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Posts posted by Solvaij

  1. The top of his head feels a little squashed. Trying moving the top of his hair up a bit and filling in what's left in the middle. Also, have you checked your palette to see how many colors you have?

  2. Snorran is the Sandman gone rogue. He has powers of hypnosis and dabbles in time manipulation here and there. He can cause hallucinations and dreams at will and his objective is to bring about world peace by putting the entire world to sleep.

    The Magnificent Markuse

  3. Realistic and mature can mean different things. I think you can handle very mature themes in worlds that avoid the grimdarkness of things that claim to be "realistic". Look at Gurren Laggan or Fullmetal Alchemist--anime nonsense abounds, but the writing is there to keep things grounded. They deal with loss, trauma, ect. "realistically" and that's why it's good and mature storytelling. But it's not like those are gritty and realistic in the HBO sense. I wouldn't hate more of that sort of realism in Fire Emblem as long as the writing kept up, and they don't just dump in violence for violence's sake.

    Also in general I personally prefer my fantasy to be a little more lighthearted which is why I am not a Game of Thrones fan, and I would be kind of sad if FE went that way but like, I get it, as long as the writing is still good I guess it's fine.......

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