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Everything posted by indigoasis

  1. I agree with Ronnie about the second one. I also like the fifth one. Simple and cutesy.
  2. I know Finn acts as the father figure for both Leif and Nanna, but I'll have to read up on those conversations.
  3. I find it to be a strange situation, although I've heard before somewhere that Beowulf is the father of both Diarmuid and Nanna, which was on the site for the game if I'm correct. A contradiction of this is the manga, where Finn is the father of Diarmuid (and Nanna, although I'm not completely sure).
  4. So for those of you who have played Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 (or at least know the general plot line), I was wondering what the general consensus on Finn was. I'm pretty sure that most of the community can agree that Finn is one of the best characters in the series (I'm not biased, I swear). Here's the link to his wiki page: http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Finn And Mangs' Character Spotlight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4JNND1mrnw Anyway, what are your thoughts?
  5. When I'm walking quickly, but someone is walking in front of me at a turtle's pace and there's no way around them. The oh-so subtle sound of (slow) chewing... if it's done quietly or I can't hear it, I don't care, but when someone's chewing like a wookie next to me, it's irritating. This next one isn't really a pet peeve, but I love catching people on their mistakes. It's like playing Ace Attorney, but in real life.
  6. Whether they were blessed by RNG, or you simply love their character, who is your best unit in any FE game? Anything goes, so if your best unit is in Heroes, Warriors, or whatever, go ahead and post here. Share a picture, too, if you want. My best unit (well... favorite, really) in any FE game is probably Lukas. I maxed out his defense in Echoes, and he takes no physical damage at all. I gave him the speed ring so he won't be doubled (and potentially double enemies himself), and so he heals every turn. I should also mention that I overclassed him... like all of my units. <--- I just wish he was available for my profile banner.
  7. Story-wise chronologically(if that's even the proper term), I would go with Platinum next. Gameplay-wise, probably Black or Sun/Ultra Sun. Ultra Sun is Sun with predowloaded DLC if you ask me.
  8. what was the last game you nuzlocked?
  9. They're called trenches? Sooooo they're cavalry trees. It hinders just cavalry movement like trees do for infantry. fair enough
  10. It's basically a big middle finger to cavalry teams. In all seriousness, they're (probably) designed as a counter to cavalry teams. Trees hinder infantry movement and prevent cavalry movement, but I think these new tiles will only stop cavalry.
  11. So I was looking a bit more into this update, and I found something cool... Oh, here are some links btw: https://fireemblem.gamepress.gg/datamine/feh-datamine-110 https://imgur.com/a/wR1cG#3e0zmvs Anyway, it looks like Parthia is getting an upgrade, which is awesome because my Jeorge as been sitting around doing nothing.
  12. Huh. I have a feeling people are going to max it out day one... er, within the next 24 hours or something.
  13. I'm just gonna reply to this so I can view it later... for reasons.
  14. That's definitely a possibility. By the way, what I meant when I said that other units can cross just fine is that it won't hinder their movement like trees do. Infantry can still cross over instead of being slowed down like with trees. I should have mentioned that earlier, so it's my bad.
  15. Based off of the first image and how they are laid out, they'll probably just be general obstacles for cavalry units. All non-cavalry units will be able to cross just fine. Atleast that's what I assume.
  16. I'm really excited for Sothe. His stat spread look nice, although I'm not ready for colorless hell. As a side note, why did they spoil the Black Knight's identity? I already knew it was Zelgius, but it ruins the surprise for the players that haven't played Radiant Dawn... although to be fair the game is over 10 years old at this point....
  17. I hated that level. I was stuck there with Lucina and Lissa dealing with Cordelia, and I didn't realize until after Lucina died that I could have used a bow user. The failed Lucina/Lissa run took around 20 minutes or so. I haven't played too much of the game as I've only had it for a couple weeks as of this post, but it's so satisfying running around stomping wyvern riders into the ground with a Falchion user.
  18. I never used them at all. They were too special to me. I still have them somewhere in a drawer, actually.
  19. Collecting stuff is really fun. I used to collect those pencils with cool designs or pictures on them back in elementary school. One of them had a peppermint spiral, and another one had sparkles and stuff.
  20. Howdy! Welcome to the forest. I hope you enjoy it here. I have so far. If you have any questions, feel free to ask away in the general discussions. Also, as far as I know, there is no dedicated forum for artwork (I could be wrong), but I suppose the written works forum is OK. I would check there first before you post anything. If not, you could always make status updates saying "Look what I made!" or that general tagline and post your artwork. I'm fairly new here, too, so I would advise you to ask someone with more experience than me for any help.
  21. So i saw a post that pit the awakening children versus the fates children. Here's the link to that: So, I was wondering, if the Jugdral kids (or rather the second generation) were tossed into the mix, who would win? Also, the factors and rules taken into consideration in Firewing270's post will apply here, so read his before you delve into this one. Credit for the original idea of the child units against each other goes to him as far as I'm aware. (Genealogy is also a special case where there are substitute units, so keep those in mind if you'd like. Otherwise, what are your thoughts?)
  22. I forgot to say you can include paralogues and whatever else. My bad you guys.
  23. This is probably a very specific, yet broad topic to ask about, but I'm interested to see what you guys have to say. I have no idea whether or not this has been asked before somewhere by someone else, but whatever. Also, X chapters count, too (for example Chapter 2x of Thracia 776) My favorite Chapter/Map is probably Chapter 20 of Eliwood's Story in Blazing Sword. New Resolve it was called. Eliwood's father had just passed away, and Eliwood is super depressed about it. Then his Dragon Waifu shows up to comfort him, and then you get a dancer on your team, which is awesome.
  24. Hey, welcome! I'm fairly new here, too, but i hope you enjoy it here. I know I have.
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