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Posts posted by Humanoid

  1. So I had some expiring Google rewards credit to burn and I literally don't have anything else to use it on other than FEH Pass, so I guess I'm getting a Reposition.

    Big upgrade in art to be fair, not that it was a particularly hard thing to do.

    (Guess I'll now have the choice of sparking the Legendary or the upcoming seasonal instead of AHR, or perhaps I could do two of them with some farming)

  2. Sniping blue and grey almost went spectacularly pear-shaped as it was looking like my only 5-star exclusive pull on the way to the spark would be a +Def -Spd Niime, more than 30 pulls in. At least she's new I guess. (There was a Nailah too but whatever)

    Fortunately I was saved by the last circle, which resulted in a +Atk -Def Hortensia at pull #41. That meant I could safely spark Neutral Ivy and be done with this banner, which is just as well because I have 12 orbs left. If I had failed, there was zero chance I'd ever go for the second (ticketless) spark so I'd have sparked Horty and bailed.

    Almost forgot to do the MHB, it's on it's final day, and from thus does the long road to orb recovery start. Geez, feels like only a few weeks ago I had 300. Just going to get enough to safely spark AHR and then retire from the game again.

  3. HoF lineup:


    Legendary Ryoma, Halloween Corrins, Fallen Lilith

    Mauvier skills:


    Penitent Lance

    Grants Def+3. At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants【Hexblade】and【Null Panic to unit and allies within 3 spaces of unit. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack, inflicts penalty to foe's Atk/Def = number of【Bonus】effects active on unit, excluding stat bonuses, × 2, + 6 (max 12), and if number of【Bonus】effects active on unit excluding stat bonuses ≥ 3, reduces damage from foe's first attack by X% during combat (if foe can make a follow-up attack, X = 80; otherwise, X = 40; "first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes).


    Seal Atk (seriously)

    Rouse Atk/Def

  4. 1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

    And there's really no reason to bother with transferring Atk/Spd Catch 4 from her considering we still don't have Atk/Spd Catch 3 in the standard 4-star pool, so you're probably going to be grabbing it at the same time as Atk/Spd Catch 3 from another source anyways.

    True in that there's also probably no live candidate in my barracks for a Catch skill anyway. For cavalry my best candidate would probably be Veronica, but I'd probably rather wait for a newer unit, probably a grail-based one. For fliers I'd have even fewer options, I don't have Scion Nanna because I wasn't active back then and beyond that there's a +1 CYL Camilla. Eh.

    Then again, my preferred infantry healer would be Elice and I've pulled two copies of her since her debut (and only one Nyna), so I've got nothing.

  5. My eyes skipped over the word Rearmed there and thought it was just Attuned Ivy and regular Hortensia. Having both hero types present kinda changes everything about this banner, far more than the few Rearmed + Ascended hero banners we've had in the past.

    I'll wait for a more digestible explanation of what each of them do, but at the moment I think this is easily ahead of whatever the upcoming Legendary banner might bring. Though of course that might be another Legendary + Emblem banner, hmm.

  6. Picked up a free +HP -Spd Duo Elise on her re-run banner. I already had a +Spd -Atk one, and that makes it tricky in terms of deciding whether to merge once to get rid of that Atk bane. Oh who am I kidding, I don't do anything with my units these days and just leave them there until they become obsolete.

    Today's seasonal banner had decent stuff on it besides Red, so I went ahead and spent around 60 orbs on it, for a return of ...another Duo Elise (+Res -Spd) and my first Wind Claude (+Res -HP), right after I bad-mouthed his art. They came on the fourth and fifth tickets, narrowly averting disaster. (Regrettably, across those 6 circles there was literally one blue orb)

    Weekly arena freebie is Caineghis. He shows up an awful lot from these, I could get him to +5 minimum if I merged all my copies.

  7. Bit the bullet and pulled my current-gen seasonal freebie, which turned out to be +Res -Def Halloween Flayn. New and more than acceptable.

    As for the SHSR summons, there was not a great deal of variety in my 20 with multiple units showing up twice, and to be honest I can't tell whether most of them are new. Priority was red > blue > grey the whole way. Bolded are best guess but I could be lying.

    1. Summer Lilina
    2. Bride Caeda
    3. Summer Noire
    4. Harmonic Altina
    5. Dancer Olivia
    6. Summer Young Tiki
    7. Summer Joshua
    8. Masquerade Ethlyn
    9. Duo Sigurd
    10. Bride Sigrun
    11. Harmonic Altina (again)
    12. Winter Tharja
    13. Picnic Flora
    14. Summer Young Tiki (again)
    15. Summer Tana
    16. Picnic Flora (again)
    17. Summer Leo
    18. Summer Cordelia
    19. Duo Sigurd (again)
    20. Bride Caeda (again)

    I focused on red for the sheer number of Duos and Harmonics, and to get four of them total is pretty decent I guess, albeit only two actual unique units. Sigurd was my most wanted unit so can't complain there, even if I failed to get my second priority unit, Duo F Byleth. The lowlight of course is finally getting Summer Leoed, but I suppose he's no less relevant (which is to say, not at all) than units 2-4 years newer this days.

    Weekly arena freebie is Eyvel. I'm thinking that as of the last wave of demotions, I will continue to prioritise grey, but replace my second choice of green with red.

  8. 19 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

    You could do what I do and just put all your Attuned/ Rearmed Heroes in a separate. As recent updates have taught me, just knowing you have spares to clone skills with makes building units so much easier and less stressful.

    Yeah, I'm in a bit of a ridiculous (self-inflicted) situation at the moment where I have a ton of Rearmed/Attuned heroes because I recognise that they're "objectively" great value to pull for, but at the same time I never actually do anything with them because I've stopped building any units. I just don't play enough to make any real effort worthwhile and really am only committing for this anniversary month before likely going inactive again.

    I sort of got rewarded for the fake patience with the quintuple inheritance change arriving, and with there likely to be no further changes in the lifetime of the game, the best time to use those heroes would probably be now - or at least soon after the next batch of Divine Codes heroes are released next month. Let's see if I can be bothered.

    My haul of these heroes so far:
    2x Triandra
    4x Ophelia
    3x Alfred
    2x Plumeria
    2x Ganglot
    3x Peony
    2x Sonya
    2x Grima

    Not a single one has been used for SI.

  9. Edelgard vs Peony - Edelgard simply because I don't have her and because I have three Peonies I've yet to use. I won't be upset if Peony wins though, whereas I would if she was a regular hero type.

    Camilla vs Claude - Same kind of role, but I have to go with Camilla, simply because I think the wink on Claude's neutral art looks rubbish. Winter Claude is way better looking. Maybe he should cover his eye up like Camilla?

    Alear vs Sanaki - I have no particular fondness for Sanaki as a character (and slightly resent the influence of Sanaki-dev), but highly mobile nuke with multi-kill potential will beat out a standard foot-locked unit every time, even if I didn't already have Alear.

    Gullveig vs Dimitri - As above, Galeforce ranged cavalry wins every time. Sure she'll be re-run more often, but Dimitri was sparkable so eh.

  10. Pretty solid. I have Alear and Peony - three Peonies actually - but even then a fourth Peony would be better than Alear for my purposes. It figures then that the unit I want most - Sanaki - is likely to be knocked out by the unit I want least.

    My preferred banner composition in terms of the units I'd rather have is Edelgard, Camilla, Sanaki, Gullveig. However that banner would be colour-balanced and bad in terms of 5-star rate. On the other hand, it's possible to have a repeat green dream if round one works out: Peony, Camilla/Claude, Alear, Dimitri. I'd be fine with that for obvious reasons.

  11. If I wasn't just making an anniversary whirlwind visit I'd probably have skipped the banner entirely, but I chose instead to try for sniping green on the Valentine's banner. Pull #8 was +Def -Atk Duo Lyon, so mission accomplished.

  12. I wouldn't be surprised if they added a game mode that does rely on Emblem units (and corresponding merges) for scoring, but even then it'll likely be far better to get multiple Emblems instead of one highly merged one.

    Consider Harmonic heroes scoring for Resonant Battles right now. Even with just 1-2 merges across the two units you need for scoring, it's often enough to get into T21. Merges add literally a solitary point each.


    That said, I'm still pretty inclined to give my most commonly used units at least a single merge, both to get rid of ugly red banes and because the first merge is 2.5 to 3 times better than subsequent ones (and because getting a duplicate to merge is generally cheaper than the Trait Fruit expenditure).

  13. Got baited into breaking my pity rate on today's new b8% banner, which reached 9.5%. In the end I got +HP -Def Summer Fjorm and +Spd -HP Bride Say'ri which is acceptable for 70-odd orbs but it leaves me a bit short for any upcoming banners. Did get long-overdue merges for Dorothy, Lapis and a base +Spd Fee so that's a decent bonus.

    Two more daily seasonal freebies: Picnic Flora and another Summer Young Tiki.

  14. Today's job lot of free seasonals:

    - Dancer Olivia (umm, you know what I mean)
    - Summer Young Tiki
    - Summer Joshua
    - Masquerade Ethlyn
    - Masquerade Duo Sigurd
    - Bridal Sigrun
    - Winter Harmonic Altina
    - Winter Tharja

    I'll consider the Duo and the Harmonic a win there. Few other new units but whatever.

  15. Finally a decent seasonal freebie in the form of Harmonic Altina. I've only just twigged that their epithet is Cross-Time Duo, but that they're not actually a Duo unit, huh.

    The Hero Fest lineup this year is pretty meh, so I decided to just open the two blues on the first round. The free one was a Neutral Alfred, my second. Nice.

    1. Summer Lilina
    2. Bride Caeda
    3. Summer Noire
    4. Harmonic Altina

  16. A case of two-and-a-half men (and all from 3H).

    Of the top 20, I only have Alear, Elincia, Igrene, Ivy and Peony, so 15/20 would be new to me. Ideally would like to get a Duo/Harmonic out of this, but I wouldn't be upset at getting any of the 15.

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