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Silver-Haired Maiden

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Everything posted by Silver-Haired Maiden

  1. So it's just a suspicion from the players then? Sorry, but I don't count that, not on something as story important as this xD Of course to each their own. I do wish Yune had explained what happened better. If anyone understood it would be her or Sephiran. Heck, even Ashera herself! Back on topic, as for Jarod whether he was petrified or not he would join whichever side offered him the most power I do believe. That would be Ashera, at least in most perceptions.
  2. I've never seen it said in game that she's branded. Where does that come from?
  3. It had nothing to do with strength. Callil's daughter escaped and she's a child and they say in that conversation that it must not be based on strength. It seems more likely that Ashera just couldn't reach everyone since she had just woken up so there were some people that weren't effected. That's why she was gathering power for the second strike. She wanted to make sure she got everyone this time around.
  4. My brother actually did when I was little. I watched the effect it had on everyone first hand. Even now my mom isn't the same. I promised myself I would never put my loved ones through that. Ever.
  5. Okay, you started out great but as you continued it started to sound more like nitpicks. Maybe it was the way it read, maybe it's me. Natures, IVs, and EVs only matter if you go into competitive. No they're NOT required for beating the game. I have beaten every single one and never once checked any of that crap because I don't care. If it was actually required for beating the game then yeah, that would be sucky and they'd need to fix it. The anime itself is kinda crap after Diamond/Pearl but the movies are still fine and, besides, the anime is for kids not teenagers or adults. So yeah, to the older generations it will probably suck. Let the kids enjoy the newer stuff, you enjoy the older stuff, and be happy that they're keeping the series alive. Underleveled pokemon and ones knowing moves that they can learn in other generations is not that big of a deal. It's just not. The underleveled thing is actually to the player's benefit and occurs in a game with TWO Leagues. They had to do something so you didn't curbstomp the other side and level 100 is the max. Remember these games are still supposed to be accessible to kids. ... pokemon not staying in the ball is a core mechanic, has been since Gen 1, you are the only person I have ever heard complain about it. It makes sense. A level 80 legendary should NOT be easy to catch. Rare/strong pokemon are going to fight being caught. It makes sense. Now, here is where I start to take offense because you're not criticizing you're exaggerating. You do realize most of the older games had absolutely crap pokemon designs right? Like... literal sludge. Literally. Grimer. Also random birds. The only good early bird is Fletchinder. That's it. If you don't like the new designs, fine. But they're no better or worse than literally any other generation and, personally, I really like a lot of the new designs. They're fun to use in battle and Ribombee is adorable. The character designs are fine. Actually the character designs are one of the praised parts of the new games (apart from your character's blank smile). The music is fine. No it didn't "make your ears bleed". Also people don't get to insult pokemon for having no creativity and in the same breath bash it for every creative thing it tries. You don't get it both ways. Pokemon is in a rather unique situation where it HAS to include certain things but it's constantly crapped on for keeping those things or trying to change them. Alola was way better, to me, than X and Y, and I get not liking the Z-moves, but they don't bother me. Personally I like megas. And the dance is cute. That's all its supposed to be. It does its job. You know my biggest gripe with pokemon? The multiple versions of the same game. That's my biggest issue.
  6. Let me put it to you this way: there's a reason solitary confinement is considered to be cruel to many people. Social isolation IS bad for you. Eventually it will cause mental issues and depression. http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20140514-how-extreme-isolation-warps-minds And this is just one source, just a quick Google search gives you a lot more on why social isolation is bad for a human.
  7. You know, I'm really not picky and I find many different art styles beautiful. So I like all the games' artstyle, even if some are rather outdated. That being said, my favorite has to be RD's. There's no real discernable reason for it, I just find myself really attracted to it. I also like that they seem to be more appropriate designs for the most part as I'm not a huge fanservice fan.
  8. Yes, until you realize a few things: He is a grown man who should know better. Whenever you try to correct him he throws a tantrum. If you include sources "That's unreliable". You know, even if it's NASA. Accuses anyone else who tries to correct him of being "brainwashed sheep". At that point it stops becoming adorable and becomes close to rage inducing.
  9. Someone I know believes that the moon grows and shrinks in size and that pieces of it break off and reattach. That's how he explained new moon to full moon. I gave up on that one.
  10. Micaiah really is way too fragile (and needs more focus, come on RD!) Lucia needed her own major moment in the end of Part 2, I would have really enjoyed that. Also her design is incredible (not a mean thing, just true) Azura's ending is crap. Ike's ending is also crap. Story Xander needs major help. Please help him. Haar..... is there really anything mean to say about Haar? He's a beast. Nailah doesn't get enough development. Stefan, as much as I love you, your recruitment is bull.
  11. I don't really do "theme" runs though I do always try to do mons exclusive to whatever gen I'm playing if that counts? I also try to have as many typings as I can possibly get on a team xD
  12. I like the general concept and I feel they could be a lot of fun - if there weren't so many and they actually added new characters more often. Get more of the FE roster. Then focus on characters in silly outfits.
  13. Soren... is smart. Oh, and his robes look comfy! Anankos actually had good development through the DLC, shame I couldn't play it. Subaki makes great skill fodder!
  14. Oh that's interesting. He's a huge fan of MK too but I didn't know that. I'll have to mention it to him. That's what I'm looking for :) Though I am trying to convert him into a FE fan.. slowly but surely lol. He enjoys a challenge but the older, harder games are hard to get your hands on and he doesn't have a 3DS. Ahh thank you for those! I linked him to one earlier that he was looking through and I'll share these with him too! :) I have but it seems like they're all either entirely inactive or... quite toxic. That's why I wanted to know if anyone knew somewhere like here, just dedicated to DC or Injustice. This community is great! Very little toxicity that I've seen!
  15. I think Caineghis would have issues fighting either Tibarn or Nailah. He's incredibly strong sure, but they're both smaller and faster, making them much much harder to hit. Not to mention both are experienced fighters just like him. So I'd still put them at equals. As for game stats I don't really count caps and growths when looking at characters vs each other. If Kurth had entered with his stats I really don't see him leveling a fort. Anyway I put Tibarn as faster because Naesala says Tibarn can beat him and he is faster than Nailah and Caineghis. Naesala may be faster in terms of growth but he's never shown it in my games xD To me, Naesala's main strength comes from how tricky he is. He's the most likely to pull stunts and he's the most successful at actually carrying them out. Lehran literally says he believes her alone can sway his opinion of his convictions. If that doesn't speak to her intelligence and way with words, I don't know what does. (Though to be fair I adore Nailah xD) That's a great honor and you certainly didn't have to do that! Since you just did Kurth, I would hold off and do his father after the next one. Between the two, I'd go with Pelleas. If you ever do a Nailah one please be sure to tag me! She needs more love! Mist too!
  16. No more breakable weapons. Those can go the way of the Dodo birds. Though I started on RD where you like never have enough money to get what you want so... that might explain why I hate durability. I'll be honest, I like parts of Echoes system but other parts I hate. The whole HP for magic thing almost convinced me not to get the game. I do like not needing tomes and a greater variety of spells per mage is really fun! Full voice acting is great, it really adds a lot to the characters. I'm gonna be honest, I didn't like Mila's Turnwheel. I also don't see it being a replacement for a casual setting. People who have an issue with either though can just not use them, so those can both come back. Just not my favorites. Base conversations. Why were those done away with? They added so much!
  17. Hello! So one of my friends is really into DC and Injustice and he has trouble finding people who share his interests to talk with. I recommended a place like here because I love Serenes but neither of us know anywhere he can join that's like here with like fans. So I come to all of you to ask if you can hopefully help me out? I know it would make him happy! Thank you very much!
  18. I've mentioned before but a prequel to the Tellius games would be great. Following Ashera and Yune's war and Altina and the others. It ends with Yune being sealed and perhaps the establishment of Begnion.
  19. Best luck? Definitely the RD banner. I got two Micaiah and two Zelgius off of it. No Sothe but that's okay. I also managed to pull Ayra off that banner. How? Don't know. Most other banners I have the weirdest luck on. I'll pull on it and not get any focus characters. Then a new banner will come, I'll get a focus from the OTHER banner, and rinse and repeat. Worst luck? Definitely Gunnthra's banner. Basically all 3* and still no Gunnthra.
  20. This is the funniest topic I have ever read. Ever. I laughed so hard my parents thought something was wrong with me xD On topic, mine would involve the adventures of Soren as he travels around Tellius and the world following after Ike and being a general ass to everyone he meets. ..... actually that could be rather fun.
  21. I feel like possessed villains work better when they were formerly an ally. When you knew them before whatever happened... happened. But possessed villains require a very delicate touch to be done right and corrupted villains are far easier to do well which means they tend to be better on average.
  22. I don't think any of the royals delude themselves into thinking they're on black dragon level. Kurthnaga made Ike gtfo. The only thing the other royals may have on Kurth is experience in warfare... and trickery in Naesala's case. In a straight fight he'd destroy them. But I believe most of the royal laguz are about on par with one another, though their skills may lay in different areas. Caineghis is strongest, Tibarn fastest, Naesala trickiest, and Nailah the most well rounded. I also think there's something to say for Lehran saying she could talk him out of his mindset when he believed no one else could.
  23. I've always loved Kurthnaga and I think, a lot like Nailah, he's pretty overlooked in the grand scheme of things. I wish he wasn't because he was a very well developed character even with the little that we ended up actually seeing of him.
  24. For me it's always been Soren. In all my 10+ play throughs of RD he has NEVER turned out as well as people like to say he does. In fact I have had a few runs where Ilyana, yes Ilyana, outperforms him. The funny thing is he never seems to have this issue in PoR, just RD. I can't really think of one that's overperformed? I'm sure it's happened though.
  25. I must say that I lean toward sympathetic villains in the classical sense but what I really like are villains with clear motivations. I don't care if their motivation is that their puppy died, I need a clear motivation, not "I'm evil cause I'm evil." That's lazy writing and I despise every villain that is like that. And not in the "Oh I love to hate this villain" more I cringe every time they appear on screen. Of course this is coming from someone with a deep deep hatred of the Joker so perhaps my opinion counts for nothing xD
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