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Silver-Haired Maiden

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Everything posted by Silver-Haired Maiden

  1. I've noticed a similar issue with myself lately. I used to be able to sit down and play a game for hours but recently it seems like I can't play for more than an hour or two at a time. I'm just not excited to play anymore. But I've had some personal things going on so I think that's why. Hopefully I can get back into it soon.
  2. I haven't played Death of the Outsider but I have played Dishonored and most of 2 on the recommendation of a friend. It has good gameplay and a cohesive story but I just found that it was too dark for me. Now, I can handle dark, but it needed more moments of levity. I think if it'd had that, I would have enjoyed it far more.
  3. Favorite: Tie between Sothe threatening to kill Pelleas and the oil scene in RD Least Favorite: Most of part 4. It needs serious work. Like what they have (apart from after Ashera) is great, but it needs expansion. What about the other games? I enjoy them but have no serious stand out moments.
  4. I hate it and it needs to go away. It's either useless or annoying depending on perspective.
  5. Wait so I get hating the desert maps but do people really hate fog of war maps that much too? I think they're quite fun...
  6. I'd like to see a Tellius remake but I know there are others that need to be redone too. This is just my personal thing.
  7. Alright just to add my two cents: I don't care about my partner's sexual history so long as they remain loyal. I don't think it's rude to ask them to be tested if you know their past to ensure both of your health. It's not rude, it's health safety. Now insecure about performance is something else entirely and I think most people have that no matter the circumstances. That can be overcome. Marriage isn't for everyone but if he didn't wanna get married I would probably leave. That's just me personally though. There's also other things to consider in that like legal issues and stuff to come later. There are certain rights under the law that only a spouse can have and if whoever I was with wanted to deny me that I don't see it working. Not to mention I don't want kids so... Now that is something that's a deal breaker. Kids. I do not want kids and no one is going to push me into having them. I also know that it's a deal breaker for many so I try to be up front about it. A dress is not that important. The color of the dress even less so. However white is a color associated with sexual virginity and so many women won't wear white if they've been with multiple partners. It's personal preference but not a big thing.
  8. Is no one gonna mention Lyre or Kyza? Lyre or Kyza. Which is a shame because I like Lyre as a character.
  9. There needs to be a "f bras" option because I hate them. I wear them but I hate them lol.
  10. @Solvaij That. That in its entirety exactly. I think attitudes have changed among younger generations to the point that even the thought of abstinence is shamed as being a prude or a weird way of thinking of things and I've often said that believe it or not you can actually keep your privates in your pants (or whatever other thing you wear) so yes, it is still a viable way of handling things. Not the only way. But a viable way.
  11. I really would hate to see Ashunera get truly angry. I can't imagine them having to fight her, just Ashera alone was terrifying enough. As Ashunera there wouldn't be any balancing force to take her down like Yune was for Ashera. Naga and Grima at least balance each other in some way. I haven't played Jugdral which is apparently a major contender, but I still think Tellius is up there if only by sheer number of canon god-like warriors. Also Haar is in Tellius and I'm pretty sure they would all hate to meet him face to face xD
  12. Okay I don't think there's any way to address everything that's been said xD I don't think Naga vs Grima vs Anankos is all that important. Naga can't directly intervene in issues herself (only giving tools to help and other smaller acts of power), Anankos is not on Grima and Naga's level, and Grima hates everyone so if he was forced to cooperate with one side he'd still be more likely to try and blow up everything. I doubt they'd trust his help enough to actually get him to help. Let's say they do though. Grima is powerful, on par with Naga. So what in each world could rival him? Walhart and his forces aren't as big a deal as is supposed. They fall apart without Walhart, get rid of him and the huge army is reduced to deserters. Yen'fey could only hold his portion together. If Valentia kept Duma and Mila their attention would be more on stopping the huge their-level threats than the general battle so while Valentia could put a big dent in the others I don't see them winning. I haven't played most of the others though xD Only Tellius, Awakening, Fates, SoV, and Shadow Dragon (but it's been a while and I lost the game)
  13. So I'm only going to speak on the games that I've played because... I haven't played the others xD I have to say that I think if all of Tellius banded together they would be the strongest. Almost every country in Tellius, with the exception of Goldoa (which is still debatable since they moved fast at Ashera's call), is prepped and experienced for immediate warfare should it arise and that's something I didn't see out of the others to such an extent. Especially the likes of Begnion who would be a force of any war entirely on its own. Add in dragons and Ashunera (or even Ashera and Yune working together without being Ashunera) plus the herons with their restoring powers and you have a potent mix that I feel could take on most any threat that comes its way. Though I must admit to not being as versed in other world's lore as I am Tellius.
  14. 19: Micaiah will not use her foresight to determine winning lottery numbers. Her powers don't even work that way
  15. Since this is gonna be on the switch and it'll have way more power than the handhelds... I want a HUGE game. Hours of playable content, good graphics, I want light magic back, more variety in weapons, better supports, voice acting is always a plus but not needed. WORLD BUILDING!!!! WELL WRITTEN CHARACTERS!!! (for that matter give us fewer so they can actually flesh them out and we won't have as many useless characters *looking at you Meg*) Seriously, this will be the system capable of handling the most from an FE game, make it live up to that IS!
  16. It depends on the genre but for me it's story > gameplay > graphics > music. So long as you include good characters in story because everything else can be crap but good characters can save it.
  17. I mean.. with an A support they end up married. At the same time they refer to each other as siblings through a large part of the game and even in Heroes Micaiah refers to Sothe as being like her brother multiple times. So I guess it's more of an interpretation thing which is honestly not that uncommon in Tellius.
  18. Still the series is Fire Emblem. I get it but it still feels odd to me xD Maybe I'm just weird. I really wish we had seen Ashunera's full strength. Maybe a more complete flashback from Yune? But still, Grima is said to be immortal so could Ashunera kill him? Sure she could handle him easily enough as he is, but does that also make her stronger than Naga? The concept of duality and needing that balance is a great one and I wish they would explore it more. They had a great opportunity with Grima vs Naga and didn't really do anything with it. I don't know, I'm tired so I'm rambling.
  19. The whole ingesting blood thing reminds me of a vampire and now I'm imagining the Grimleal (and Grima) as vampires. That would be way scarier than zombies, go up against a whole army of flipping vampires. A++ gif usage, have a cookie :) You know this whole thing about an immortal Grima makes me wonder how he'd handle Ashunera.... Either way! I must admit to never liking them changing Fire Emblem to Shield of Seals but it does make sense for this one because of the whole Grima thing.
  20. I would like that! :) I can't really say I have any funny headcanons myself but I have one. Ashunera visits the heroes from RD without them knowing it from time to time. Keeping an eye on them, seeing if they're happy. She also watches over Ike on his journey. Sephiran works as a go between for the different nations now, hoping to ensure another massacre like the Serenes Forest one never happens again.
  21. These are all really fun :) If Validar had that backstory I might like him a lot more than just the "mwa ha ha!" villain that he currently seems to be. There are so many different directions to go with villains that don't seem to be done. Most of the time it seems that they're evil for evil's sake. Lyon King is probably the funniest thing I've heard all day so thank you for that xD
  22. I know a major thing to any form of media is a good villain. FE has had its share of good villains and... not so good villains. The addition of Grima to Heroes got me wondering - since there's a lot unknown about the villains in FE what are your ideas or headcanons about them? If not that, what do you want to see from the villains? How would you improve them, if you would at all?
  23. I'm gonna go off script here and say Hector. Why? Because he's so much darn fun xD That exchange in Heroes between Hector, Lyn, and Eliwood in Love Abounds is the best thing. On script for me, I really like Micaiah. She had no combat or tactical training - especially not from some grand hero she was raised by an old woman, she wasn't just usurped from her throne in Begnion - they flat out try to kill her (why is it so hard to kill babies in fiction?), she was a fortune teller before getting mixed up in resistance, and before this was perfectly happy to never be in a spotlight. On top of that to my knowledge she's the only Lord to have to flat out throw away her own sense of morality for the sake of her country.
  24. I had birthday money at 10, walked into Gamestop, saw Radiant Dawn on the shelf for like $20 and loved the box art so I bought it. I do not regret it lol
  25. Okay I seriously love that quote and I shall be pulling for Grima now. I am so glad we're finally learning more about him. I find it hard to enjoy a game without knowledge of the enemy and I always wished for more knowledge on Grima. That little tidbit is really cool but I think this line: Is the most interesting. Do not dare pity me. That adds a whole new level to Grima that I'd love to see explored.
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