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Posts posted by Solvaij

  1. 48 minutes ago, Otts486 said:

     Ok first of all I’d like to ask the difference between a corrupt villain and a possessed villain. As far as I can tell they’re mostly the same. So could someone pls explain to me the small and subtle differences between the two.

    Generally possessed means they are being controlled. By the end of the story they are usually not themselves at all. Corrupted tends to mean they still mostly have their free will and agency but are being manipulated by another force so that their "worst traits" (i.e. ambition, jealousy, power-lust) are accentuated and they act on their desires while they normally wouldn't. That's how I understand it at least.

  2. 1 hour ago, Cysx said:

    They bring nothing to the game, essentially. Griffon rider also feels really out of place since as far as I know, Griffons have never existed in Archanea.

    Well obviously now they do, but barely, there's no lore to them or anything.


    Edit: I guess I spoke more in terms of importance than what you asked for, though. Well Chameleon has limitations, but having more of your best units cannot exactly be considered as bad I suppose. As for Griffon rider, there is an argument to be made that wyvern lord is superior in essentially every way, but taken for what it is, it still flies, so it's not bad.

    Taguel on the other hand is actually a terrible class, for what it's worth, due to its terrible bases and being limited to 1 range no matter what. No promotion bonuses either. The fact that Panne moves several tiers up when reclassed into wyvern rider with E-rank axes says a lot.

    I'm with you on these. Lore-wise, the Taguel were also really shoehorned in and felt kind of out of place to me from a story perspective, so yeah.

  3. 36 minutes ago, Armagon said:

    I've been thinking, for as much fun as i had with SSE, it was less of a story mode and more of just "Adventure Mode with cutscenes". Maybe it's asking a bit much but i'd like to seen an actual story. It'd be kinda difficulty seeing as how 50% of Nintendo's character don't actually talk but you know, the story doesn't have to be good in this case. It could be the stupidest thing ever, just give us an actual story. I want to see Nintendo characters interact with more than just grunting at each other.

    I feel the same way. I love SSE and a second edition in the same vain would receive no complaints from me, but ideally I would also love actual character interaction.

    3 minutes ago, Comet said:

    Yes. I'd prefer if they didn't change character traits for it this time.

    What are you thinking of specifically?

  4. 27 minutes ago, Silver-Haired Maiden said:

    I haven't played Death of the Outsider but I have played Dishonored and most of 2 on the recommendation of a friend.

    It has good gameplay and a cohesive story but I just found that it was too dark for me. Now, I can handle dark, but it needed more moments of levity. I think if it'd had that, I would have enjoyed it far more.

    I feel that. I had to stop for a while during the last mission in 2 because it was just... a lot.

  5. As I think most people in this thread have mentioned, a lot of people see Kris as a Mary-Sue who ruins Marth's character.

    Personally, I think the side-story with the assassins was fine, I just wish Kris didn't get involved as much with the main story. I'm against having avatars in fire emblem generally though, the only good one is Kiran.

    HOWEVER, I definitely don't think Kris is worth not playing New Mystery over. It's still a solid installment in the series with great maps and gameplay, and if you've never played FE3 before, I don't think the story suffers THAT much. Also, Kris gets wear funny hats, so that's a pretty big plus imho.

    Still better than Corrin.

  6. I've had Death of the Outsider on my PC for a few months. Finally got around to finishing it today, which means I have now played all the content in the series.

    It always feels like there's a mixed reaction to Dishonored, like people like it, but have a lot of complaints, so I was just wondering what everyone's thoughts were.

  7. 8 hours ago, Slumber said:

    Yeah, 5-7 support chains is around the sweet spot. 

    Echoes' 2-3 I liked better than the dozen+ of the other 3DS games, but it wasn't enough. 

    9 hours ago, Dreamyboi said:

    Too few and too short is how I've always viewed the supports in Echoes, it's like the game was a side project.

    9 hours ago, Otts486 said:

    I'm gonna have to disagree with this. Shadows of Valentia was like this and IMO the lack of supports per character actually hurts the character writing. I mean seriously 1-2 supports is not enough to develop a character especially when the supports themselves are THIS bland and boring. I mean just look at faye. The only reason I hate her so much is because she only has 2 supports neither of which develop her character in the slightest. Okay that's a bit of an over exaggeration because her alm support does a little bit but not enough to make her a good character. The characters in that game are as deep as a puddle and while there are exceptions those are few and far between and even then lack of supports hurts those characters as well.

    I guess I should have clarified: I would like a small cast with 5-7 MEANINGFUL supports. Limited as in not 15 supports per character. I was thinking of the GBA series and Path of Radiance.

  8. 4 hours ago, Corrobin said:

    Maybe it permanently doubles the maximum uses of a weapon? Just spitballing.

    I like this idea, but I half is probably too much. I also think you'd need to reduce weapon uses by more than a third.

    And yeah, you might have to keep staves breakable for the reasons mentioned.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Lord Raven said:

    If you're not trying to start anything you should probably read some of the stickies on this forum.


    2 minutes ago, Lord Raven said:

    Regardless, it's not so much that people can't control impulses, so much as people will act impulsively no matter what. I've brought forth a lot of the statistics to show that people often act on impulses, and it's strictly due to human nature they do so. Just because you and I can control our impulses doesn't mean every other human being can be trusted to do so.

    I think you and your immediate friends might be trusted to not act on impulses, but I can tell you that my high school friends were very 50/50 on it. High school kids are generally pretty exploratory and impulsive, for reasons that are not necessarily out of their control. The statistics back this up, the science backs this up, what more is there? People can control their impulses, but teenagers are really bad at it, and it's partially because of an animalistic drive. Sex is pretty much the most animalistic thing we do aside from slaughter others over territory and caring more about our next of kin than ourselves.

    It is absolutely not excuse-making or promotion of poor behavior, at any rate. It's a legitimate issue that we can't curb, only work around. That's how most real-life things are. There are deficiencies that result from the fact that the human mind is overall not completely rational and the population at large has an issue that maybe individuals won't. Rather than trying to eliminate it, you have to make sure people are safe when they are participating, because eliminating an issue is a very lofty and often impractical task when you're dealing with millions or billions of humans.

    Alright, we're not going to agree on this, but it's fine. Here's a lame meme in good faith:


    See ya around

  10. 3 minutes ago, Lord Raven said:

    Okay, so what part are you disagreeing with? I don't actually understand.The issue is that abstinence based education is actively harmful because teenagers don't participate in abstinence. If you want to read the statistics, a whopping 41% of high school students have had sex. The rate of teen pregnancy and sex has gone down 13% partially due to increased usage of contraceptives.

    It's extremely common. The issue is not how to curb it, the issue is how to prevent it from ruining lives through pregnancy. Abstinence won't fix it; even though the rate has gone down, it's clearly happening very often and teaching kids how to safely do it as opposed to never do it is far more productive. Especially because sex is a very natural part of life.

    In summary, I don't know what point you're making. Teenagers have pretty poor impulse control and addiction issues. They're notorious for poor judgment. Saying "don't have sex" won't fix that, but at least teaching safe sex on all phases will help significantly.

    Furthermore, abstinence only education has been shown to poorly curb sexual interactions between teenagers. Contraceptive use has significantly decreased teen pregnancy.

    Look, I'm not trying to start anything. I'm not sitting here promoting abstinence-only sex-ed. I just threw out an opinion on this topic.

    What I disagree with is the pervasive attitude that people can't be expected to control their impulses. That promotes poor behavior and excuse-making (not with sex, just in general). You act because you want to act, not because you're forced to by some animalistic drive.

    Sex is a natural part of life for most people, and when you choose to become sexually active is no one's business but your own. But it's still a choice. It's still something you can control.

  11. On 3/16/2018 at 8:25 PM, Lord Raven said:

    So they have a natural impulse for sex, and you think human beings control it? Is that your point here?

    Yes. That's what I said.

    On 3/16/2018 at 8:25 PM, Lord Raven said:

    Because that impulse control doesn't prevent two hormonal teenagers from doing it.

    But... It can. And does.

    On 3/16/2018 at 8:25 PM, Lord Raven said:

    Regardless, that's all well and good, but it's a pretty bad idea to trust teenagers will have impulse control.

    I don't think I said anything about that?

  12. On 2/17/2018 at 9:41 PM, Lord Raven said:

    Sex before marriage is an inevitability because human beings are naturally pretty horny

    Yeah... I just don't believe that. I think one of the nice things about being human (and this is kind of a personal belief but whatever) is impulse control.


    As I view marriage, its beauty is how it unites two people as a stronger one. To me it guides you in humility because you aren't just thinking of yourself anymore; you're thinking of yourself as half of a whole. It's not just something where you can say, oh, it's not really working; having that as an easy way out makes you more likely to take it. You also always know that you're not alone; you have another half that picks up the slack when you fall. This is pretty much why I wouldn't want to raise kids alone, because eventually you're going to be sick or stressed or having a bad day, and you're not going to want to change diapers or chauffeur your kids to an extracurricular or help them study for a test. If you're married, there's someone else who can give the kids their full attention. And sure, there are days when you'll both be stressed, but hey--it's 2RN system now! HAHA FIRE EMBLEM JOKE. Moving on. I think it's also important for kids to have a network of support, and having two people in their life every day who care for them is good start, PLUS there are checks and balances on how they're being raised. Also, I think it's just more fun to raise kids with someone else; you get to laugh about all the silly things they do with someone who actually gets it, and not just in a "oh that's what kids do" way, but "oh, that's why MY kid does." This isn't to say single-parenting is bad. I know lots of single parents who do a great job; often a better job than dysfunctional two-parent homes. It's just that I think it's ideal to have two both for the kids and the parents.

  13. 38 minutes ago, Tryhard said:

    Could new users require a set number of replies before they could post new topics?

    Maybe, but what about the intros thread?

    Not that there are that many people who post there...

  14. 2 minutes ago, Ertrick36 said:

    And in Revelation... they capture their own siblings and wage a war with one another, for only one can be Empress of Fateslandia!  But they first let everyone get together and hop into Valla so that they can avoid collateral damage and to make their jobs a lot easier.

    Additionally, in Revelation they are using the gang to remove a potential future threat that neither of them wants to deal with: Anankos. Elise, having seeing what his influence did to her father, knows that he has to be eliminated eventually for her to reign supreme, and Sakura... maybe... somehow got her mother to tell her about Anankos at some point? Mind-control? Magic orb? It's FATES after all!! Who cares! In Revelation Corrin and Azura have also already done the work of uniting Fatesland so it's no problem for Sakura and Elise to orchestrate a hostile takeover, (Assuming the casualties of the Anankos battle went the way they wanted, most of the royal family on both sides should at least be crippled by then).

    Anyway great idea, I love this. I'm assuming this is all post game which is why we never get to see any of it.

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