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Everything posted by indigoasis

  1. Ah, shoot. My bad. I always thought it meant, "Everyone, please watch me!" which made me think he was being cocky and drawing attention to himself to show off. Now that I know Marth's character a bit more nowadays, I'm surprised that I didn't catch on sooner, so thanks for the clarification.
  2. There's an unused voice clip of Marth saying something that's a bit out of character for him in Melee, so maybe they wanted to give Ike a tagline for people to know him by, similar to another slightly out of character voice line from Marth that's rather iconic for him (in Smash, anyway).
  3. Arthur (Fates) is actually pretty funny at times Lucius would make a pretty girl Jamke has the Killer Bow, which he can give to Midir
  4. Boat maps. There need to be Boat maps. I was also thinking of a heavily forested kind of map, like in Chapter 1 of Genealogy of the Holy War, but not too heavily forested.
  5. Since no one has made the joke yet, Batta the Beast. Why not Fargus from FE7? I've always thought he was pretty cool.
  6. I'm still in High School, which is going pretty decently right now, but if I could, I'd like to be a Voice Actor. My Theater class has really inspired me to go that route, as well as video games, and I think it would be a really interesting thing to do. I've also considered being a Lawyer, preferably a prosecutor, and I'm going to take an Intro to Law class Senior year. If all else fails, I'll be a farmer.
  7. I got a +Speed -HP Kana on my Free Summon, which is actually really good. I've already given her everything I wanted to give her for skills, so that's cool (RIP Hector).
  8. Unless it's explicitly said so, or at the very least heavily implied, the weather is more or less up to player interpretation for the most part. However, when you enter into a battle, you'll be able to get a glimpse at the sky (only in certain games, like Path of Radiance and Genealogy of the Holy War for example), and you can determine the time of day and whether there are clouds in the sky. A lot of these are generic backgrounds, but still. Also, in Echoes, when beginning Act 4, Gray remarks at how cold Rigel is, and yet Alm is unfazed.
  9. This. I like this. That's actually a really good mentality to have. It's a shame I didn't learn this until now. I thank you regardless.
  10. Holy smokes. I thought Lukas was tanky, but this takes the cake. Good work!
  11. Unless you're desperate for a controller to use, save up for a first party controller. If you want to try and make the most out of your money, you could try getting a Pro Controller from Japan or America if you can. They would probably be cheaper. I got a Japanese Marth Amiibo a while ago, and it was a lot cheaper than an American one. Same product, just with a different language on the box is all.
  12. Dude, you're a god. I started playing Thracia not too long ago, too, so this is super helpful. Thank you!
  13. There was a reddit post of the same title that inspired me to make this topic and see what the people of SF have to say. There was an illustration to go along with it, too, but there is choice language used, so be forewarned. I understand that the more popular characters get more attention most of the time, but this is unfair to Finn. Thoughts?
  14. While Thracia's trade system is overall the best, the typical system we have now is probably for the better. It keeps things balanced and challenging, so if a unit needs a vulnerary but they're halfway across the map, then you'll need to rethink your strategies.
  15. I like the idea of playing as a villian (which happens to a certain extent with Robin). I like to be reminded that the heroes aren't always the victors in a story...
  16. The original question was about Alex Jones, but I'll compromise and add the name on. We can add more as we go.
  17. It's really the only game series I truly enjoy playing, especially when RNG does the most random stuff, which turns most playthroughs into a basket of hilarity. Oh, and the music is pretty good. So are (most of) the characters.
  18. I feel like I've seen this before, but I can't quite put my finger on it....
  19. The thing with having bad clients, or just bad people as clients, is that they're difficult to defend. Lawyers are allowed to abandon clients "under certain circumstances," to quote the source. However, I've also read somewhere about how there was a lawyer who was defending a guy who was the guilty party, and the lawyer gave up and said that he wouldn't defend someone as horrible as that, to give a synopsis. I apologize for not citing a source, I don't remember where it was. It might've been a dream for all I know. This probably isn't the best example, but Phoenix Wright. He's a (fictional) defense attorney. Using a video game isn't the best example, especially one that uses a different, albeit very similar, legal system. If I went off-topic on this thread that I created... whoops.
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