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Everything posted by colossus86

  1. @Jingle Jangle And Mareeta was the highest voted Thracia character not yet in the game in CYL3... Yikes
  2. I wonder if Warlock will be a Dark Knight type thing or an infantry hybrid class. I think Oni Chieftain and Basara are the only common hybrid infantry we've gotten.
  3. I feel Jugdral is in a rough spot when it come to FEH. Not only were the games not released in the west, they're just old. They're both 20+ years old at this point and I have to imagine that even a sizeable chunk of the JP fanbase hasn't played them. While it would certainly be easier for them to, considering that not all of the newer fans in the west are eager to go back and play all of the older western releases (or just might not be able to in the case of Tellius) I really do wonder how many of them have. There's also the factor that the FEH player base specifically likely skews a bit younger than the FE fan base in general just by being a gacha mobile game. It also doesn't help that Thracia was the worst selling FE game when it came out (and I think still is) so not that many people formed an attachment to it in the first place.
  4. This game reminds me so much of Valkyria Chronicles 2, the parallels are uncanny. VC is a franchise that focuses on war stories (much like FE) but VC2 was situated around a military academy and the playable cast are a bunch of recruits in training who, due to circumstances, are forced to fight in real combat against rebels in between their studies and training exercises. One of my biggest issues with the game (which I still do like on the whole btw) is the jarring tonal inconsistency from the dumb Anime Academy bullshit and the horrors of a serious war story. Now I love anime, but VC2 is, mostly, bad anime and that's my issue. In between fighting the rebels who are slaughtering a minority people and destabilizing the nation as a whole, you have to: (ok these examples are technically optional, but since completing them gives the related unit a permanent buff, not doing them is objectively a bad decision from a game play standpoint) 1. Help a girl find a flower for a boy she likes... in the middle of a sandstorm... while there are enemy forces around 2. Help a stalker (a girl in your unit) fight off the fan club of the guy she likes to stalk 3. Other dumb shit I don't care to recall Everything in the monastery seems so tame and inane that I don't really see how it won't clash with the serious plot (assuming there is one). Also I don't see how the calendar system works with a reasonably paced plot. Like does only 1 important thing happen a month? That's more or less how much of VC2 went and at times I would legit forget what happened in the last story mission when a new one comes up since there's so much forced playtime in between. Speaking of that: The forced downtime between missions in VC2 wasn't too much of an issue as, once you know what you're doing you can do all up your upgrading class changing and prep in like 2-3 minutes. The interface helped out a great deal here as it wasn't an open world, just basically a loose menu with locations that you can "go" to instantly to handle your business and talk to people. Now we don't know how difficult it will be to navigate the monastery, but what we've seen so far seems like you could be spending a ton of downtime micro managing your students in between proper chapters. And its one thing to be moving sliders, assigning exp and promoting people as necessary... But why the hell do I have to watch a scene of two students pulling up weeds in order to get them closer to promoting to Armor Knight. Why do I have to talk to some kid about his girl issues in order to get gold and exp. Its one thing to put inane Anime Academy bullshit in your game, but linking that stuff to central game mechanics in a way that makes them somewhere from optimal to mandatory isn't a design philosophy I can get behind. All that being said, VC2 isn't a game I hate on the whole, and I'd even give it a tenuous recommendation. But I remember it as a game that I could enjoy the core of... but disliked literally everything else about it. And I see that as a possible scenario for Three Houses. I am legitimately excited for the potential of the new class system, battalions, and gambits. But between my dislike of most of the games visuals/ascetics, my lack of confidence in IS to deliver from a story standpoint, and my fear I'll have to do dozens of tasks between every map to play the game anywhere close to optimally, I can't help but wonder what percentage of my time will be spent having fun, and how much will be waiting until I can get to the fun parts.
  5. I mean you can ask for whatever. But from a representation standpoint, SoV is empirically one of the least deserving games
  6. Not that this would be something I'd be interested in, but I feel like they could scrap together a gen 2 awakening banner centered around Yarne and Nah. People always want more beasts and dragons so maybe IS will figure their class alone will sell them even if they aren't ultra popular characters. Throw in one more awakening child with decent fodder and there you go.
  7. I'd contend that the way the classes are divided might not be fully up to the church. Presuming that attending the school is voluntary, it could be the nations themselves who want to keep everyone separated. It sounds like a huge national security risk to have the heirs of nobility, who are probably privy to some very important info on the state of your nation, to be forced into intermingling with blue bloods of another nation. Overall this is a hard thing to talk about since we have no real information on the current state of affairs of the three nations. Most of the info we have is old history or about the church its self, and if the current peace is hanging on by thread, mixing the classes might be seen as too likely to cause an international indecent.
  8. It occurs to me that if you pair Felix's personal skill (which I assume to be 5 true damage per strike) with Gauntlets he could be an offensive juggernaut in the early game. Even more so If he's fast enough to quad which isn't out of the question as he seems to be our Navarre archetype. We still don't know how heavy gauntlets are relative to other weapons though so it's tough to say
  9. The two things I can think of are that assuming that your unarmed attacks are still brave, it could be a super easy way to quad once you factor in your lack of weapon weight. The other factor is that the current belief is that combat arts use weapon durability (though its possible they're actually on an ammo system like gambits), if that's the case it would allow you to use combat arts without burning through a chunk of your weapon durability.
  10. I wouldn't be so sure IS would actually roll out 3Hs content a month in advance. I know we have SoV to go on, but that game was a remake and IS have basically bent over backwards to not reveal the plot of 3Hs. We don't even know the game's central conflict. That being said, I'm throwing my hat in with SS. It's been a while and their are a few fan favorites (Ross, Cormag, Tethys) still laying around that IS might see some value in. Riev, Caellach, or Orson could make a fine GHB. Also does the timing really work out with the E3 thing? The banner comes out on the day of the presentation if I'm not mistaken, which means the reveal trailer would be a couple days prior. That would be... strange.
  11. I will say that while I'm not a fan of the art style, I do appreciate the class designs we've seem so far. They've been fairly practical without veering into boring/uninteresting to look at. That's mostly referring to the lvl 10 classes though.
  12. The church was instrumental in the founding of the empire, but that was 1000 years ago. Wr also know Faerghus splintered off from the empire at some point so perhaps its a case of the empire's religiosity tapering off over time and that played a factor in the people of Faerghus seeking independence.
  13. Finally cracked 900 with my newly minted +10 Jeorge. This map felt by far the easiest of the 3 we've had so far, though I suppose that depends on what units you have to work with
  14. We currently have no indication that children units will be present, But they haven't been hard decomfirmed by an official source either
  15. They confirmed Mercs in the Direct trailer when it showed Edelgard taking the Brigand exam
  16. This reminds me, have we seen anyone level/rank up at all? It'll be pretty important to know if there are +,- ranks in between all the standard letter ranks or not. Also its important to know if the points required escalates with rank, as that could make reaching higher ranks of weapons you don't have natural proficiency for nearly impossible or at least very resource inefficient. While I'm with you on that, I wouldn't count on it. The Direct trailer with Edelgard seemed to show a bunch of what would be T2 classes and there wasn't a lance infantry centered option. I'd be strange, though certainly not impossible, for there to be a T1 lance infantry class and a T3 while skipping T2. Now we know that list isn't everything as there are no flyers, but the way its organized, starting with thieves and mercs (typically associated with swords) then cavs and knights (lances) then Brigand, archer, and the magic classes, leads me to believe if a T2 lancer existed it would be there. All that said that list could just be classes that Edelgard has a non 0% chance of passing the exam for, or something like that, hence the exclusion of flyers and lancers.
  17. For most people yes. But there are a few things we can gleam from existing materials. Edelgard: We've seen in recent screenshots that she has a preference for Axes and Swords (and Authority but I'm assuming that ties into the Gambit system rather than the class system) as well as a base D in Heavy Armor. She's also apparently bad with bows and faith. If you wanted to make use of all her "talents" I guess you'd go for a General build with a focus on Swords and Axes or just opt for the Hero Class. (This is assuming the lords actually have to use the standard class system the entire game, they could certainly have their own prf classes unlocked later) Dimitri: This is conjecture, but I'll assume he has a preference for Lances, Swords, and Authority. He's clearly our lance lord of the trio, and all of the lords being good with swords along with another weapon is a theory that's been going around for a while. If he too has a base D in a movement type I'd guess Cavalry since his nation is very Knight focused. He'd probably go with a standard Paladin, as that seems to fit his characterization and the lore we have so far. Claude: Again this is conjecture since we haven't seen his weapon lvl screen, but I'll assume bow, sword, authority, with a maybe a D in flying. A Flying bow lord would be pretty novel, but Claude seems to be anything but a typical FE lord so perhaps that's fitting. Lynhardt: We can see in the Direct trailer that Lynhardt has a preference for both Faith and Reason magic, and he's seen with Faith magic on multiple occasions. He's likely meant to be the Black Eagles' early game staff-bot, but he also has the talent for offensive magic too. Dorothea: She's a bit of an interesting case as we can see her having a preference for Reason magic and Swords, with a weakness in faith. Mage is likely her primary calling card since that's what we have the most footage of (she's also used as the example for promotion into the Monk class). But if stuff like Dark Knight or Dark Flier exist than that could be her preference. For everyone else there's considerably less evidence, as all we have to go on is some footage/screenshots of people using a particular weapon type. But in several cases we have pictures of units using multiple weapon types and that really isn't much to go on.
  18. I disagree. Assuming that the uniforms are provided by the school, it would be odd for the school, which is essentially it's own political entity, to acknowledge and enforce the social strata of other nations. The future leaders are still in charge of the houses since having their subjects order them around would probably cause some issues back home (and I suppose its good practice for latter in life), but besides that the school/church doesn't have a reason to differentiate between their students.
  19. I've never used Faye but her prf seems fine on paper. Lukas' is solid but nothing to spend dew on unless you really have nothing better to do. I... sort of apprtiate what they wanted to do with Sully/Stahl. Even if they leverage their super boons in atk and spd respectively, they are still out classed on the player phase. I think Sully suffers from forced symmetry here but at least they tried something new as Camus and Xander are the only Cavs with dedicated enemy phase prfs. Edit: Also ward stacking is a thing so they can get their defenses up to healthy amounts. Also you can use CA in your build if you aren't partial to the gem effects I'm actually starting to come around on these... If i were ever willing to use Enemy Phase Cavs that is.
  20. While resent events likely preclude OG Berkut from ever getting Kreimhild, i hope IS finds it in their hearts to give Leigon and Clarisse some love
  21. I think its more likely than not the crests are a set of icons with a shared history rather than anything that originates from the current political situation on Fodlan. For example the Star & Crescent has been used in many contexts historically, but is now taken as a symbol for Islam and is in a number of national flags (largely due to the Ottomans). Or how the Green, Gold, and Red of Ethiopia found its way into many post colonial national flags of Africa due to Ethiopia being a beacon of African Independence for some time.
  22. I wouldn't get my hopes on those fronts. Archers being able to fight at 1 range is not new and it wasn't new in heroes. And given that the way the support system has functioned in most games (as far as its in combat use) has been similar to drives and such I doubt they'd bring those over. All things considered it wouldn't surprise me if swords were true melee locked in this game and they just compensated by giving them advantages in other areas like durability. One might scoff at that but we've already seen evidence of it in the shop pic and if combat arts do in fact cost weapon durability, being able to use a high end combat art without tanking 40% of your weapon's durability can have some value
  23. Apparently they're moving the rewards from blessed gardens to this mode in a month or so. Even if this mode isn't my absolute favorite, I'm not sad to see blessed gardens go. It always felt like such a chore.
  24. imo its always worth giving your Ophelia Hardy Bearing. I see so many people try to greed a different seal on her for more damage, only to get Vantage swept away by my Eir. Considering she can kill pretty much anything already if you set her up right, I just don't see how its worth.
  25. Given how often I forget Sully and Stahl exist, this is probably a good move. I wonder if they're going to take a supportive angle with Fae's weapon with the whole "Devotion" thing. Lukas didn't really need a new weapon with multiple viable builds already available. Gray or Mathilda would have been a better pick for a SoV rep
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