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Everything posted by samthedigital

  1. In a pinch Impregnable Wall works, but everyone being one rounded is a bit of an exaggeration. Dodge tanks and units with high defense can lure some enemies, but it's probably not a good idea for a unit to take on a lot of enemies on enemy phase unless they're built specifically for that purpose. A lot of the work is done on player phase; you want to make sure that your units can not be countered by making sure that enemies are dead or otherwise incapacitated. I would have suggested you play NG instead of NG+ in that case. You can still purchase some weapon ranks and professor levels I'd imagine, but if you are familiar with the mechanics and battalions in general Maddening is not that hard. It's also fairly easy to get a high professor rank early on even though it's tedious.
  2. I don't find that weight -3 is particularly useful. There are a lot of good skills that you want to prioritize above that like hit +20, death/darting blow, and the prowess skills just to name a few. You probably won't do a lot of dodge tanking either, and there are better skills to use than weight-3 for the characters that can anyway. If you're doing ng+ can't you just get basically every skill with every unit though?
  3. Battle animations with the animations off are twice as slow in PoR compared to the GBA games. People have complained that FE8 is too easy, so if you have not seen that particular criticism you are not looking hard enough. Otherwise the GBA games don't really have the same issues as PoR does, so you won't find the same kinds of complaints. You can call FE6's difficulty 'whack', even though I would disagree, but that doesn't change the fact that it is more difficult than FE9 is.
  4. It's kind of funny because I think that the appeal to this game is that it is kind of mindless Fire Emblem entertainment as far as the gameplay goes. It's definitely the easiest game released outside of Japan in my opinion, and how good (or bad) I am at Fire Emblem has nothing to do with it. I'm not sure why you are so seemingly critical of legitimate complaints though, and you seem to be under the assumption that people would not criticize other games in the series for similar problems.
  5. I don't like that the maps are large while also having large gaps between action. It's hard to propose a solution without fundamentally changing the game though. Besides that quality of life changes would be nice, but I don't know that I would enjoy a remake that much anyway because of the first problem.
  6. The knight ring doesn't really have to go to anyone. It's not a consumable item, so you are free to experiment.
  7. The game is only easier than intended if the strategy is easy to implement and if the player chooses to use it. If there are too many of them it becomes difficult to play the game in a way that doesn't break it. I think that it's fun and rewarding to break a game if it takes some effort to do. I don't care what the game designers intend to do, but it is perfectly reasonable to assume that they make these sorts of things possible on purpose some of the time.
  8. While I do think that this is true to some extent I was not implying this at all. The point is that if every strategy is equally effective it means that there is either no overpowered strategy (or character, skill, build, etc) or too many of them. Neither of those options are desirable to me, and that assumes that this can be done in a way that doesn't homogenize everything in the first place.
  9. I on the other hand would not want to see a perfectly balanced Fire Emblem game. It does not make any difference to me that certain options are much better, and balancing things would likely mean nerfing things that are a lot of fun to use or making everything broken. Neither option is particularly attractive to me as long as care is put into making most options effective.
  10. I don't have to edit the quote if I want to respond to a specific part of the message, and formatting can get ugly when there are multiple things that I want to talk about seperately.
  11. It's something I started doing because I'm lazy and didn't want to deal with formatting.
  12. If you want to play a game 'well' you're going to have to limit yourself to only a handful of options anyway regardless of how balanced the game is. There's always going to be one thing that is slightly better, so you have to compromise even in the most balanced games. As long as there are a lot of options that work well enough it really shouldn't matter that there are only a handful of optimal strategies. I don't think that Fire Emblem specifically has ever managed balance particularly well in any case.
  13. I think that balance is overrated. As long as the game gives me enough tools and options to make the game fun then I don't think that balance is important. The game's structure alone was controversial as soon as it came out from what I remember.
  14. I would give the player the option to select the difficulty without having to do multiple playthroughs to unlock them in FE7 and add in some other quality of life feature. It's difficult to suggest anything that would make the game appeal to me more though without changing it completely.
  15. This is exactly the reason why I suggested that luck isn't an important stat. You're trying to argue that a 5 crit avoid difference at 20/20 is enough for Corrin to face a significantly increased chance of death from a random crit, and 5 crit avoid is just a number. Crits don't matter when playing Conquest as a player phase heavy game, most of the game can be trivialized at the point where the difference is highest, and many enemies do not have the tools available to either crit or deal significant damage to a luck bane Corrin (guard stance, weapons, low stats, etc). You might also want to consider the fact that there are enough stat boosters to distrobute to the few units that do want to fight a lot on enemy phase if you are worried about it.
  16. The branch of fate trick is not online dlc, and public consensus on semanics is not something I care to waste my time with. If you care strongly about it then why not create a new topic or PM me rather than just admiting that it wasn't worth continuing the discussion here?
  17. Using tonics is not costly, and they are largely unnecessary for most situations even with a luck bane (and that's assuming that there was any other point to Goddess Icons). I also feel that it's kind of obvious that attack stance and heartseeker are not always good solutions to fix hit, but that point seems to have gone over your head.
  18. If you're ever worried about getting crit you can just use tonics or stat boosters, but even without those Corrin does not face much in the way of crit rates even with the bane. It's the most common one for a reason; point for point luck is by far the worst stat. I'm a little confused at the mention of Ryoma. He is one of the bosses where having more skill helps, and at worst it's just an extra heal since he likely can't one round Corrin. It's also a little ironic that your argument for luck could also be made for skill. The commonality among all these points is that you're assuming that the game is played in a specific way to match your tastes. You might not find +skl to be very useful, but I could list alternatives that are either just as effective or more effective in some scenarios. I'm not really sure why you don't think that it's worth it for Corrin to double more consistently early on, but ok.
  19. It doesn't matter if you call it a trick or an exploit; those are just semantics. It is something that exists in the game, and I do not need to talk about every mechanic that I would use.
  20. Skill boon offers 3 skill at base and a 25% growth (so it effectively matches those kinds of numbers), and Corrin is not always going to pick up Heartseeker. It depends on the build and on the threshholds that Corrin is likely to hit, so this isn't always true. In the case of speed even a Knight build (and I'm not sure why anyone would do that) can get to doubling ranges with tonics and pairup bonuses. At worst there are speedwings if it becomes a problem, and there are a lot more of those than is necessary anyway. Branch of fate trick means using branch of fate after playing through the start of the game to change her boon/bane so that she gets a few points of growths with another boon. It's particularly useful to be able to double more at the start of the game and to get a few points of extra speed. I'm not sure how it would be impractical. We use the words he/she to refer to people in the english language, and functionally speaking it doesn't really matter in this context. Otherwise you're just trying to be pedantic and it's a waste of time on both ends.
  21. In games where enemies do attack units they can't damage I would agree that a unit with really high defense would be more useful. I don't find Effie to be particularly useful for the long term, but that has more to do with things unrelated to her defense. It's probably safe to assume that we were meant to compare one defense at a time though. It's a difficult question without factoring in instances where a unit wants to tank multiple damage types, and it's not nearly as common. Otherwise you're overthinking the question a little.
  22. The luck boon is much worse, and I probably don't need to explain why. Otherwise it's not quite that easy to boost hit, and it's generally not the primary thing that most units want when boosting stats with meals. The argument against the defense boons is that they don't provide much of a boost statistically, and +def can make it harder to get Corrin's defense in the right threshholds for enemies to attack her while dealing low amounts of damage. The speed boon is mostly superfluous, and with the branch of fates trick Corrin will likely never have problems doubling. The other 4 boons are all useful, but the advantage skill has is that it helps Corrin hit more consistently against random enemies, she hits dodgier bosses like Fuga and Kotaro more consistently, and she doesn't have to worry about using WTA or being in the correct class to hit reliably. Randomly missing is more noticable with a Bolt Axe, but it's still something that can happen from time to time with just about any attack. The problem could be solved by using skill books (meals too I guess, but other units need help with damage output far more than Corrin does), but by freeing those up we let another unit hit everything consistently. Xander can one shot ninjas somewhat reliably with Siegfried as an example of a potential use for them. Skill boon offers the greatest boost to any stat that isn't completely useless too, so that's something else to factor in. The only big disadvantage is that not having +str makes one rounding Takumi a lot more challenging, but there are ways around it.
  23. That's if her defense doesn't get to a point where enemies won't attack her. There are also a lot of ways of fixing a unit's defense in this game while there are limited options to buff HP. I can't give you good advice because I just hop dragon veins to cheese the chapter. It's the only time where I find traditional a traditional tank to be effective (chapter 17 might be an exception too if I want to play it really slowly). Otherwise in situations like in chapter 19 I would find a unit capable of taking a lot of enemy hits and clear every enemy on enemy phase, so the unit has to be good enough to do a lot more than just take hits. If we were going to compare a Berserker to a Sorcerer we would be comparing them in one defense stat and not both at the same time. Unless Corrin has -Def there is always some small chance that she gets defense blessed and some enemies don't attack her depending on the map and situation. It is pretty rare as I mentioned though.
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