either because his growths were horrible.
  21. That's what I thought. But then I remembered the episode where they're facing Kanna and Kagome fires an arrow into her mirror. Kanna remarks that her arrow is powered by souls. Sure Kagome can make sure her arrows aren't ever fired at a regular person but would soul power actually hurt any less on something that's not a demon? I'll have to see if Kikyo ever fired one...
  22. I recently got a friend of mine into watching InuYasha (a great anime if you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it, it's one of my favorite anime ever). But we got to talking about the sacred arrows that Kagome and Kikyo can fire. This question popped up and I'm not sure of the answer. What would tose arrows do against non-demons? I don't think there's a case of them being fired at a non-demon or demon object in the show? Does anyone have an answer or a theory? Also if you just wanna fangirl over InuYasha with me, please feel free! I would love to meet more InuYasha fans!
  23. I'll say it this time like I have all the others. Keep casual mode. It gives players other options and since it's optional it hurts nothing but purist/elitist sensibilities that say you're not a "real gamer" or a "real fan" unless you play on the hard difficulties. People are allowed to play games how they want to and if they want to play the game without worrying about their units dying that is entirely their business and no one else's. I really don't get why people want to take options away from players, especially options that help keep your favorite games alive. As someone who started FE by playing RD, I would've really appreciated a casual mode! xD
  24. I love these posts :) I have tons more saved on my computer. They're great.
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