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Everything posted by Teapot

  1. First off, the face is too small compared to the body. GBAFE heads are usually between 45-52px tall, averaging around 48px. I'd recommend blocking in the full shape of the head so you have a scaled reference to work with. As far as hair goes, I honestly recommend splicing to learn the nuances of FE shading. Hair and cloth are both really tricky things to learn how to custom, as they can easily become either pillowed or flat. Alternatively, if you really want to get into customing, there's kind of this. It's a rough example of using blocking as a technique to get all your basic details down. The rest is really just polish.
  2. If you're going with GBA style, less is usually more - that is, don't try to stuff too much detail into it, else it turns busy and unreadable. You're working with a very fine medium that requires a lot of precision, so every pixel counts. As it is, there's way too much attempted detail on there. Break the cloth down into sections according to folds, then imply certain folds while getting rid of the smaller, more superfluous ones. rough example
  3. All right, here we go. First Mug -- - Clothes are totally flat - there's essentially no shading on them. - Entire mug is 22 colors, not including background - hack-insertable mugs are 15 colors (without background). There are several stray colors that inflate the color count, esp in the eyes. There are also multiple border colors - that is, the original purple border and black. Generally speaking, we don't use pure black or white in mugs on account of the fact that these two colors are the most commonly used when subbing in a background color. When a background color is used in a mug, it will be considered "transparent" in-game, and thus will not show up. While it's not wrong to use pure black/white, it's really not recommended. - Neck is still patchy from where you tried to remove the color, but didn't clean it up entirely. There should also be shading that follows the rest of the neck, rather than just a blob of white. There's a similar but less noticeable issue on the forehead where you tried to remove the circlet. Second -- - It's... literally just an Ursula recolor, but with way too many colors and way too high saturation and contrast. Third -- - It's Saul with a braid. Nothing terribly exciting. - Way over color count again. There are also quite a few stray colors (rather, it's one stray color that wasn't recolored at all). OVERALL -- You could be a little more ambitious with splices, as well as maybe work on palettes and color theory, as your palettes are really over saturated. As a general rule, the brighter and darker your colors, the darker your border color should also be - since you tend to use colors in those spectrums, I'd recommend using FE8 border color or something of your own. They're not very exciting, sorry to say, but you're just starting out, so there's plenty of room for improvement.
  4. What exactly are you dissatisfied with in regard to your palettes? They seem pretty decent most of the time, aside from maybe seeming a little washed out here and there. Is there a particular reason you seem to stick with pale skin / cyan hair / purple clothing?
  5. Okay, first off, these sprites are completely unusable on account of their skewed sizing. There are resize artifacts everywhere. Mugs need to be able to fit in a 96x80 px hackbox and have exactly 16 colors (15 + 1 background color) or less. Here are some sprite resources. Here's how to format shit in Usenti. 1) Keep your sprites at 100% zoom - that is, the original default size. Don't try to fix things by resizing it with skew/stretch. There should be a zoom in/out function in Paint in case you can't see things clearly enough. Additionally, to keep from having to zoom in/out all the time to view it at 100%, there should also be a Thumbnail function, as well, which should open up in a separate popup window. 2) Invest in an image hosting service like Imgur, Gyazo, etc. That way, you can keep all your stuff in one place and have permanent links to share and post with. To post an image, use [img=IMAGE LINK HERE] 3) Save as PNG. You could probably save as a GIF, too, but that's kind of outdated, and unless you're animating, it's not really necessary. 4) Crop your sprites. You have a really large canvas around the Lloyd/Hector splice that's pretty unnecessary. Until that's fixed, it's a bit hard to critique the actual quality of your splices, since it's pretty difficult to tell where the errors might be on account of all the artifacts.
  6. to be fair, no one is looking particularly decadent
  7. We did have a sort of "spriters guild" at some point, but it hasn't really worked out for us. Coby's pretty much covered all the points, though. Most artists here are either already working on projects or prefer being commissioned for their work on account of already busy schedules. There are free and open source sprites available, but if you want better custom work, it may be a good idea to look into commissions. Also, artists don't exist just to be exploited as art-shitting machines. Maybe people want to make shit for themselves and not every grubby-pawed newbie with a hack idea.
  8. Teapot

    Spriter's Resource

    I noticed we don't Rendera on there, so here's a link to that. Saw it on Pixelation, and it's recently been updated so it's a little more pixel art friendly, I think. It's free and open source, and is basically supposed to be a really fancy MSP replacement. Might be good if you're looking for something a little more advanced.
  9. At the urging of a certain someone, I am reviving this game with a new BlankMan base. The base is free to use for other spriting projects as a blank base. Credit would be appreciated if used; please don't claim it as your own. For those of you familiar with this: Great! Get started. For those of you who aren't, the story goes a little like this: BlankMan lost his parts one day when a digital wind blew by, 0ing and 1ing away his features, clothing, accessories, and even his girlfriend. He, being the smart, albeit faceless man he was, came immediately to seek the help of some spriters (us) to help put him back together. Help BlankMan by giving him a face with eyes, nose, mouth, and brows, and then dress him up in style. You may splice or custom parts, but you may only add one part at a time. BlankMan is a respectful sprite and hopes no one will edit another spriter's lovingly-donated parts. He also hopes he will look decidedly presentable to his girlfriend when he is finished. The TL;DR Explanation: Basically, the game functions very similarly to Mug Medley. However, the difference is that only one part can be added on per turn, and each part added cannot be removed or edited (with exceptions*). Forum rules apply to added content, so please try to keep it appropriate. That being said, have fun. Splice or custom features, clothing, hair, etc. onto the base Only one part may be added at a time. You may not edit or remove anyone else's parts. Please be courteous. Don't cover up too much of the base at a time. Please try not to be obscene. If anyone takes offense to your addition, consider it disqualified. Please save in PNG format to prevent loss of color and quality. *Exceptions include: overlapping parts (try to keep as much of it visible as possible), palette consolidation **Claim rules may be added if post ninjas start getting a little too frisky.
  10. Yo, we've migrated to Discord! The link to the chatroom has been updated in the first post.
  11. We talking cav as in the social knight class or cavalier as in the adjective. :B
  12. ngl that's what it reminds me of You've still that issue with noodle arms. Honestly, it looks rather like a scarecrow stuck on a frame with its arms flapping in the wind. Give it some up/down bobbing movement when walking, and maybe try and get the body to move a little more? It's super static with weird moving appendages.
  13. The actual hitting frames feel like the lack impact, probably due to the fact you've 3 blur frames for the axe easing into the actual strike. IMO, get rid of the middle one, and that should make the strike feel more powerful. Additionally, the slide forward to attack feels weird for the same reason the slide back did. Maybe hopping forward and actually moving the near leg or something? He like barely moves his legs, and lbh, when you move forward to add momentum to a strike, you generally want your body torquing with the motion, not away from it - kind of like when throwing a ball really hard and you step into the action rather than just leaving your leg stuck out in the back.
  14. You'll probs just have to manually copy the image link and insert it with the [ img ][ /img ] tags. Auto-pasting is a little wonk.
  15. You're playing at being a coach without actually doing anything. All you're doing is standing in the back throwing him a couple of compliments and maybe a half-assed statement of so-called critique, all in the name of his supposed "improvement." I'm not seeing someone who earnestly wants him to get better at his craft - I'm seeing a pretentious sleaze exploiting sprites from an eager up-and-coming spriter. You want him to improve, then you walk him through the process of fixing the sprites you requested of him. Get that shit down to pat. Stop firing things in his direction. If you've no intention of spriting anything yourself, you'd better improve your ability to judge sprites while you're at it, because all you've done so far is give him a lot of shitty lip service. Blaze spends just about every night in chat with us for several hours trying to fix his sprites. You have no idea the amount of work he puts into these things - hell, I don't even think you understand how much hard precision work goes into spriting in general. I haven't seen a damn post out of you showing off your own work - just a lot of selfish opinions and requests in the guise of a compliment.
  16. Yo, Light Strat, how about you learn how to sprite instead of requesting ridiculous shit like this all the time. Blaze has been nice enough to humor you so far, but stop exploiting him for sprites that you want to see. Do it yourself.
  17. Sorry to necro, but both links are broken. Has there been an update?
  18. The entire thing is super flat and heavily banded/pillowed.
  19. I think Sea Lion has one, but dunno if they're about much. Also, when requesting sprites for projects, most people like to see some kind of proof of concept in advance - just a little something to show you've actually done work on it. Nobody likes to put in time and effort for a project that doesn't get off the ground; especially for free. You might have a little better luck if you look into getting them commissioned. Additionally, just a pet peeve of mine, but if you don't care about the request, I sure as hell don't either. You want something, you'd better give people a damn good reason to make it for you. Just requesting something out of whim isn't really great marketing by any means. Spriting is a lot of hard and meticulous work, and you're doing the artists on this forum a huge injustice going in and expecting people to just make you things because you have "an idea."
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