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Everything posted by indigoasis

  1. I think route splits are pretty neat. Obviously they could use a little work. Having the option to go back to a choice at (almost) any point would be nice, akin to Radiant Historia for example, but it would reset your levels and skills back to that point. You can go back to the farthest point you went on one route if you want to finish that or keep playing from there, if that makes sense. I guess having multiple save files would work best, but I don't know.
  2. I forgot about that, thank you. It's possible for Quan to die first, too, although unlikely.
  3. What's ironic is that, as powerful as Quan (supposedly) is, he's bested by the Thracian Army despite having the Gae Bolg with him. Granted he's in the desert and there's the curse of the Gae Bolg, too.
  4. So what's the best fire emblem related joke you can of? Or if you can't think of one, just a regular ol' knock knock joke works too. Here are some I think are good: "I always considered Sigurd a Jagen archetype since he is very powerful to start but stops being useful halfway through the game." (Quoted from a comment by user Dokidoku on this video) The reason Leif is so fast in Heroes is because he's been on the run for most of his life
  5. I won't change my vote, but I respect your opinion. I'm a bit biased towards Quan, mainly because he's Leif's father, and Leif is great. Also, looking at your reddit posts, they're very well structured, so I tip my metaphorical hat to you good sir.
  6. I hate saying mean things, but here goes... Camus is overrated (I still love him though) Lukas is another name for babysitter Finn... no, I respect Finn too much Quan is a complete dumbass for going through the Yied Desert While I'm at it, so is Ethlyn for bringing Altena with her
  7. I read through a bit of the reddit page you linked, and I gotta hand it to you. But give Camus some credit, he's gotta be stronger than Gawain and Ike. He has the weapon triangle advantage after all (Not against Greil when Camus has a lance equipped, but Camus can use swords, so it checks out).
  8. It's a tough decision, but I chose Quan. As a unit, I would consider him superior to Camus, simply due to the fact that he has Holy Blood and a superior legendary weapon. It's not really a fair comparison seeing as how the Archanaen and Valentia games and FE4 are structured differently when it comes to how stats and units work, but meh. Based off of merits, I would choose Camus.
  9. I had to look up what the colors of the Harrier's pegasi and Oscar's horse were to make sure I wasn't saying something dumb. So hooray for faulty memory
  10. Because the empires don't have the high ground. If Bartholomew has 71 pineapples in his grocery cart, and runs out of the grocery store with all the pineapples stuffed inside his mouth, how much does the sun weigh?
  11. I can agree with you on this one, but I believe it's to differentiate certain units from each other, as well as keep things consistent between games. However, I want to mention that in the Overclass DLC for Echoes, the Pegasi for Harriers become black with orange flarings. And then there's Oscar's horse, who is orange... ish.
  12. 19. Swords beat axes, axes beat lances, and lances beat swords
  13. Based on the polls right now, I'd like to give a quick shout-out to my boy Seliph. Dude deserves some love.
  14. indigoasis


    Well, hey. Welcome to the forest. The fridge is right over there of you need anything.
  15. If you all don't mind my naive opinion, I think Echoes is pretty good. Sure, it's not the BEST game in the series (all hail FE4) but it's pretty good. What most appeals to me about the game is the soundtrack. Now, the music may not be the best out there, but you gotta admit that it's a damn good score (is score the right word here?). The dungeon crawling in Echoes was a huge step up from what we had in Gaiden. However, I didn't like not being able to explore villages and such places like you can explore a dungeon, although I liked being able to do some Phoenix Wright-like investigating, if that makes sense. Gameplay-wise, maps were reused a lot in different places, and fighting terrors could get tedious at times. I also feel like Act 6 was kind of shoehorned in, although it did give us some backstory as to how and why Grima exists, as well as a fun super dungeon of sorts. Anyway, I know that was structured poorly, but I said what I wanted to. If you like or dislike Echoes, that's fine. Keep in mind that it's a remake of a game and story made in the 90s, and the developers wanted to stay as true to the original as possible (with exceptions, of course), and that it's not flawless. I do like how it expanded upon a lot of vague aspects of the story and characters that Gaiden had, and fleshed it out a lot more. With that in mind, I hope that you can give Echoes another chance. I know that I'm bad at explaining things, so I hope you were able to bear with me here.
  16. There are a lot of things that make a hero. It could simply be doing a good deed for someone, or saving the world from space demons for all I know. Anyway, I would personally like to be a hero of some kind. I think it's really nice to be able to help people out. And as for superpowers, I guess I'd like to basically be Roy Mustang.
  17. Thank you. I worked hard on it... for like 2 minutes.
  18. The item will drop randomly and will not appear in the enemy's inventory. All Mogalls should have a chance to drop it (as far as I know). It really shouldn't be necessary to have Sol, Astra, and Luna as they won't really be getting too much use once you get them, but then again I've gone hunting for them hours on end before, so I'm not one to talk. Have fun, and good luck!
  19. Leif is the best lord, fight me. I do actually like a lot of lords, so it's difficult to choose just one. Although some of my favorites include Sigurd, Seliph, Leif, Eliwood, and Ike. If you think about it, Sothe could technically fulfill a lord role in Radiant Dawn, but that's just my opinion. Corrin isn't really a bad character to me, just a victim of bad writing. As a unit, he's complete overkill sometimes.
  20. I know that the cropping is bad, leave me alone.
  21. The title says it all. If not the best intro, then what's your favorite intro? Feel free to leave a link if you want. I think the best intro in the entire series would be from Path of Radiance.
  22. I seriously don't understand Pent X Louise. It's not like having kids will play into the plot of a sequel. OK, but in all seriousness, Saber X Genny is an interesting one. I understand where people are coming from, though. Genny likes older men, and Saber is more her type. On Saber's wiki page, in the Trivia section, there's a little bit about this. It's not that I don't like it, I can agree with it, but it's pretty out there. Another ship that I don't quite get is Abel X Est. It seems a bit... off, I guess. I expected Abel and Palla when I first saw their characters, but nope. What really gets to me about this ship is that Palla does actually have feelings toward Abel, but they go unrequited due to Est marrying Abel.
  23. You, sir, must be blessed by RNG. Anyways, welcome aboard. The fridge is right over there if you need anything.
  24. Welcome aboard, the fridge is right over there if you need anything. If you plan on playing Genealogy of the Holy War, I would recommend the Project Naga patch. It's one of the best translations out there, and it uses the Awakening name translations for most of the characters, so if you've played those Awakening DLC maps, you should be able to jump right in. What he said.
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