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Everything posted by indigoasis

  1. I seriously don't understand Pent X Louise. It's not like having kids will play into the plot of a sequel. OK, but in all seriousness, Saber X Genny is an interesting one. I understand where people are coming from, though. Genny likes older men, and Saber is more her type. On Saber's wiki page, in the Trivia section, there's a little bit about this. It's not that I don't like it, I can agree with it, but it's pretty out there. Another ship that I don't quite get is Abel X Est. It seems a bit... off, I guess. I expected Abel and Palla when I first saw their characters, but nope. What really gets to me about this ship is that Palla does actually have feelings toward Abel, but they go unrequited due to Est marrying Abel.
  2. You, sir, must be blessed by RNG. Anyways, welcome aboard. The fridge is right over there if you need anything.
  3. Welcome aboard, the fridge is right over there if you need anything. If you plan on playing Genealogy of the Holy War, I would recommend the Project Naga patch. It's one of the best translations out there, and it uses the Awakening name translations for most of the characters, so if you've played those Awakening DLC maps, you should be able to jump right in. What he said.
  4. I third that statement. Anyway, my list of stuff is pretty much what @Ronnie said. Soundtrack, Gameplay, Visuals, Story. If I could add in controls (which would technically be a part of gameplay, but whatever), I would put that first.
  5. I actually really like that. It sounds great. As for me, my favorite villain is Arvis (is he really a bad guy, though?), so I have my thoughts about him. So as I'm sure we all know by now,
  6. Back in the early 1900s, America did something similar. The book "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair talks about it. In the meat-packing industry, the meat would be packed up and shipped off even if it had fallen on the floor and shit on by rats. Sausages would be made from the meat they already had alongside rat corpses and rat feces. The workers would wash their hands in the water bins where they washed the meat in. I would go on, but I think I've made a clear enough point.
  7. OK. I think it talks about other things besides marshmellows, too. Let me know how it goes. (Not sure how marshmellows help with fixing a phone, but the article is probably by professionals or something, so I'm sure they know what they're talking about.)
  8. I found an article from not too long ago that might help you out. I have no idea if it will help a little or a lot, but give it a look if you want. I'm not too technologically inclined, so I'm trying to be careful with how I help.
  9. I have an s6, and it never autostarts for me. I guess you can try task manager or something. I have an app called 360 Security which is pretty good at what it does. Supposedly it can prevent apps from autostarting, and has various other features. Usually none of my apps autostart, so maybe it will help you? If it doesn't work, I apologize in advance.
  10. People who walk at a turtle's pace in front of me. People who talk and eat obnoxiously loud. People in general, really.
  11. Back in sophomore year, a girl said I looked like an irl anime character, which slightly scares me now.
  12. Like most everyone has said so far, physical copies are the way to go. What's great about physical copies in general is that you can return them after you're done with them. However, Ronnie brings up a good point with free pdfs, so if you're in the market for college textbooks, you can go that route I suppose.
  13. Well, hey, welcome! We hope you enjoy it here! By we, I mean everyone here on the site (hopefully). Enjoy your stay!
  14. This probably isn't a valid answer, but Karel from Binding Blade. He has the highest growth rates in the series, and some pretty good bases to boot. Now if he were recruitable at a lower level, he would be an absolute monster.
  15. Personally, I prefer wired controllers (or wired anything really) because it gets me into that gaming vibe. PS1 controllers are slightly awkward for me, but still really good, and they're wired, so that's a bonus. I have a Gamecube controller for SSB4, but sadly my TV that I use to play the Wii U is slightly lagged behind (if that makes sense), so it's difficult to play.
  16. If there's one character I want to build, it's Laslow. My current Lukas build has Slaying Lance+ with Defense refine, Steady Breath, Renewal 3, Threaten Atk 3, and Close Defense 3 Sacred Seal. He's +Def -Res.
  17. Guardians, Deimos', Barons, Dread Fighters, Cantors, and Priestesses. That should be all the reinforcements that show up if I'm correct. If your having trouble with the fight, I wish you good luck, and don't be afraid to ask for tips.
  18. I'll just keep it simple. I want an Archer Lord. Not one that has it as a secondary weapon (I'm looking at you, Alm), but as a main weapon. Probably a really bad idea, but I think it would be interesting.
  19. Howdy do! Welcome! (insert greeting here)! This is a Fire Emblem forum, but you knew that. There's also stuff for Pokemon and Super Smash Bros. if you're interested in that.
  20. That's what I like about physical copies. Not only can you trade them in for other games, but they're tangible. They're real. A long time ago I had The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Anniversary Edition on my 3DS (it was distributed digitally for free), but I had deleted it alongside my old Nintendo Account so I could link my Wii U account to my 3DS. Biggest mistake I've ever made. If it had been a physical copy, I could have kept the game and my save data. Oh well.
  21. I tried summoning for him, but then I realized that he will be on the upcoming Hero Fest banner, so I'll try for him then. Stat-wise, he is very similar to his POR incarnation, so if you can't get RD Ike, just stick with POR Ike, because I bet you POR Ike is just as good, if not slightly powercrept out. Quick side note: The legendary banners probably are rigged... like claw machines.
  22. Fools. All of you. You've fallen into my trap. My music playlist has grown exponentially. So for that, thanks guys!
  23. So, what songs do you guys and gals like the most? It doesn't matter where it comes from, it could be from a video game, a music artist, a band, whatever. Leave a link to the song if you'd like. Personally, I enjoy Hypnotized by Fleetwood Mac. Here's a link to it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDzXbdxeeHI
  24. Nope! :) I saw that this was pinned (for whatever reason) even though I hadn't touched this topic since I last posted it, so.... If I may ask, how does pinning work?
  25. Usually I'll cycle through my PC, Wii U, and 3DS for a certain amount of time, so none of them really get underused at all.
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