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Posts posted by Solvaij

  1. 2 hours ago, Refa said:

    I don't think people like that actually exist.

    I didn't think so either until I met one. I maintain Breath of the Wild has its flaws (the story for one) and I can definitely understand why some people don't like it, but I know a guy who says BotW "ruined the Zelda franchise" and his argument is basically that's it's not like the other Zelda games. And that's it.

    More on point, I read the title of this thread and thought it meant people complaining that a game is good, but not good compared to other games in the series, which I think can be fair. There are lot of games that are good by themselves, but have successors or predecessors that for whatever reason do a better job of executing staple elements of the series. If you've never played a Fire Emblem game, Shadow Dragon is a great time, but if you're used to Fire Emblem mechanics like supports, map objectives other than seize, ect. you'll miss them when you play it. I think that's a fair complaint even though I love Shadow Dragon and everything about it.

  2. This is a wild thread.

    But yeah, bacon is radical. Although it's hard for me to eat bacon from pigs I haven't raised myself. Store-bought bacon is just can't measure up. It's not bad, but it's not the good stuff. You only get that by taking the pig on a mile-long walk every day for about 90 days, feeding it cream cheese in the last month, and making sure you've got a complete pelleted feed with the necessary minerals, proteins, ect. Also avoid raising on cement to prevent pig anemia. Those iron shots can mess with the finishing and backfat (gotta get that 1/2 inch, no more no less).

  3. Oh shoot, you mean which order to play Fates in!!

    Yeah, Birthright->Conquest->Revelations is probably best. You get the basic sense of the events and world in Birthright, then get a deeper look at them in Conquest, and finally get the behind the scenes nonsense from Revelations.

  4. Personally, I'd go check out the old stuff before Fates.

    If you liked Awakening, I'd go to FE7 or FE8 first, but probably FE8. It's a nice way to ease into the older style.

    How many are you intending to play and what did you like about Awakening? That will help us make a better list

  5. 1 minute ago, Arcphoenix said:

    Oh dear, he was rewritten as a last minute change to the story. It was (and strongly feels) rushed and poorly written, and the dialogue is filled with contradictions to previous dialogue and grammar errors. All his supports are of the same quality.

    I wish we had more representation of game mechanics and the various weapons of FE in Smash for the fighters

    The next Smash features so much Fire Emblem representation that fans get fed up and there is never another Fire Emblem character in Smash.

    I wish my sister liked Fullmetal Alchemist

  6. 2 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    A) Ask who you might ask about the vest

    You ask where you might find more information about the vest. The man tells you the vest was dropped at the door of the Goodwill by some sort of enormous green monster. Great, you think, what did you do this time? It sounds like the only person who can answer your questions is you! Obviously this means you'll have to:

    A) Get angry and transform into the Unstoppable Behemoth

    B) Research a way to recover memories from when you're the Unstoppable Behemoth

    C) Forget about the vest. It might come up later, but you'll worry about that when you get to it. Instead, continue your quest for BBQ knowledge!!

    D) Go to sleep

  7. 37 minutes ago, illegal knight said:

    B. Use your Mag stat : persuade and convince him about bbq

    You've decided that the Attorney General's laser eyes are not something you're particularly interested in tangling with, as you are a rather large and rather uncoordinated target. Instead you persuade him that you only came here in the first place due to your love of barbecue and you explain that if he'll help you out, you will share the fruits of your labor, (speaking of fruit, you're kind of in the mood for orange juice, but you push that out of your mind for now). He agrees and together you steal all the meat. However, you didn't completely destroy the shop, so you're not sure if the master of the Q will still be willing to teach you his ways. Do you:

    A) Hope he will be satisfied by you stealing all the meat

    B) Return the meat and seek help from the owner of the Carolina BBQ

    C) Have Jeff Sessions BBQ the meat with his laser vision

    D) Shrink

  8. On 7/2/2018 at 10:57 PM, Jotari said:

    At this point, I think I'm going to demand someone draw some official art of our orange obsessed psychic pirate monk that looks like Skinner.

    I know Speed said we should wait, but I had to. We can do his promoted art later.



    Both arms are deformed given the numerous experiments he's endured.

    Now somebody else do Taneglo.

  9. On 7/2/2018 at 10:57 PM, Jotari said:

    I was actually going to try and manipulate it so that she was an identical sister, and there's a whole family of similarly looking Pegasus Knights we could burn through, but good job I like all these options XD

    Ah shoot, that didn't even cross my mind! lol

    5 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    C) Worry about Tangelo

    As you wait for your soup to be prepared, you worry about your citrus-y goddess. Is it possible that it was all a dream? A figment of your imagination? It felt too real. It seems like you've been there before... You're still strapped to the table so the chef feeds the soup to you when he's finished. Then he leaves you alone with your thoughts. Although the nerds with the clipboards said the tests hadn't gone as planned, they still won't let you move. You decide to:

    A) Try to use psychic powers

    B) Try cross over

    C) Yell for a nurse

    D) Pray to your goddess

  10. 45 minutes ago, ProfImpossible said:

    (seems like she's kinda into you too)

    B.) Ask her to live with you on your orange orchard.

    Your heart flutters as you hold out your hand. You tell her you've been working to start an orange orchard which you now intend to name in her honor. Tangelo Orchard you'll call it (although that might be misleading since you have no intention of growing tangelos...) Finally, you say you know you don't have much to offer, but you would be honored if she would deign to call the orchard her earthly home. She looks you over, then smiles and says yes, she would be happy to live with you on your orchard. You're not sure what your partner will have to say about this, but whatever, it's probably fine. He'll be one of your first converts. And now, you are faced with a choice.

    A) Live happily ever after on the orchard until some unforeseen cataclysmic event calls you back to battle as an old Saint of Tangelo in a few decades. (LET'S TIMESKIP FOLKS whooooo)

    B) Eat an orange and regain your psychic powers (and maybe cause the apocalypse in the process, who knows?)

    C) Die happy.

    D) Wake up in the hospital.

  11. 15 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    A) "Hey beautiful. Did you just fall from heaven right now?

    The pegasus knight rolls her eyes, but you can tell she's into it anyway. She says she's not dead, you idiot. This is what really happened....

    A) Aum Staff

    B) Outrealms nonsense

    C) Body double by Invoke magic

    D) She's a goddess!! (Looks like you've got a religion now, sport!)

  12. 2 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    D) Ask the witch queen by what metric you're getting paid

    You ask the witch queen by what metric you're getting paid. How do you feel about oranges, she says. You simply reply YES. She tells you to get back to work. You are about to try your hand at defeating a shaman when a flying unit swoops in out of nowhere and defeats him, taking the exp for herself! That's kill-stealing! How do you confront her?

    A) Like a Monk. (Excuse me, but I had planned to take that experience.)

    B) Like a Pirate (Y'aaarrr, nobody steals from Shanty Pete!!)

    C) Like a playah (Hey baby, I saw that kill you got there. Realllllll nice.)

    D) Like a coward (you don't say a word)



  13. 7 minutes ago, illegal knight said:

    A. Abandon the ship! Swim for your life!

    Well this is a disaster! You've got to get out of here! The ship is passing a small island, and you vault yourself overboard and into the sea. Within a few minutes, you have made it to shore, where a curious voice mentions some sort of trial. You really don't have time for that. Besides, you're still feeling sort of nauseous. You're going to have to...

    A) Pass out.

    B) Attempt the trial (you're still seeking out those psychic powers and maybe this will give them to you!)

    C) Try to swim back to the ship.

    D) Check for new supports.

  14. 1 hour ago, ProfImpossible said:

    Your brain is addled after the crash, you look for something to calm yourself. "If only I had another quesadilla" you think to yourself. Just then you feel a ripping and gluing together sensation. You're in a land filled with exotic tortillas and cheeses the likes of which you've never seen before. The smell of freshly cooked quesadillas wafts from every house. Before you start tearing down every house to feast on the delicious contents, there's a crack, a sizzle and the smell of cheese so hot and melty it would horribly burn your skin. Some has appeared before you.

    "Hello, I am the Quesadilla Fairy, I have come to welcome you to, the quesadilla dimension! Only those who stay true to their heart on their quest for quesadillas can be transported here."

    Well, you're either in a magical land of enchantment, or you died from that crash and this is some sort of Jacob's ladder scenario. Either way you're pretty psyched about all these quesadillas. 

    Aw, man.... Is that the end?

    I would do this again, it was fun!!

  15. 9 hours ago, Karimlan said:

    B. Take your chances and eat the quesadilla?

    You want a quesadilla and you want it NOW! Who cares about a little green around the edges? It'll probably be FIIIIIIIIIIIINE.......

    As you near a bridge, you take one bite of the quesadilla and immediately pass out. Hours later, you climb out of your mangled car after waking up at the bottom of a ravine. The car is destroyed, but strangely, you are completely unscathed. However, you ARE stuck at the bottom of ravine. What do you do now? (SELECT YOUR SUPERPOWER)

    A) Discover the ability to shoot sticky cheese out of your fingers.

    B) Discover the ability to create a giant wave of taco shells.

    C) Discover the ability to travel to the quesadilla dimension.

  16. On 6/25/2018 at 10:11 AM, ProfImpossible said:

    3.) I hate taco bell, I wanna go to Taco John's!

    You suddenly remember that you HATE Taco Bell with a burning passion. You make a U-Turn at an intersection, but you are so focused on your vitriolic hatred for Taco Bell that you didn't notice the NO U-TURNS sign!! However, you DO notice the police car beginning to follow you with lights flashing. What you do you?

    A) Pull over and talk to them. Maybe they also hate Taco Bell?

    B) Speed up and outrun them!

    C) Try to teleport to the quesadilla dimension.

    D) Jump out of the car with my hands in the air and announce that on second thought, I'd REALLY rather not have a quesadilla.

  17. C, I'll summon one from the quesadilla dimension. What could possibly go wrong??

    You try to summon a quesadilla from the quesadilla dimension, but you realize you've lost your summoning scroll. Do you

    A) Search your residence for the scroll

    B) Check the library for a similar scroll

    C) On second thought, I'd rather not have a quesadilla.

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