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Nowi's Husband

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Everything posted by Nowi's Husband

  1. I want Kaden and Selkie. Kaden's the likely demoted but I'm looking for excuses to pull blue for Nowi merges anyway, and I might get a Reyson from green. Planning to support Kaden to PA Azura and Selkie to MKana.
  2. An alternative if they don't do that is to remove them from the summoning pool, and add them to the grails list.
  3. Thanks to the removal of her Res bane with the update, I was able to solo it where I needed Witch Nowi last time.
  4. Don't have a wind legendary so Lyn is fine, don't have Duma for anima, and Myrrge would be appreciated to remove bane. Only disappointed if I get Azura.
  5. I don't use preset teams besides the first either. Nowi, Witch Nowi, Fae, Nino with the most expensive skills I have at +10 for the lead. Witch Nowi has Red Duel Flier, and Nino gets Green Infantry version if I get Helbindi. Maria will take Nino's place otherwise once she's +10 since she had Colorless Duel Infantry.
  6. Rebecca for me, I wince when I summon her it's so bad. Her eyes are just disgusting.
  7. If we get Fates beasts I'm hoping Kaden is the demotion, I'd love to get him for free. We went a long stretch with no demotions at the end of last year, Reyson is a good start, we just need more.
  8. Excellent, got exactly who I wanted both times. Summer Leo to give Witch Nowi Tomato Tome, and Summer Micaiah to use. I like Micaiah but not enough to spend orbs on, so I still didn't have her regular form.
  9. First thing I'm doing is inheriting Kumade+ and Earthfire Balm+ to Maria from that NY bundle. I got a pity breaker Loki, so Maria is capable of joining the arena cheerleaders with Nowi and Witch Nowi.
  10. I'm going with the surrogate idea myself to have Ike and Soren together but still have a descendant. Unless they make a sequel and show Ike settling down with a woman instead of Soren I'm not giving up the ship.
  11. Infantry clear was Nowi, Maria, Smolzura, YTiki. Nowi was already able to solo Infernal so this was a breeze, just send Nowi in and watch them drop like flies.
  12. Mixed is favorite cause Nowi and Witch Nowi are different types. Least favorite would be cavalry, they are offensive and I'm more into end turning.
  13. This is rare, I hardly ever pick the winner from the start. Besides Owain I think Elise on healers and Ike on CYL were the only ones.
  14. Super hyped to get Titania, finally a red tome Valentine's weapon to give Witch Nowi, and it's from the freebie so I don't have to burn orbs like the 280 it took for Candelabra. Not to mention, I still have yet to pull a +Atk regular Titania to promote, so it'll be nice to have a 5* of her in my barracks to use, thought she was a great character. Ike and Soren being on a Valentine's banner makes me smile since I ship them, already S ranked their normal forms together. Greil getting in, and Mist getting a horse alt, I like everything about this banner. I need to save orbs though, been burning through a lot lately and I need a break. Free pull going to Mist, since I still don't have her regular form.
  15. Went red for 2017 cause I wanted Tomato Tome for Witch Nowi and got it, she's on track to have every tome possible now, just need Fenrir and Balgonone. Also going red for 2018, could get a merge for SYTiki or HMyrrh, fodder for Nowi from NYHrid or NYGunnthra, or SMicaiah to use.
  16. The overlapping green dragon and blue mage at the start were daunting, glad there was that one space I could split them up to get started. Positioning was really tricky here, not one assist skill went to waste. Enemy generic dragons were blisteringly fast, Nowi wasn't able to keep up anymore and had to eat doubles everywhere.
  17. I'll free pull blue for a chance at LTiki merge and that's it. Getting Kliff or another dancer wouldn't be bad either.
  18. This one was very easy, uploaded within minutes of release.
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