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John Denver Fan

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Everything posted by John Denver Fan

  1. No, you can't reset the history maps without making a new save file, there isn't even an option to do it. Not even in the latest update.
  2. I am going to college to be trained for the military. I will also study law to become a Security Officer. I will become a Security Officer once I am discharged from military, I will be in the Air Force, my family on my mother's side fought from World War I to the Gulf War.
  3. Azama. Which character would you think would do the Ice Bucket challenge?
  4. 64. Throw a Nintendo 64 into the TVs in the electronics section 65: Make every radio in the store and even on the store's speakers play this song
  5. 57. Bringing Amiibos into Walmart in your pocket and placing them in the check out place. 58. Play this song when Texas Pete hot sauce is on sale:
  6. A monthly update of the web isn't required if you listen to classic country music songs while you post here like I do.
  7. No gospel songs go like this 3: What A Friend We Have In Jesus 2: How Great Thou Art 1: The Old Rugged Cross Have you been to another country?
  8. I eat two plate fulls of food like my late father. I then go for Ice Cream or a piece or two of cake. Do you have a Nintendo Switch?
  9. Well this is fun the device I use is shaky when commenting, but my grammar is still good. Wow am I the first person to post and get the grammar all correct? Look I didn't make a mistake in Grammar!
  10. 51. Take the alcoholic drinks and take them to the sports section and destroy them using a axe and yell "There is a new Prohibition" 52. Use the shopping carts and run while knocking shit of the shelves while riding the shopping cart
  11. 47. Say that there is a Tsunami Warning when there isn't 48: Take a fiddle in the store and sing this song:
  12. Well welcome back. I hope that will never happen again to you. May you enjoy your time here.
  13. It is a sad day today it is 5 years to the day that my daddy died.
  14. Because I am a Christian, I think the premarital sex is wrong, because the parents may not be ready to have a child before marriage, so if you want to have children, then people should wait when they are married and ready to have a child to avoid being a bad parent, in fact what I said has been told in my family for many generations, going back to the 1770s.
  15. Good one, I needed that today. It cheered me up from my sadness a bit. 41. Spraypaint "Vsauce is a good YouTube channel" on the front of the store. 42. Hide all the Easter chocolate around the store... even in the least expected places.
  16. Shows the Eevee a picture of my late father. *cries very hard because today is the 5th anniversary of his death*
  17. Well that was the only positive thing out of my time on this thread that I mentioned a mod and the mod came. 1
  18. That is true, but there is also bad religions, not just evil cults. The evil cults are formed when people of a religion twists their sacred book's words. I'll note one but will not reveal its name for obvious reasons. That cult that branched from Islam and controlled a lot of Syria and Iraq at its peak. If I am correct on the second one. They want Islam to be a world religion. Of course people started complaining about Islam due to the group. IMPORTANT NOTE: I am not trying to offend anybody, I am just highlighting a way that people think that religions are bad.
  19. 37. Swap the the items from the hardware section with items from the electronics section especially Amiibos. 38. Make this song play on the speakers:
  20. 5/10 not my style. This is a childhood favourite:
  21. I don't have any, but the ones I used to have, I forgot their personalities. Have you been to a buffet?
  22. Banned for not capitalizing the word Amiibo.
  23. 34. Make a Mario Kart style bike tournament using banana peels, ice, ice cream, and motor oil as items in the toy section 35. Yell that a tornado is coming into the speakers when there is no tornado coming
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