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Everything posted by indigoasis

  1. You could always retake the class online, if it's possible, over the summer. Even if you can't, you're on your way to college. If you don't need it to graduate, then it's no big deal. Besides, you and your dad will most likely forget about it in the future anyway. I agree with what @Light Strategist said, by the way. If there's anything to take away from this, it's what he said.
  2. Ok, thank you. Sorry for the mistake.
  3. I need some advice with staying focused on work or studies of any kind. I figured making this topic could help out other people, too, so that's why I made it. I know making this topic is probably counterproductive, but anyone can use it for future reference, at least. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Just some general or personal tips that could work for anyone and everyone is fine.
  4. As someone who prefers the cold (but not air conditioned cold, I despise that to no end), I'm definitely not a fan of the outdoor heat. It gets humid where I live, and it feels so awkward. If it's a mild temperature with a nice breeze, then whatever, but if it's super windy, I'm not leaving my house. It messes up my hair. Not too long ago, there were winds so strong that school had to be cancelled because of it. It ripped the sidings of houses off and messed up the shingles on roofs. A friend's fence got totaled because of a fallen tree. Overall, strong winds and blazing temps are absolutely awful.
  5. Heal Kliff, Hurt Conrad Atlas 19 Berkut 22 Boey 27 Catria 20 Celica 24 Clair 24 Conrad 19 Delthea 17 Desaix 15 Duma 22 Emma 14 Faye 27 Fernand 18 Forsyth 18 Genny 21 Gray 22 Jedah 10 Jesse 20 Kamui 20 Kliff 22 Leon 18 Lukas 25 Luthier 18 Mae 25 Mathilda 21 Mila 21 Mycen 21 Nomah 20 Palla 23 Python 26 Randal 10 Rinea 20 Rudolf 9 Saber 21 Shade 8 Silque 19 Slayde 12 Tobin 28 Valbar 18 Zeke 26
  6. Add Dora's Backpack. That thing can hold the entire universe in there and still have more than enough room. That being said, you could fit all the stuff that's been listed so far and switch between items on the fly. Oh, and the Ocarina of Time. It can rewind time, which is pretty powerful in it's own right.
  7. I legitimately thought it was gonna be a Red Bow Legendary Alm, but alas... perhaps another day, eh? That aside, L!Ryoma is looking great. It's about time he got some love.
  8. I think SoV would be the Chapter 6 in this case.
  9. Absolutely. Granted I may not be able to play FE16 myself, but I'm alright with that. Personally, I think all games in the series are great to some degree or another. Genealogy has an exceptional story (and one of my personal favorites), but gameplay can be frustrating at times with the large maps, and Fates has some of the best gameplay in the series, albeit a lackluster story. Heroes is also really fun, too, although definitely frustrating at times. I was actually able to get one of my friends into the game, and then steered him toward playing FE7, which is his first main series title. Overall, I can agree with your sentiments, and I'm content with the direction the series is going so far.
  10. Heal Kliff, Hurt Desaix Alm 18Atlas 20Berkut 20Boey 20Catria 20Celica 21Clair 20Clive 20Conrad 20Deen 20Delthea 20Desaix 18Duma 20Emma 18Est 18Faye 20Fernand 20Forsyth 20Genny 20Gray 20Jedah 20Jesse 20Kamui 20Kliff 21Leon 20Lukas 21Luthier 20Mae 20Mathilda 20Mila 20Mycen 20Nomah 20Palla 20Python 20Randal 20Rinea 20Rudolf 20Saber 20Shade 20Silque 20Slayde 20Sonya 20Tatiana 20Tobin 21Valbar 20Yuzu 20Zeke 20
  11. HP: Tie between Genny (-atk, +def) and PA!Azura (-hp, +atk) at 32 Atk: PA!Inigo (+res, -hp) at 39 (Gronnraven+ equipped) Spd: Reinhardt (+atk, -spd) at 15 (Dire thunder equipped) Def: Tailtiu (merged twice, -def, +spd) at 13 Res: Threeway tie between Finn (Merged once, Life and Death 3 equipped), Sothe (merged once, -res, +spd, Life and Death 3 equipped), and Lukas (merged once, -res, +def)
  12. I've never really been bullied all too much, as far as I can remember. Although I do feel as though I'm ignored by a good majority of people besides my friends. I try to talk with other people, but most seem to not hear me. Because of this, I usually stay quiet unless someone initiates a conversation with me. I'll start conversations with friends and some adults at school, but that's about it. It's even worse when I'm in larger groups, which pretty much eliminates an chance of me contributing to the group's conversation. Another thing is that I feel as though I intimidate people because of my general demeanor. My neutral facial expression often makes me look like I'm sad or angry, which might contribute to the fact that no one really talks to me. However, my face will change to a more lighthearted expression when I'm with friends. I'm also a fairly tall guy, taller than a good majority of my peers. I don't think being tall contributes to anything in particular, but it might, so it's why I mentioned it. Getting back on topic, there was one time when I was younger, around 9 or 10 maybe, when me and my mom went to the neighborhood pool. I went in by myself, and sooner or later, there were these older kids that started harassing me. It even got to the point where they were trying to drown me. I cried to my mom about it, and later on my dad showed up. He told me one piece of advice: "It's a small mind trying to get out." I didn't quite understand it at the time, but I thought yelling that sentence at the kids would make them feel bad about themselves and stop. So I did, and if I remember correctly, it worked (probably because they thought I was weird at that point). Another event that happened not too long ago was that I was walking through the hallway to get to my bus after the bell had rung. So I'm walking, and this random senior (at least I think he was, he had a short beard) pushes me out of nowhere and out of his way. He didn't say anything, he was talking with his friend the whole time and even smiling, and he just casually pushed me out of the way like it wasn't a big deal. I was about to move out of his way, too, but he didn't give me a chance to. I told my parents about it, and they told me that if it happens again, either stand up for myself, or call the police. I haven't gone down that hallway in a while, so it hasn't happened since. If there's one piece of advice I can give, it's that bullies and the like have a small mind trying to get out. I'm still not too sure what it means, but it's the best advice I can give. Also, don't be afraid to stand up for yourself or other people. I believe standing up for oneself and others will make stronger people in the long run.
  13. Not as much as I should. Magic users can effectively deal with low res units like Knights and Cavaliers just fine, so I don't see much point in using effective weaponry. Unless the situation calls for it, they have a niche role that I don't fully utilize in my playthroughs. The only weapon that I DO use is the Rapier, and even then, it's usually a starting weapon for most Lords that I save for certain units or bosses, so it rarely gets used anyway.
  14. As the title suggests, what continent introduced in the Fire Emblem series would you like to see revisited, whether it be in a sequel (like Awakening did it), remake (like Echoes did it), etc? Personally, I would like to see Fateslandia revisited because 1. It needs a proper name 2. There's more to that map, and we all know it (I swear it only showed a quarter of the continent) and 3. The music of Fates was pretty good If revisiting continents isn't anyone's cup of tea, coming up with new continents is fine, too.
  15. Putting armed guards in schools sounds like an extremely scary thought to me. I scares me personally, anyway. I'm imagining these guards having assault rifles and Kevlar, but they would probably just have pistols. Either way, while it's one effective strategy, I'm not a fan. You never know which kids might decide to try cause harm if they somehow get a hold of a guard's weapon. It probably wouldn't happen, but I can't help but feel cautious. Assuming that the guards are put in all levels of schools (elementary, middle, high, etc.), I can only imagine what effect it would have on the younger kids.
  16. I'll have to keep this in mind then. By the way, what is it that China can do that'll force Kim to do something he doesn't want to do? I understand that they're a larger country with Communism to back them up, but I'm curious.
  17. I had a good chuckle at this. Granted I'm probably one of those people without realizing it, but oh well.
  18. Thinks that i think that he thinks that.
  19. Thinks that i think that he thinks that.
  20. Thinks that @Zawisza Czarny thinks that he likes Catria.
  21. So it seems that net neutrality is here to stay, but a lot of people are saying that the battle isn't over yet. I've also been seeing a lot of statements talking about the ruling, which confused me because of the way they were worded. There was also a thread back from December talking about net neutrality, although nothing's been posted since December 29th, 2017. Anyway, I thought I would make this thread so no one else has to and so we can start a discussion. I didn't really bother to look in the General US Politics thread, because I didn't think there would be anything there, and also so this topic could have it's own thread.
  22. Like everyone else is saying, if it's in a steampunk setting, then sure. But what kind of guns would be in the game? Muskets and flintlock pistols, I assume? By the way, as long as guns don't replace bows, then I'm fine with it.
  23. I wish Seth was in FE7. Anyway, go with Rebecca. You recruit her early, so she has plenty of time to train. Her speed growth is also really good, so she'll be able to double almost any enemy. If you keep all the units in your army together, she should be fine. Rath rejoins pretty late and underleveled compared to the rest of the army at the point he's rerecruited, but if you're interested in using an mounted archer, there's nothing stopping you. There's an arena not too far off, so if you want to get him caught up, then that will be the best oppurtunity.
  24. Ike becoming the leader of the Greil mercenaries isn't outlandish at all. Compared to Alm becoming the leader of the Deliverance, it's more reasonable. With Alm, he was granted leadership because he was supposedly Mycen's grandson, which was enough for Clive to say, "Here you go." It's not that it's a bad scene, but I think Alm's sudden transition to a leadership role could have been done better, but there's only so much you can do with a plot from the 90s. But hey, plot convenience, am I right?
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